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So I discovered P/P Condi Daredevil...


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On 8/25/2022 at 2:06 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

hey buddy!

nice build! I have been using this build for a long time, until someone enlightened me and opened my eyes!  May i introduce you to the min/maxed version of this build? 


the interaction between aristocracy and "weakening strikes" paired with +92% mightduration will have you sitting at 25 might permanently!

if you place one pistol in your mainhand on first weaponset, and the other pistol on backhand onf your secondweaponset, you can switch weapons to procc energysigil and sigil of battle, without ever leaving your p/p weaponset(you still have the stats as if you were holding 2 pistols in each hand, altho gw2skill.net doesnt show it, it 100% works ingame). You can swap during your dodgeroll, which will instantly fill up your dodgebar again and grant you 5 might for 21 seconds. Just from them sigil alone you reach 15 might. Pairing it with the interaction between "weakeningstrikes" and Rune of aristocracy will have you sitting at 25 might nice and comfy! 😃

A celestialbuild with 25 might? what else could you want! ❤️


Just trust me and give this build a shot! Bow is completly unnecassary here! youd be surprised how much more juicy you can squeeze out of this build! But the overall idea is not bad! you just have to abuse the available things a LIIIITLE bit more 😉 

The interaction of "weakeningstrikes"+aristocracy is carrying SO HARD! 92% mightduration makes this builds damage skyrocket compared to what you are running right now! The overall tooltip of the bleed might appear lower, but that is due to you COMPLETLY OVERSHOOTING bleed duration! NOONE is ever going to let a 12 second bleed tick on them. Any conditionduration that is over 7 seconds is overkill. But actually the bleeddamage will be even higher because cele with 25 might reaches higher Conditiondamage numbers than your build(cele=1676; yours 1668), while still dealing signifcantly more powerdamage(2389power; 55%crit with fury; 192% critdamage)! Your stealth attacks suddenly deal up to 5k powerdamage and you dont loose a tiny bit of condition damage compared to what you are running now. Furthermore your sustain will skyrocket thanks to the healingpower of cele and you will have permanent protection thanks to the +Boonduration.

Just give it a try and youll see^^

Good luck hunting!

Ihope you read this message.I'm new to GW2 and wanted to ask if the build can also be used for PvE, if not do you know one for PvE with pistols that works in a similar way?
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11 hours ago, Revo.2817 said:
Ihope you read this message.I'm new to GW2 and wanted to ask if the build can also be used for PvE, if not do you know one for PvE with pistols that works in a similar way?

edit: try this build

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Yes, this build (or its likeness) has been around for some time, also in its cele/Aristocracy guise. A number of people have claimed credit for the original build.


The mechanics of the build is strong enough that you could change a bunch of things and it's still perfectly playable and very effective. For example, I've gone Deadly Arts instead of Trickery, or used the Venom heal for an insane recovery due to Leeching Venoms. Against some players, you could have no weapon swap, two utils and no elite, and you'll still win.


Even if caught by surprise, you can easily retaliate and rapidly even the odds, followed by winning the fight. Some folk are good enough to 'rupt/disable before you can get Pistol 5 off. And I've run into a very good DE that puts up screen, followed by kneel 2 for perma immob so you never get to dodge. WB also can put up a good fight with their burst, instaports and immobs. SB as mentioned can be troublesome, as well as bursty condi builds, which seem to outburst this build.


At the most basic, if they can figure out how to stop your dodge, your damage and survivability drops dramatically. Projectile reflects/blocks will really draw out the fight to infuriatingly long durations and could win the fight, in the right hands. But in the end, yes, this build is pure cheese, easy to play, and I still rarely use it when I want to WvW in braindead mode.

Edit: should also say, I like this build when solo roaming (or when functioning as a yak slapper and sentry flipper), but less so when partied up or in squad, and fighting groups of enemies that are 5 or greater. In those fights, it lacks the burst I really want to drop enemies quick to give our group a leg up. And in those same fights, you also run the higher chance of facing off against projectile hate and group condi cleanses. Furthermore, we haven't built into piercing projectiles. All those things will seriously hinder your effectiveness.

