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PvE Daily is frequently not achievable


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It happens frequently.  The one today is just one more example.  I've done 2 of the PvE daily tasks today.  The remaining 2 are something I cannot do today.


1) Crystal Oasis bounty hunter.  I've looked at 2 different times of day, but I'm not finding people in the zone working these bounties.  Doing them solo is ludicrous.  They smite me as soon as I say hello.

2) A Fungus Among Us.  It's in a zone that I cannot access.  I own the expansion, but it's several zones removed from where I've already explored and opened the map.


I came back to GW2 after being gone for 7.5 years.  The PvE Daily experience has been awful.  I think I've managed to complete it twice?  Seriously, pick something less excessive.  It's only 2g, but I'd still like it to be achievable on a semi-regular basis.

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49 minutes ago, Tewa.5627 said:

It happens frequently.  The one today is just one more example.  I've done 2 of the PvE daily tasks today.  The remaining 2 are something I cannot do today.


1) Crystal Oasis bounty hunter.  I've looked at 2 different times of day, but I'm not finding people in the zone working these bounties.  Doing them solo is ludicrous.  They smite me as soon as I say hello.

2) A Fungus Among Us.  It's in a zone that I cannot access.  I own the expansion, but it's several zones removed from where I've already explored and opened the map.


I came back to GW2 after being gone for 7.5 years.  The PvE Daily experience has been awful.  I think I've managed to complete it twice?  Seriously, pick something less excessive.  It's only 2g, but I'd still like it to be achievable on a semi-regular basis.

Dabble some in spvp custom arenas or wvw for easy daily.

You got reward earner in spvp and spend badges in wvw so dont have to leave spawn camp in wvw.

Edited by Linken.6345
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I think I feel the original poster.

Even that I don't have a problem with missing the dailies from time to time (such problems don't seem to happen to me very often, though), I never try to go into PvP or WwW (or even fractals). Playing already over 8 years (with some breaks) I feel a horribly great discomfort having to join any kind of party with other people.


Not going too deep into psychoanalysis, there are probably  a few of us in this game, which will prefer to play alone, or not play at all.

It's not about hostility towards other players, but just that - a great discomfort, bordering with fear. That's also a reason why I will probably never have any legendary weapon or the last few Central Tyria masteries - their last bits are either in fractals, or in other non-soloable content areas 😉

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Its a video game and you have to play with other player sometimes, whether you like it or not. It doesn't matter what you prefer, if you want the rewards you group up and do the content. I'm sorry but you don't just get it for free because you like to solo when everyone else did what they were supposed to do.


If you absolutely must solo you can do one of the WvW dailies instead, no teamwork required. Usually its something simple like capturing a camp or a monument which takes all of 5mins and has maybe a 10% chance of encountering an enemy player, who you can just run away from.


There's a reason dailies from multiple game modes are presented to you, so you have options.


Bounties are also soloable btw, you just need the build and the skill for it, and to know which ones to pick. They're health sponges but some of the easiest content in the game. Just look on YouTube and you can find plenty of videos of players soloing almost anything.


Make sure you finish the Pact mastery line so you can pop a mentor tag when attempting them and you'll usually get at least a few other players joining in.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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The game selects random dailies among the expansions that you own, so if you bought HoT or PoF, you can have dailies in these maps. The game doesn't check if you already explored the map: it's a content that you can do, thus it can appear among the dailies. If you only consider the 4 PvE dailies, unfortunately it can happen that some of them are too annoying or time consuming (but that's why we have 12 daily quests to choose from).

Even if you hate PvP, there are few daily quests that don't require any PvP or playing with other players: like others said, capturing a monument in WvW is very easy (especially if your server holds the Desert Borderlands' citadel, you can just glide from the citadel to the "monument"). Killing 5 mobs in WvW is also easy and it's basically PvE content. As for killing a Veteran mob in WvW, the harpy spawn very close to the main citadel in both Alpine Borderlands: you can wait in a safe zone, where no one can attack you, and jump down only when the harpy spawns, avoiding any PvP (several players do it).

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