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Where is engi nerf?  engi always win in balance patch.
Stop buff scrapper, static wells it will have stronger zone control,
Rifle fire rate still fast as as usual, rifle in general does build whatever you want, rifle has so much fire rate.
Increase the base HP of scrapper will be a crazy survivability buff. 
Is the engineer supposed to be that strong and no place but down state for Ele ?

A class needs skill to play like Ele gets wack all the time, balance team always wack Ele in patch for no reason, it most be crazy.


Edited by noneHotBuildTest.7251
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4 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Where is engi nerf?  engi always win in balance patch.
Stop buff scrapper, static wells it will have stronger zone control,
Rifle fire rate still fast as as usual, rifle in general does build whatever you want, rifle has so much fire rate.
Increase the base HP of scrapper will be a crazy survivability buff. 
Is the engineer supposed to be that strong and no place but down state for Ele ?

A class needs skill to play like Ele gets wack all the time, balance team always wack Ele in patch for no reason, it most be crazy.


At one point you have to understand that rifleengie is not strong... You really have to believe us if we tell you that, even tho you belive that rifleengie is beyond broken.... its actually bad. Because if you go higher up in the elo people actually know what their doing and memebuilds like rifleengie get shut down in mere seconds. The sheer existance of a Tempest in the enemy team or anything with decent weaknessuptimes, means a 100% loose for the rifleengie. If you play rifleengie in plat you are actually trolling and probably the reason why your team is loosing.

The build is not strong. period. 

I always thought that certain builds are blatantly overpowered, but sometimes its just the perspective from where you are observing the state of balance. Sometimes it is smart to play something else, just to see how the balancing is from the standpoint of the other profession. Gw2 is very "rock-paper-scissory". That means just because this one build is killing you 100% of the time.... it doesnt mean its overperforming. It just might be your counter. For real... if you really hate on rifleengie that much... just play a few round with a spec that has reflects... and you will suddenly notice how big of a meme rifleengie really is!


And if you really think that ele is still "downstate main" you live in the past. Catalyst is meta and so is Tempest. thief and Ele are currently the only professions where 2 builds can be considered meta. Ele is in the best spot that it has been for a looooong time!

They had to adjust Catalyst. They are completly butchering Specter and are also hitting on BSW sustain, altho we have to see how the other warriorchanges will affect BSW, i belive that it wont be as good as it currently is. If they would keep cata the way it is now.. it would be without a doubt  S+-Tier.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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What they're proposing to do to scrapper is pretty terrible. If you care about ele, maybe change the title to something like buff ele staff. I understand your disdain towards mechanist when eod came out because it eliminated to role of the side noding fire weaver but we've progressed pretty far since then to where noding isn't really a thing anymore. Rifle scrapper is not a thing. The ones wielding a hammer and elite kit with a few gyros and elixir gun have more sustain and protection but nowhere near as good as cata and tempest. Ele is in a good spot. The nerf to cata's defense and stability is fair but we'll see.

Edited by Pimsley.3681
fire weaver, not tempest.
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Rifle engineer is very good at what it does, but also has a lot of weaknesses for enemies to exploit.

There's an inherent knowledge check that comes in when you deal with it, and if you fail, you will be punished harshly. The damage output of this build is high if going full glass, and it can get downs very quickly if people misplay. 

Builds like this are already frustrating to deal with if you aren't familiar with the counterplay, but rifle engineer also has a unique issue that creates a warped perception around how strong it really is. 

Rifle Mech is very strong right now in PvE. It tops dps charts just by spamming the 1 key and letting the bot do the rest of the work. 

People have extrapolated from this that rifle itself is OP. And if rifle is OP in PvE because it does high dps, those glass engis using rifle in PvP must also be broken. After all, it killed them in just a few seconds.

What they don't see is that the engineer in question was essentially running a raid build with Zerker amulet, 2 dps traitlines + an elite traitline.

Builds like this are inherently high risk high reward, and when you're on the recieving end of that high reward, and you don't know how to deal with it, it feels oppressive. 

Personally, I make sure to have projectile hate in my kit 99% of the time since DE, Untamed, and Harbinger are strong right now. That's usually enough to buy me time to find LoS or pressure the eingi's back.  It doesn't take much to pressure them low enough that they have to GTFO or die. 



Edited by Kuma.1503
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