Edited by andrewlcl.8176
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On 8/25/2022 at 8:06 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

hey buddy!

nice build! I have been using this build for a long time, until someone enlightened me and opened my eyes!  May i introduce you to the min/maxed version of this build? 


the interaction between aristocracy and "weakening strikes" paired with +92% mightduration will have you sitting at 25 might permanently!

if you place one pistol in your mainhand on first weaponset, and the other pistol on backhand onf your secondweaponset, you can switch weapons to procc energysigil and sigil of battle, without ever leaving your p/p weaponset(you still have the stats as if you were holding 2 pistols in each hand, altho gw2skill.net doesnt show it, it 100% works ingame). You can swap during your dodgeroll, which will instantly fill up your dodgebar again and grant you 5 might for 21 seconds. Just from them sigil alone you reach 15 might. Pairing it with the interaction between "weakeningstrikes" and Rune of aristocracy will have you sitting at 25 might nice and comfy! 😃

A celestialbuild with 25 might? what else could you want! ❤️



Considering your build, I would probably ditch the Sigil of Battle and run Cleansing instead. Past experience with this build showed that it was easy to get to 25 might stacks and keep it there, while in terms of condis, I had the most trouble with immobs or when surprised with a massive condiload. The roll Heal and Shadowstep do help to deal with immobs, but again, I'd overbuild against condis (especially Immob) when running this, and it'd be an even greater PITA to deal with.

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On 8/25/2022 at 12:44 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Can I sue for slander? Because I've never reported anything. Even for emotes I've used like... 3... maybe 4... since it was introduced, lol.

You can but then you'd have to prove what damage was done, so you'd win only a few emojis at best.

I report a lot, but only if they actually break the rules.  Stupidity is not breaking the rules, because kitten, we'd have an empty game.  Emojis, however,  well most of the laugh emojis are indeed mine.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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This build and variations of it (ie different stats, runes, p/p only with no shortbow, etc.) can easily be unbeatable if you have your eyes half-open and just rinse and repeat pistol 5->bounding dodge for stealth->pistol stealth attack. You do it right, and you never run out of initiative and barely give the enemy any openings to attack you (and if they do, you have more than enough stunbreaks/defensive utilities to last you forever). You don't see this build a lot though because it is incredibly boring to play it optimally and it doesn't have a good way to interact in larger scale fights.  


There are other combos thieves can use to get on-demand stealth, but this one being tied to the dodge means you'll never run out of initiative, especially if using all the various ways to increase endurance in WvW. Really, the only change that would would be needed to balance it is making bounding dodge not a leap finisher in WvW (then buff the power damage it does to compensate). Maybe then we'll see it be worth using the other DD dodges again and it won't be so ridiculously easy to get on-demand stealth at zero resource cost.

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On 25.08.2022 at 13:23, Melian.5368 said:

Да, душевные звери вне конкуренции. Они умирают очень быстро, а я еще недостаточно взрослый, чтобы попасть под быстрый огонь. Даже если они раньше использовали LB4, мой станбрейк — это уклонение назад, и тогда я могу просто развернуться, чтобы победить, уйти в скрытность и начать делать свое дело. Кроме того, я уже болел раньше, это не ваншотные новаторские / ужасные сборки.

Скрапперы тоже не проблема. Я просто пережидаю их купол, и ослепляю/уворачиваюсь от гранат. Они не смогут выдержать мой урон конди, если они ценят свой дпс, а если нет, то они все равно не смогут меня убить. 

On holo against p/p condi thief is very easy, especially with tools traitline (big cleanse+reveal). Without tools I'm just swap 1 utility on goggles.

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On 3/25/2023 at 3:56 PM, andrewlcl.8176 said:

Yes, this build (or its likeness) has been around for some time, also in its cele/Aristocracy guise. A number of people have claimed credit for the original build.

I will just leave this here, check the date, good luck finding anyone playing the build before me 😛



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