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Is there a strong ranged focused Ranger build for group content?

Azure Kitsune.4256

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8 minutes ago, Azure Kitsune.4256 said:

I just want classic range+pet. No idea what spec I should look at.
What are your suggestions?


Ranger does not have any good fully ranged build (tho most are "semi" ranged).

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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The problem here is that this game is built around buff spam, which is all done at close range.  Every ranged build has to basically play like a melee character because if you don't, you're not getting those buffs that are critical for dealing damage or surviving.

In any group content - whether it's fractals, wvw, or open world trains - will require you to play at point blank range to the enemy if you want to be effective.  All the posts complaining about ranged builds being able to avoid mechanics easier seem to forget that fact.


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4 minutes ago, Lynx.9058 said:

The problem here is that this game is built around buff spam, which is all done at close range.  Every ranged build has to basically play like a melee character because if you don't, you're not getting those buffs that are critical for dealing damage or surviving.

In any group content - whether it's fractals, wvw, or open world trains - will require you to play at point blank range to the enemy if you want to be effective.  All the posts complaining about ranged builds being able to avoid mechanics easier seem to forget that fact.


I see. I understand there needs to be a ranged tax, as otherwise, why would anyone play anything else?
But after some fights where I'm chasing the boss round and round the room with tiny dmg windows; I'm really just not feeling the requirement to be close. Since late game is still fairly new to me, I wasn't sure what, if any, options there were.
Even in FF14, phsy ranged generally is lower dps, but more sustained and offer utility.
I just wasn't sure if the classic WoW 'hunter' build was even a thing for GW2.
I suppose I'm trying to figure out GW2's balance of good teamwork/role and something non-frustrating to learn late game stuff.

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9 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:


You don't need to waste more of your precious time trying to find some obscure build. Others tried and failed. 

There's still a lot I dont know about some classes, specs and builds in GW2. So I figured it was worth a shot to ask. Other games, ppl have put together unusual builds that break the meta, but I guess with this, it's very dependent on GW2s buffing/nerfing certain things to flip what is optimal.
Thanks for the honesty.

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12 minutes ago, Azure Kitsune.4256 said:

Other games, ppl have put together unusual builds that break the meta, but I guess with this, it's very dependent on GW2s buffing/nerfing certain things to flip what is optimal.

you are welcome. Anet design about the ranger is very unidimensional and very basic. You get one option and that it. And when they nerf it because roleplay or disdain that's  the end of it. 

With ranger is not even about what is optimal we are at a point were what you want to be is not a burden to your party. Or at least a good team player would think that. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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3 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

With ranger is not even about what is optimal we are at a point were what you want to be is not a burden to your party. Or at least a good team player would think that. 

Agreed. I'm trying to find what I want, but also supporting the group effort. I suppose that's a complaint about GW2 is they make these specs, have you dump all these HPs into them, only to find out later it might not play how you imagined it would.
Out of curiosity, does Druid tend to stay at range? I haven't really looked into that role.

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1 minute ago, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

Range isn't as valued in PvE instanced content because you either need to stack, which means the range is worthless (since the boss would then come to you) or you need to do mechanics, which tend to be harder to do at range.

I thought this was the case. Then I did Fractals and fought the FR 25 Sorrowful elementalist lady.
Yikes. That was miserable fight for melee. It really got me to thinking there's going to be more of those kinds of fights later and I need to look at ranged class builds to consider. I enjoyed Hunter in WoW (years ago), so I was hoping there might be something equivalent here.
Stacking and mechanics arent so much the problem. Chasing enemies around the map is.

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Non-Ranger main here, but I enjoy build-crafting. I really like your request and I do not like the meta being 100 % melee either. Thought about Rifle Mechanist and tried to create something similar for Ranger. I started working on this about an hour ago and just have been testing my stuff at the Golem. I currently reach ~ 12,600 DPS while mashing buttons.

