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Buff Staff (annual update)


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PvE staff is in a pretty decent spot right now. Condi could maybe use a 1.5-2k dps increase but shouldn't get any more than that. Power could use a 2k dps increase aswell. Also power relies abit to much on fire AA for its dps atm. I'd like to see a small nerf on its AA in order to buff the other skills. 

AA and skill 2 on air/water/earth deserve some dps increase aswell. Buffing AA to ~10k dmge and skill 2 to 25k dmge shouldn't really increase the dps potential, but would give alot of QoL and versatility. Also staff could use extra defiance break. Either add it to some skills or boost Gust to 400

In WvW the biggest issue for dps ele is the low quality of its damage. Almost all skills have some sort of delay; low projectile speed or a long time between cast and damage proc. In the past the ele was compensated for this by being able to provide the highest aoe Burst damage ingame. Since the may balance patch this has been mostly nerfed. Staff either needs to regain some of its dps back or make staff skills more reliable. More reliable dps would be preferred to keep dps relevant in all kinds of wvw (open tag, guild raids, gvg etc). All AA and shockwave could use a 50% projectile speed increase, lava font should proc on activation and the delay on eruption and ice spike should be cut down in half aswell. Pyroclastic blast, pressure blast and pile driver also shouldn't be a projectile. 


In pvp staff has been kitten since release. The weapon isn't really designed for PvP combat anyways. Applying some of the proposed changes from WvW will make it abit better, but probably still kinda bad which is completely fine imo. Not every weapon needs to be viable in pvp. 


P.s. apart from buffing staff, i'd say staff could simply use some love. It's still stuck in 2012 just like many other traits/weapons/professions. Doesn't have to be a complete overhaul, but just tweaking some cooldowns/effects etc like adding superspeed and resistance to windborne speed. 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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1 hour ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

 25k dmge shouldn't really increase the dps potential, but would give alot of QoL and versatility. Also staff could use extra defiance break. Either add it to some skills or boost Gust to 400

In WvW the biggest issue for dps ele is the low quality of its damage.


1 hour ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Almost all skills have some sort of delay; low projectile speed or a long time between cast and damage proc. In the past the ele was compensated for this by being able to provide the highest aoe Burst damage ingame.

Thank you.

1 hour ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

shockwave could use a 50% projectile speed increase, lava font should proc on activation and the delay on eruption and ice spike should be cut down in half aswell. Pyroclastic blast, pressure blast and pile driver also shouldn't be a projectile. 


Thank you so much.

This right here 

1 hour ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:


P.s. apart from buffing staff, i'd say staff could simply use some love. It's still stuck in 2012 just like many other traits/weapons/professions. Doesn't have to be a complete overhaul, but just tweaking some cooldowns/effects etc like adding superspeed and resistance to windborne speed. 

Overall, quite what I have been suggesting. 

It's all about balance, and staff defo needs it.

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

No need to be rude either.

I think because you though that we share a similar name somehow gives you a green card to be arrogant and disrespectful. 

Yes it is a public forums, but there are rules.

Highlighting someone for ridicule is one of them.

Maybe you ought to learn a little humility instead of patronising me with your replies.


Let's see how it goes.

Yes we shall.

Examples? Or just empty accusations again? If you think that i broke any rule of the forum feel free to report me. The system is availible to anyone. 

Like ive said, its a discussion, i state my arguments and that is all. If you take every critique of ur arguments as an insult or rudeness that has nothing to do with me. 


1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

This skill is too unreliable indeed.

I suggested initial knockdown as an idea from GW1 original meteor shower.

The casting time and casters vulnerable position while performing the cast does makes it too much of a hit or miss gamble.

Adding more damage would be better than nothing, but a faster cast with more hit probability or knockdown would make it more reliable, and I don't agree that would make it OP at all. 

More damage would but still remaining unreliable.

Do you remember pve before the MS nerf? An ele could tag 55-60k dps on large targets by just doing fire2, fire5, GoTS and frost bow. The majority of the dps came from MS when all/majority of the meteors hit the target. You can see it even today if you go for a golem with small hitbox and compare it to large hitbox. The dps difference is quite high. If ur proposition would be applied the dps would be out of control on large hitbox targets. We would have seen more than 40-50k dps on some of the raid bosses. Comparing it to the "golden standart" for dps to do 35-40k dps thats currently set, it would be overpowered. 

