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Ranger weapons help - new patch.


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Hey there guys.

Please help me out.

Please also note that I want some ``noob`` variations taking into account that flanking the boss is out of the question. 


I start with POWER DPS.

So as a ranger soulbeast I used so far dagger\axe + greatsword. Now that is a very old build that it does not work anymore.

I see that on the build sites there is an updated build that uses axe\axe + longbow. I really hate longbow tho. I just can't get it to work.

What do you guys think about the axe\axe + axe\warhorn situation? Me honestly I don't understand warhorn?

Wouldn't axe\axe + axe\axe make more sense? That way you can get 2x ``Whirling Defense`` into 1 ``One Wolf Pack``.



So I also made some while ago a condi dps build. I took the ``shortbow only variation``. Why? because it is a very easy and ranged build with which I can learn encounters. For example deimos has been amazing with this build, I can really concentrate on everything happening. 

I do would like to add a little more dps (currently 22k max) but also keeping the ``ranged dps`` role kinda.

I see that build sites suggest shortbow + dagger\torch.

Is there anything I can get for my secondary weapon set that can be ranged?

For example shortbow + axe/torch... But mainhand axe is power weapon not condi 😞

Any suggestions?


Thank you all for the upcoming help guys. Really appreciated.

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11 minutes ago, Lovele.1597 said:

Hey there guys.

Please help me out.

Please also note that I want some ``noob`` variations taking into account that flanking the boss is out of the question. 


I start with POWER DPS.

So as a ranger soulbeast I used so far dagger\axe + greatsword. Now that is a very old build that it does not work anymore.

I see that on the build sites there is an updated build that uses axe\axe + longbow. I really hate longbow tho. I just can't get it to work.

What do you guys think about the axe\axe + axe\warhorn situation? Me honestly I don't understand warhorn?

Wouldn't axe\axe + axe\axe make more sense? That way you can get 2x ``Whirling Defense`` into 1 ``One Wolf Pack``.



So I also made some while ago a condi dps build. I took the ``shortbow only variation``. Why? because it is a very easy and ranged build with which I can learn encounters. For example deimos has been amazing with this build, I can really concentrate on everything happening. 

I do would like to add a little more dps (currently 22k max) but also keeping the ``ranged dps`` role kinda.

I see that build sites suggest shortbow + dagger\torch.

Is there anything I can get for my secondary weapon set that can be ranged?

For example shortbow + axe/torch... But mainhand axe is power weapon not condi 😞

Any suggestions?


Thank you all for the upcoming help guys. Really appreciated.

well  for starters you need to know that weapons maintain their cds, i mean that if you have 2axes and on swap another 2 axes youll maintain the cds and the only anvantage would be sigil on swap effects, if you had 10 secs on axe 5 and swap to another axe you maintain those 10 secs, thats why people use 2 diferent weapons.

now for lb its pretty simple to use, the only thi gs to look for are, lb5 is a channel, so you need to be carefull not to cancel it too soon, and lb4 is a push, so maybe you dont want to use it some times, lb2 does good dmg and the auto has good dmg too even at melee range, axe axe is good now because axe main has axe2 wich now does huge dmg, compare to before, as for gs i dont realy know too much, havent used it in a wile.

for condi, axe torch might as well work, axe 2 does good dmg and axe 3 is decent, the problem is, you realy want to learn how to melee, i know its difficult on some bosses, deimos is a pain in the kitten, but think that allwais ranged means you can easily be out of heal range, step on another mecanic by mistake, etc, also ranging allwais makes you dependant on it, what i mean is, being melee has certain risks and you need to get used to them, vg blues, deimos black goo, gorse eggs, etc, if you dont fail those mecs whule learning you will when you are cleaning and you will feel worse, try going melee and train those melee mecanics, even using sb and axe torch being melee helps as some hits have fan shapes and at melee you hit more projectiles than ranged.

also you can try untamed, it is kinda gimmicky, but it prob works decently.

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5 minutes ago, Lovele.1597 said:

I start with POWER DPS.

So as a ranger soulbeast I used so far dagger\axe + greatsword. Now that is a very old build that it does not work anymore.

I see that on the build sites there is an updated build that uses axe\axe + longbow. I really hate longbow tho. I just can't get it to work.

What do you guys think about the axe\axe + axe\warhorn situation? Me honestly I don't understand warhorn?

Wouldn't axe\axe + axe\axe make more sense? That way you can get 2x ``Whirling Defense`` into 1 ``One Wolf Pack``.

If you have the same weapon on both weapon sets, the cooldown is shared. Mainhand axe has relatively short cds, so it is ok to use it for both sets, but offhand cds are longer, so you want something different, even if it deals less dmg in comparison. That's why axe/axe + axe/wh is a thing - and it is imo the easiest variation of power soulbeast and absolutely competitive with the longbow version, especially if your rotation is not flawless. So that's what i would recommend.

Axe/axe + GS is decent too, but harder to pull off properly than axe/wh.


5 minutes ago, Lovele.1597 said:




I do would like to add a little more dps (currently 22k max) but also keeping the ``ranged dps`` role kinda.

I see that build sites suggest shortbow + dagger\torch.

Is there anything I can get for my secondary weapon set that can be ranged?

For example shortbow + axe/torch... But mainhand axe is power weapon not condi 😞

Any suggestions?

Axe is a hybrid weapon and with the recent buffs it might actually be on par if not better than dagger, even for a condi build. However i do not actually now how either performs, so take this statement with a grain of salt.

Generally condi soulbeast has fallen off with the stance nerfs tho and power tends to be better for this spec.

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Mainhand axe can be power or condi. It was condi for a while but they buffed the power coefficients on some of the skills a lot.


However you'd be better off with the current condi Untamed build which is axe/axe (one in each weapon set, 1 mh 1 offhand set, so you can still weapon swap for sigils that use it. There is a variation that uses bursting instead of geomancy for a tiny dps loss but no need to weapon swap). Shortbow is kind of meh right now, you need offhand axe for Fervent Force on Untamed so no torch, and no dagger on untamed.


Condi soulbeast is unviable right now due to the loss of duration on Leader of the Pack, the stance sharing trait.

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Although it isn't available on most benchmarking websites Hammer and Greatsword Untamed does exist and has very good damage. Not Soulbeast levels but close enough especially in open world. The main advantage with the power version is it has huge survivability and cleave.

The main difference between the two Untamed builds is what you almost permanently unleash. Power you keep yourself unleashed 90% of the time while Condition keeps your pet unleashed 90% of the time.

Edited by Mell.4873
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