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new record set BL keys

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I set a new record, 1000 gold, 30 black lion keys and 45 gold back, is that a new record or not? rest was dyes (unlocked all of them) some mats, I can buy 465 tier anything with laurels, choices of map tokens, sitting at 30-40k of each map. 1 black lion token worth 1 gold from 30 chests, not bad. So where to from here? Unfortunately, the drop rates have decreased for all maps, including the possibility of an infusion. I do daily bosses, HoT, PoF, EoD, and since playing EVERY day for years, seen 1 infusion drop. I really think Anet, you should focus on retaining the players that have supported you for over 10 years, made purchases, and keep the game going rather than always looking at the profit margins, otherwise their comes a day like today, where I think what the hell am i doing here, cheers

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/10/2022 at 6:54 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'm not following you. What record? And is there a bug in there somewhere? 🤔

no, I am struggling to understand the RNG in the game with so many players leaving, they do nothing to encourage players from spending time actually playing the game or buying keys in the hope of something half decent. I have cut down my play time, as the grind is real, the loot is poor, and in the end, all we hope for is something worth more than 1000 gold with 3% outcome. 

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20 minutes ago, MarkBecks.6453 said:

no, I am struggling to understand the RNG in the game with so many players leaving, they do nothing to encourage players from spending time actually playing the game or buying keys in the hope of something half decent. I have cut down my play time, as the grind is real, the loot is poor, and in the end, all we hope for is something worth more than 1000 gold with 3% outcome. 

And that is why it is worth 1000 gold if it droped more it would be 500 or even 200 mate

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Well, I play the game because I enjoy it, not to get some uber-rare infusion to drop for me. I've never had one, and only had 2 precursors drop in all my years. I did get a bit excited recently when a 20g dye dropped that I already had unlocked, though.

There is an entire economy out there that can help you reach goals, selling materials, crafting, whatever. Not to mention profitable metas, etc. It won't happen in an instant like getting one of those rare items, but aren't MMO's a long term time investment?

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