Longbow does not work, something I knew before I even opened the build-editor. Tried it so many times, ANet does not want Longbow to work. But Shortbow is possible, with a few tricks.

Experimental LI Shortbow

It just utilizes 'Light on Your Feet', which means you have to use quickshot and dodge alternately. Rest is button-mashing of auto-attack, Poison Volley as close as possible to the target, Beast Ability on autocast, swap pets when beast ability is on cooldown, Sharpening Stone, "Sick Em!" and Entagle off cooldown.

- you need to get 25 stacks of might, Fury, Quickness and Alacrity
This is difficult when you want to stay ranged. 
- your target needs Chilled, Slow, Crippled
One of them, preferably from another team-member.
- I did not test it on Full Viper's XD
1 earring and both rings are grieving stats in my test build, because I am low on budget at the moment. I've recycled those trinkets from another build. (Armor and Weapon were only exotic)

I'm surprised with the result in a positive way. By far the best of all my attempts to get bow ranger working. I think a professional ranger-player might be capable of squeezing a little more out of the build. There are probably also optimization-mistakes I have made and synergies I have overlooked, which would give the build even more power. But for Core Ranger build, I am happy with the results ^^.

As it requires not much brain-power to use, I guess it might be possible to maintain the DPS in the heat of the combat. As far as I remember, most real DPS builds drop down in performance when combat-mechanics kick in. Whether it is viable or not, I cannot say. Before EoD and all the LI builds, maintaining 12k DPS was acceptable. 

Thanks for the fun challenge.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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22 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Non-Ranger main here, but I enjoy build-crafting. I really like your request and I do not like the meta being 100 % melee either. Thought about Rifle Mechanist and tried to create something similar for Ranger. I started working on this about an hour ago and just have been testing my stuff at the Golem. I currently reach ~ 12,600 DPS while mashing buttons.

I'm surprised with the result in a positive way. By far the best of all my attempts to get bow ranger working. I think a professional ranger-player might be capable of squeezing a little more out of the build. There are probably also optimization-mistakes I have made and synergies I have overlooked, which would give the build even more power. But for Core Ranger build, I am happy with the results ^^.

As it requires not much brain-power to use, I guess it might be possible to maintain the DPS in the heat of the combat. As far as I remember, most real DPS builds drop down in performance when combat-mechanics kick in. Whether it is viable or not, I cannot say. Before EoD and all the LI builds, maintaining 12k DPS was acceptable. 

Thanks for the fun challenge.

12k DPS is awful. Condi and power soulbeast have a shortbow and longbow option respectively. The lack of range specific viability isn't caused by longbow or shortbow being bad, its that with the current stacking meta range isn't a requirement.


Full might, fury, quickness, and alacrity is key for any DPS build. If you're running instanced pve without those boons there's a problem.


DPS doesn't drop enough when mechanics come into play to justify this type of build. As a non-DPS main, my power soulbeast bench is 30k for the longbow build and 31k for the greatsword build, and when mechanics come into play, I hit around 24k on both.

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I wouldn't really trust this forum for the best advice, a lot of accounts on here complain for little to no reason.

That said, you can try Druid for a full ranged / support option.  You'd be tanky enough to get through boss mechanics while still providing a role in support over trying full DPS.

Something like Shortbow/Staff support. 

I'm sure there are good builds out there for it on Metabattle / Snowcrows / whatever; I mainly run a trailblazer immob variant in sPvP and WvW, but you can definitley alter it to be more healer oriented to fit static group PvE stuff.  

EDIT: There's this on Snowcrow: Heal Alacrity Druid Build | Ranger Builds | Snow Crows

They use Axe/Wh instead of shortbow, but that would be fine since Axe works at near melee range or up to 900, it's very flexible.  

EDIT2: It doesn't really specify pets on that, but think you'd be fine with Jacranda and something else (Iboga or Canine for more damage, or just Smokescale / E. Wyvern / Rock Gazelle for CC).

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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