Same goes for wvw. A year ago anet released a patch that bugged MS. The dps was higher than intended for a few days untill the hotfix. And it was a hell to counter that. Meteors were hitting people for 10-15k each. It was annihilating zergs. 

From balancing perspective you got to take into account a dps potential of the skill. So thats basically dmg of the skill and multiply it by 5 targets hit. MS even nowadays IS the MOST dmg skill of ele in wvw as far as its potential is considered. 

We both agree that inconsistency is the problem. Your proposal is to make that dps potential higher to make up for the inconsistency of this skill. Which will lead to overperformance of the skill in those peak moments when "all of the meteors" hit. My proposition is lowering the inconsistency and raise the "floor" performance of this skill, so even if you do not achiev the peak performance you still get something out of it. That can be achieved by converting it to a giant damaging fire field like GoTS fire version (which basically is a pulsing fire field). But thats just an example. 

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

That's right.

Most of the time in WvW people simply dodge it, unless they have been knocked down or immobilised.

It's even worse in PvP.

Dodging skills is an essential defensive capability of any class. It should not be taken into consideration when judging if a skill is strong or not. 

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

This is utter nonsense, and you know it.

Its not. Just check youtube videos on "gw2 ele staff gameplay wvw" you will see a lot of documented evidence that it can be done. Most people have no problem landing enough hits to make it worth it. You literary cant be targeting for a 100% accuracy with all of ur skills.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

This isn't about rev.

The point is very valid and factual.

Every real WvW player knows this.

It's fact.

Its not a fact, but rather an opinion. 

Rev was kinda an example on how imbalanced a skill can be when it is a 1) long ranged, 2) has high damage, 3) has low counterplay. We dont want that. 

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

What stationery target?

Only ranger Npcs stay stationery in WvW.

Whst are you on about?

Considering ur comments on lava font. Please read carefully. I was refering to pve for that part.

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You cannot possibly be serious about these statements and hope that any real elementalists will just turn a blind eye to it.

So you want to prove me wrong on any of the points i made? Lava font has long cast time? Doesnt it proc Persisting Flames? The cumulative dps over its duration (and 5 target cap) and considering its cast time is weak?

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You are comparing scourges sand wells that are instant cast to most of eles staff skills that only activate after a few seconds delay like ice spike, and staff 5 that, again places the caster in a very vulnerable position while casting it, and the results are no where near optimal to compensate those two factors.


You keep denying that in WvW is hard to hit any moving targets with ele staff skills that take too long to activate.

You are certainly not being truthful.

Any real wvw player knows it.


The only time you can really hit a crowd is at confined places, such as inside a tower, keep or SM whilst the enemy zerg is trying to hold and capture the structure. 

Even then they will keep moving wherever possible and they will chase you and kill you.

Stop trying to deny these facts.

https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Manifest_Sand_Shade its a 0.5 sec cast time. 

https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lava_Font instant cast time. 

https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Spike 0.75 cast time.

yeap, i find it easy to compare to that. 

I believe you dont understand that there is a cast time and animation time. Some skills like water 2/earth 2 have long animation times, but their cast times are not that long. A cast time is when you are "busy" casting this skill and cant use any other skill. Animation time means when a skill is already casted, the time it takes for an effect to take place, but you are free to cast another skill at this time. 

"Hard to hit" is not a fact, its an opinion. Since i have no trouble in hitting people with this skills with a little bit of "prediction" on blob movement (yeap, its an opinion too). It is a learn to play issue. And not only ele has to interact with it. The abovementioned scourges have the same issue. A fact however is that there is loads of vids on youtube that has a "documented" gameplay of people doing things right and hitting people with it. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Skills like ice spike and erruption do not cause enough damage or conditions to justify the cast delay time.

Another fact you keep denying.

I'm beggining to question what kind of elementalist are you?

So atm, in wvw Ice spike and erruption does about the same damage not counting the condi aspect of erruption. In pve they actually do the same dmg. 
Sources: https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eruption and https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Spike

In a real game scenario thats somewhat from 4-5k dps to 10-12k (depending on if a target is light/medium/heavy, and boon that are applied to you or ur enemy). Thats on 5 targets. What would you think is enough dmg? 15k? 20k? oneshot people? 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

And yet being arrogant again.

What makes you think thst you are better than anybody here as an elementalist? 

