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Is there too much CC in game?


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5 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Ok then, so soft CC spam instead? Because again...you don't see it coming. At least with hard CCs you can see them. People cannot seriously tell me with a straight face that a random proccing blind or daze is good this game. gw2 is shoddily designed from the get-go.

Not all soft cc is untelegraphed, not all hard cc is well telegraphed. Also stuff like blind or daze (the latter is a hard cc) are typically meant to be used reactively to counter something, so they need to be fast. That's not neccessarily bad, as long it requires a deliberate action and proper timing and isn't just the side effect of doing something else.

Ofc there are lots of bad designed traits and skills, but that isn't related to cc in any way, it applies to pretty much any aspect of combat.



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On 10/11/2022 at 6:29 AM, Junkpile.7439 said:

Doesn't reallymatter if there is too much cc. Everybody have stability on whole time anyways.

Play core necro. literally unusable against same lvl of skill players or even less skilled depnding on what they play. complete shutdown by cc

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