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How can I take this universe seriously when the writers can't?


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2 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

I miss very much LS3 atmosphere of mystery..., in EoD i feel more absence of mystery. Cantha is just feel like a fully revelead world.

Interesting take since the entire promotion of EoD was the lure of mystery, even so far as having two major characters being detectives (and a third learning the ropes).

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What confuses me the most is players keep calling this "Marvel writing".


I hate to tell you this, but this kind of writing not only existed back in the day, but was by and large the kind of writing you saw in nearly all media all the way through the 70s, 80s and 90s. I imagine most of the people that are against it were born and raised in the--very unfortunate and misguided--"darker and edgier" period after the millenium, in which everyone and their mother tried to make everything as depressing as possible.


The current generation doesn't seem to understand that what you call television, we called soap operas. Overly drramatisised depictions of humanity that try to portray it in the worst light possible at every oppertunity they get, while keeping the entire atmosphere so serious all the time that you become numb to any kind of actual suspense. Shows pretending to be realistic while they're so far from reality its often sigh-inducing.


This is also why the newer generations find everything "cringe", even though to those of us who are older thats just how everything always were before they took that very strange downward turn in the early 2000s up until now.


Slowly art has been recovering, thanks to COVID people are now realising that constantly portraying a depressing world isn't that fun when you actually have to live in one for a while. We're making our way back to large hams, deadpan snarkers and all the tropes that made art worth getting invested in, instead of just consuming it. Color is slowly returning to what has become a black and white desolate landscape of nearly-identical productions.


If it made you come post on the forum, then its doing its job, as you didn't simply forget about it.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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3 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

What confuses me the most is players keep calling this "Marvel writing".


I hate to tell you this, but this kind of writing not only existed back in the day, but was by and large the kind of writing you saw in nearly all media all the way through the 70s, 80s and 90s.

It's being called that nowadays because while it existed before, it was made a lot more prevailant through the popularity of MCU movies. While you can find it earlier, one of the most popular uses of this before the MCU was Buffy the Vampire Slayer and similar movies/shows of the late 90s.

3 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

I imagine most of the people that are against it were born and raised in the--very unfortunate and misguided--"darker and edgier" period after the millenium, in which everyone and their mother tried to make everything as depressing as possible.

I'd like to note that this kind of writing was also by and large the kind of writing you say in nearly all media all the way through the 80s and 90s. It was this kind of writing that gave birth to the most popular anti-heroes in DC and Marvel comics, such as the Punisher (first iterated in 1974), Spawn (1992), Lobo (1965), and Deadpool (1991) among others.

The term for this is "grimdark" and it's been around for a long time, but was popularized most by Warhammer 40k (released 1987).

3 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The current generation doesn't seem to understand that what you call television, we called soap operas. Overly drramatisised depictions of humanity that try to portray it in the worst light possible at every oppertunity they get, while keeping the entire atmosphere so serious all the time that you become numb to any kind of actual suspense. Shows pretending to be realistic while they're so far from reality its often sigh-inducing.

Overly dramatized depictions of humanity is not what people call "Marvel writing", by the way. What's called "Marvel writing" is putting jokes from characters to de-escilate almost every serious moment within the story to reduce tension, usually done in a manner that hints that the writer is simply not confident in writing a serious story. A "serious story" may or may not be overdramatized to emphasize depictions of humanity, but it isn't a serious story if it has shoved in slapstick humor in it at nearly every moment of tension - it's the shoved in slapstick humor that makes it what people call "Marvel writing".

3 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

This is also why the newer generations find everything "cringe", even though to those of us who are older thats just how everything always were before they took that very strange downward turn in the early 2000s up until now.

Oh hell no, people found kitten "cringe" long before, they just didn't call it that, because people used different slang and vocab. And you act as if every kitten plot was trying to be grimdark during the time between 2000 and 2020 - but the simple fact that it wasn't. If you think it was, that was your own personal exposure to things.

Honestly you're just speaking like your stereotypical "boomer" complaining about "the younger generation".

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