I can give you the names of at least two or three most popular commanders in WvW and they will all tell you how unreliable ele staff is in wvw and even worse in pvp.

Here you are with patronising someone who already said to you has been an elementalist for a very long time and done almost every bit of content with it.

The only thing I didn't play yet are Raids.

Stop jumping from pve to wvw and vise versa. If we are talking about pve ive stated my dmg potential with staff. Im not a pro lvl ele like Fennec, but im not a new player that can barrely do 20k dps. Im a mediocre at best. 

As far as wvw, there is no metric that would show ANYONES performence in wvw. Lvls can be afk grinded, so are legendaries, so are titles. So the only thing i can say - i have no problem landing hits with staff and predicting the movement of blobs to my advantage. 

We werent talking about pvp were we? 

As for "I can give you the names of at least two or three most popular commanders in WvW and they will all tell you how unreliable ele staff is in wvw and even worse in pvp.". So what? It is their opinion nothing more. I can give you a number of people names that thing that earth is flat, so is it time to print new maps and change the globe?

The problem ele doesnt see much play in wvw is that there are a lot more op classes that work better in the current meta. And something being better doesnt neccessary means that ele is not viable. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Weaver does tremendous damage compared to core staff.

Are you saying that sword should be nerfed?

You don't seem like a legit ele to me pal.

You don't want to accept that the staff needs major improvements. 

You want to fine tune a staff just by adding a small percentage of dps but then say it would be op, or I don't really get what you're saying.

You're not being clear and are contradicting yourself at every turn.

This happens when you're not being honest and truthful.

Okay, im just gonna ask this once, with no offensive intent, but have you read what i have wrote? Most of the thing you ask have already been answered. 

"Weaver does tremendous damage compared to core staff." Lets compare similar thing. Weaver with staff does more dmg than core staff ele.

"Are you saying that sword should be nerfed?" Did i missed a part when we compared sword weaver to staff core? 

"You don't want to accept that the staff needs major improvements." I have been saying that staff needs improvements in multiple threads including this one. I just do not agree that anet needs to overbuff it with obviously OP changes. 

As for the rest, ive already answered this. If you dont want to read it, nothing i can do to help you. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Wrong. I did not purpose stab on staff.


On 10/29/2022 at 3:43 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Earth needs to offer more protection,  aegis, stability, and resolution.

Was it not you? Nickname seem right. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You were patronising me and I proved to  you that you are contradicting yourself by trying to prove that staff is a reliable weapon in WvW and pvp.

I showed you that it's not, but you didn't seem to understand that.

Like ive said multiple times. The situation is simple. You posted ur opinion on a public forum. I reacted to it. I dissagree with you. I provide my arguments. Simple as that. I havent tagged you a single time, havent insulted you a single time. But you just try to question my "skill" and "experience" instead of providing some arguments. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

At this point, you are already starting to be arrogantly patronising and I think I'm going to leave it at that.

I'll just skip to the end for a final word, and we're done.

Ill ask again: 

On 10/30/2022 at 1:14 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Such as stab on ele staff?

Stab? Superpeed? On staff?

You'd be left behind trying to cast fire 5.

Most of your skills would become useless, and the skills that are instant cast are few and far between. Your rotation would not be fast enough to do anything significant in a stab.

Ele staff is not the choice for a stab by any stretch of the imagination. 

4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

You were the one that proposed stab on a staff: "Earth needs to offer more protection,  aegis, stability, and resolution."
So whats ur problem with stability (aka stab)? How does it impact cast time of fire 5? How would it make my skills useless? And how would stab make my rotation not be fast enough "in a stab"? 

I really want to know ur though process how stab could do all the horrible thing you mentioned above. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


You obviously don't deserve attention if you're going to be arrogant and patronising all the time.

If you want to continue this discussion, do so in a more polite manner and don't make things personal.

Learn a little humility and honesty if you want people to take you seriously. 


Your typing is messy, confusing, and generally just all over the place.


I still didn't quite grasp what your points were, other than a really intense attitude towards staff buffs.

You're worried that if ANet improves ele staff in some ways, they'll have to nerf it in other ways.

So you just want the staff to stay as it is right now, or do it your way, which wasn't quite clear, since you asked for a tiny dps increase but then also stated it would be overpowered.

You typed a lot, but nothing that you did type, at any point, looked like anything logical, or coherent. 


One thing I do say.

Let's meet in WvW, PvP, or somewhere, and you are going to show me those ele staff talents of yours.

Amaze me.

The "arrogant etc" thing i wont reply. If you want to tag me with something go ahead, i have no problem with it. 

My stance on staff has been consistent. Does staff needs work? Sure. Does it needs total overhaul? No. Does anet needs to make staff OP? No. Can staff be made a good weapon choice with small number changes, solving MS inconsistency and some projectile speed changes? Yes. Is staff viable atm? Yes. Can it be effectively played in pve/wvw? Yes.


"Let's meet in WvW, PvP, or somewhere, and you are going to show me those ele staff talents of yours."
So let me get this straight. You lost every argument you made, ive multiple times shown you that u contradict ur own words. You keep calling me "arrogant", "rude", "patronising", "not a legit ele", "no experience in wvw" and instead of presenting some arguments on the topic, you challenge me to a duel, knowing that staff ele is not a duel spec and you would be at an advantage? 

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45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Examples? Or just empty accusations again? If you think that i broke any rule of the forum feel free to report me. The system is availible to anyone. 

It sure looks that way.

But I think we can resolve this as civilised people. Right?

If you say it wasn't your intention, you ought to chose the way you type more adequately. 


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Like ive said, its a discussion, i state my arguments and that is all. If you take every critique of ur arguments as an insult or rudeness that has nothing to do with me. 


Do you remember pve before the MS nerf? An ele could tag 55-60k dps on large targets by just doing fire2, fire5, GoTS and frost bow. The majority of the dps came from MS when all/majority of the meteors hit the target. You can see it even today if you go for a golem with small hitbox and compare it to large hitbox. The dps difference is quite high.

Yes. I am well aware of this.


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

If ur proposition would be applied the dps would be out of control on large hitbox targets. We would have seen more than 40-50k dps on some of the raid bosses. Comparing it to the "golden standart" for dps to do 35-40k dps thats currently set, it would be overpowered. 

I did state that I would take more dps as a last resort, but ideally make this skill have more probability to hit on a larger scale aoe; or be cast faster, or even, as my preferable one, cause knock down in order to atleast hit a couple of moving targets.

1 out of the three.

Of course that all three would be Overpowered. 

I'd prefer the knockdown, since this skill us also the only staff fire skill that does not cause burning. 

Also I  cannot stress enough how vulnerable the caster is during the entire cast time.


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Same goes for wvw. A year ago anet released a patch that bugged MS. The dps was higher than intended for a few days untill the hotfix. And it was a hell to counter that. Meteors were hitting people for 10-15k each. It was annihilating zergs. 

From balancing perspective you got to take into account a dps potential of the skill. So thats basically dmg of the skill and multiply it by 5 targets hit. MS even nowadays IS the MOST dmg skill of ele in wvw as far as its potential is considered. 

Indeed it is the skill that does more damage, if it hits.

This skill is too static, and takes too long to cast. Has a high probability of miss, and again, the caster is vulnerable for all that period of time. 

Going against a pro zerg you are easily spotted by a ranger who will interrupt you 1 second after initiation,  a sin or necro or guardian with pulls.

You should know this.


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

We both agree that inconsistency is the problem. Your proposal is to make that dps potential higher to make up for the inconsistency of this skill.

Again. As a last resort.

I would prefer the knockdown effect added to it or a faster cast time, not the duration of the spell itself, only the animation of the character.


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Which will lead to overperformance of the skill in those peak moments when "all of the meteors" hit. My proposition is lowering the inconsistency and raise the "floor" performance of this skill, so even if you do not achiev the peak performance you still get something out of it.

Ok. Good.

Now we're getting somewhere.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

That can be achieved by converting it to a giant damaging fire field like GoTS fire version (which basically is a pulsing fire field). But thats just an example. 

Dodging skills is an essential defensive capability of any class. It should not be taken into consideration when judging if a skill is strong or not. 

Partially right.

Of course a player should be able to dodge.

That's what it's there for.

However, there is a difference between a good timing dodge and a easily walk out of the aoe dodge like a walk in the park.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Its not. Just check youtube videos on "gw2 ele staff gameplay wvw" you will see a lot of documented evidence that it can be done. Most people have no problem landing enough hits to make it worth it. You literary cant be targeting for a 100% accuracy with all of ur skills.

Its not a fact, but rather an opinion. 

Rev was kinda an example on how imbalanced a skill can be when it is a 1) long ranged, 2) has high damage, 3) has low counterplay. We dont want that. 

Considering ur comments on lava font. Please read carefully. I was refering to pve for that part.

So you want to prove me wrong on any of the points i made?

I don't want to prove anything.

I aim for balance in this game.

I play all classes equally and only post mostly about classes that are underperforming and need a buff. 

I want us to get somewhere and try get an happy medium for every class and for everyone.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Lava font has long cast time? Doesnt it proc Persisting Flames? The cumulative dps over its duration (and 5 target cap) and considering its cast time is weak?

https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Manifest_Sand_Shade its a 0.5 sec cast time. 

https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lava_Font instant cast time. 

https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Spike 0.75 cast time.

yeap, i find it easy to compare to that. 

I believe you dont understand that there is a cast time and animation time. Some skills like water 2/earth 2 have long animation times, but their cast times are not that long.


You can post all the links to cast times as you want.

In theory they all do what it says on the tin.

In prectice, you have to be a tremendous player with 6th sense accuracy and a top of the range machine to time every cast right.

In practice Ice Spike and Erruption takes to long to have any significant impact whatsoever in the middle of a big fight, and under pressure.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

A cast time is when you are "busy" casting this skill and cant use any other skill. Animation time means when a skill is already casted, the time it takes for an effect to take place, but you are free to cast another skill at this time. 

"Hard to hit" is not a fact, its an opinion.

No soul.

It's a fact.

Zergs are always on the move.

PvPers are always on the move.

Even a lot of npcs are on the move.


You can't even hit a god darn moa with static casts because they chase you, then interrupr you.

You also shoukd know this.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Since i have no trouble in hitting people


A static golem in your guild hall!?

As you said yourself?

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

with this skills with a little bit of "prediction" on blob movement (yeap, its an opinion too).

Well. Enough said then.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

It is a learn to play issue. And not only ele has to interact with it. The abovementioned scourges have the same issue.

You have to be joking really.

You cannot possibly believe yourself and take yourself seriously when you know zergs are unpredictable. 

PvPers would just destroy you in a flick.

Even high end mobs like mordrem, the forged, and even Frost legion would decimate you in seconds. 

Come on pal.

You cannot possibly be in that much denial.


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

A fact however is that there is loads of vids on youtube that has a "documented" gameplay of people doing things right and hitting people with it. 

So atm, in wvw Ice spike and erruption does about the same damage not counting the condi aspect of erruption. In pve they actually do the same dmg. 
Sources: https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eruption and https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ice_Spike

In a real game scenario thats somewhat from 4-5k dps to 10-12k (depending on if a target is light/medium/heavy, and boon that are applied to you or ur enemy). Thats on 5 targets. What would you think is enough dmg? 15k? 20k? oneshot people? 


You're the ine stuck in dps for some strange reason.

I suggested a load of things.

Boons that are direct derivatives from its respective element.

But you chose to be insulting instead of paying attention to it.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Stop jumping from pve to wvw and vise versa. If we are talking about pve ive stated my dmg potential with staff

Why are you getting so confused?

It's neat and clear black and white.

O have to mention and compare both pve and wvw, but I do make it clear everytime.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:


. Im not a pro lvl ele like Fennec, but im not a new player that can barrely do 20k dps. Im a mediocre at best. 

As far as wvw, there is no metric that would show ANYONES performence in wvw. Lvls can be afk grinded, so are legendaries, so are titles. So the only thing i can say - i have no problem landing hits with staff and predicting the movement of blobs to my advantage. 


On static foes, no one has a problem landing a hit.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

We werent talking about pvp were we? 

As for "I can give you the names of at least two or three most popular commanders in WvW and they will all tell you how unreliable ele staff is in wvw and even worse in pvp.". So what?

So what?

So you are dismissing a very logical and factual point.

That speaks volumes. 

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

It is their opinion nothing more. I can give you a number of people names that thing that earth is flat, so is it time to print new maps and change the globe?

The problem ele doesnt see much play in wvw is that there are a lot more op classes that work better in the current meta. And something being better doesnt neccessary means that ele is not viable. 

Okay, im just gonna ask this once, with no offensive intent, but have you read what i have wrote? Most of the thing you ask have already been answered. 

I have read yes.

However, I fail to see how you have answered exactly. When every reply was a automated diamissal without you even considered for a second my proposals. 

Hence why I have been saying all this time that you cannot expect people to take you seriously when you're not prepared to offer the same courtesy. 

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

"Weaver does tremendous damage compared to core staff." Lets compare similar thing. Weaver with staff does more dmg than core staff ele.

"Are you saying that sword should be nerfed?" Did i missed a part when we compared sword weaver to staff core? 

"You don't want to accept that the staff needs major improvements." I have been saying that staff needs improvements in multiple threads including this one. I just do not agree that anet needs to overbuff it with obviously OP changes. 

As for the rest, ive already answered this. If you dont want to read it, nothing i can do to help you. 


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:


Was it not you? Nickname seem right. 

Like ive said multiple times. The situation is simple. You posted ur opinion on a public forum. I reacted to it. I dissagree with you. I provide my arguments. Simple as that. I havent tagged you a single time, havent insulted you a single time. But you just try to question my "skill" and "experience" instead of providing some arguments. 

Ill ask again: 

I really want to know ur though process how stab could do all the horrible thing you mentioned above. 

You keep mentioning stab for some reason.

I already made it clear that I at anytime suggested that.

You said that in your first reply.

Also don't try deny it now that you were rude, it's there for everyone to see how many times you quoted yourself saying sarcasm; including when you mentioned stab.


I suggested quickness for Air attunement, due to the essence of air being related to speed and velocity.

Alacrity for the same reason.

Had you for intance, been a bit more humble and less arrogant, instead of "sarcasm" you could have said something along the lines of "I think alacrity is too much" I would have probably agreed with no issues whatsoever. 


You being rude and then denying it when the proof is there just proves what I have said.

I cannot take you seriously.

I am not here to teach you manners or anything else for that matter.

I am here to try improve the game.


45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

The "arrogant etc" thing i wont reply. If you want to tag me with something go ahead, i have no problem with it. 

My stance on staff has been consistent. Does staff needs work? Sure. Does it needs total overhaul? No. Does anet needs to make staff OP? No. Can staff be made a good weapon choice with small number changes, solving MS inconsistency and some projectile speed changes? Yes. Is staff viable atm? Yes. Can it be effectively played in pve/wvw? Yes.

Ok pal. You keep telling yourself that.


That's not what the devs want.

The devs want honesty so they can improve the game.

But when you keep saying "sarcastically " that all my ideas are trash by undermining them, you're not doing anyone a favour; including the devs.

45 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

"Let's meet in WvW, PvP, or somewhere, and you are going to show me those ele staff talents of yours."
So let me get this straight. You lost every argument you made, ive multiple times shown you that u contradict ur own words. You keep calling me "arrogant", "rude", "patronising", "not a legit ele", "no experience in wvw" and instead of presenting some arguments on the topic, you challenge me to a duel, knowing that staff ele is not a duel spec and you would be at an advantage? 


I think that this specific convo isn't going anywhere fast, is it?

Just read the latest post from another user I actually quoted and replied to.

They are giving the exact same suggestions I did.


That alone shows that it cannot be mere coincidence. 


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23 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I don't want to prove anything.

Just a wild quote.

Im not goint to react to ur attempts of provoking me if thats what you really want.

We are not getting anywhere here. Going in circles. 

You have stated ur position, i have stated mine. Lets see what anet desides to implement in november and how it impacts the gameplay, but since eles are meta defining i wouldnt count on much. 

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1 hour ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Just a wild quote.

Im not goint to react to ur attempts of provoking me if thats what you really want.

We are not getting anywhere here. Going in circles. 

You have stated ur position, i have stated mine. Lets see what anet desides to implement in november and how it impacts the gameplay, but since eles are meta defining i wouldnt count on much. 

You're the one who replied to me first with "sarcasm" to try ridicule me.

I never invited you aboard this ship.


Did you even watch ANet Balance Team's last livestream?

I don't think you did, othetwise you knew what they said and want to do for next update instead of making assumptions. 


Have a nice day.

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seriously buff the kitten staff and revert ALL the nerfs to meteor shower. Huge coincidence when they nerfed meteor shower WvW became blob vs blob.  Yes there were tons of ele's dropping bombs , but guess what there were also tons of classes like thief who's job it was to go in and gank them off the field and it isn't hard to do ! but at least let them keep some blobs in check while they are still standing  ! 

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