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Pharaoh's Regalia 16 months still not in Black Lion Outfit Voucher


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according to gw2 content update pattern
each outfit is added as option in Black Lion Outfit Voucher 12 months after its first release.

but Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit was not added for 16 months yet.

is there any chance for me to get Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit using my Black Lion Outfit Voucher?

Astral Scholar Outfit
( was first released before Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit and added in Black Lion Outfit Voucher )

Gem Store History
Start date End date Discount Notes
March 16, 2021 April 20, 2021 -
September 18, 2021 December 17, 2021 -
December 31, 2021 January 07, 2022 20%
July 01, 2022 July 08, 2022 30%

Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit
( was first released exactly after astral scholar but still not in Black Lion Outfit Voucher )

Gem Store history
[hide]Gem Store History
Start date End date Discount Notes
June 08, 2021 July 13, 2021 -
November 23, 2021 November 30, 2021 20%
December 17, 2021 March 18, 2022 -

in this wiki link and in game there is no Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The Wiki may not be accurate.  Just depends on if someone in-game updated it.  🤷‍♀️

It might have come and gone.  Nothing seen that states that every Outfit would/should be added to the Outfit voucher, as well. 

I wish the wiki would have pictures from the side and not just the front and back. A lot of disappointment could be avoided that way.

To the OP: make sure to preview this outfit and look at it from the sides. You may not like what you see. It's what kept me from getting this otherwise very cool outfit.

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yes thank you very much

i already previewed it ingame on other players ingame avatar

and i still want it

the problem is after they removed it from gemstore

i got 2 black lion outfit vouchers to get the outfit

but they never added it. every other outfit is in the voucher list

all other outfits follow the [12 months after initial release] business protocol

EXCEPT pharaoh s regalia

same problem as with festival gobblers that were never put on sale either

same pharaoh s regalia was never added to the BL outfit voucher

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thank you very much schimmi for the unique information

according to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Outfit_Voucher

the voucher was in gemstore 

November 28, 2021 November 29, 2021


if what schimmi said it true

it means the voucher is ignored for 12 months

so the gems i spent for the preparation packages

that included outfit voucher were outdated on purpose?

when i got the first voucher i thought it will never get updated

but when i got the 2nd voucher and i saw they stack as identical items

i was pretty sure they were supposed to be updated


so tldr what all of you helped me verify is

there is a problem with gw2 gemstore management

as since november 2021 if not earlier

black lion outfit voucher stopped being updated


all festival gobblers didnt return


a lot of outfits didnt return

(executioner outfit as example)


so i have to decide

buy pharaoh outfit directly if its put in gemstore


wait if BL outfit vouchers ever get updated

in 1 5 10 or more months


a 3rd idea that someone can suggest as helpful


ty again and sorry for long text

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i am sorry inculpatus cedo i didnt comment about your posts

they were not what i was looking for.

but i did gave you a like for your effort to show i have nothing against u.


back to topic

my point is

i already spent gems for 2 vouchers

i dont want to spend more gems to buy pharaoh outfit

then wait another 2 years if and when BL vouchers get updated

if they add any outfit i want/like


i already asked gw2support and they directed me to post in forums

i hope this post was easier to understand this time.


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Well, i'm still waiting for archdemon wings to show up either in the wings and glider voucher, or for black lion statuettes. Unfortunately, Anet seems to be adding/refreshing stuff on vouchers/statuette vendor quite infrequently, and often ignoring stuff when they do that. Possibly due to forgetfulness, but equally possibly completely intentionally. Knowing Anet, the chances of both are equally high.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, i'm still waiting for archdemon wings to show up either in the wings and glider voucher, or for black lion statuettes. Unfortunately, Anet seems to be adding/refreshing stuff on vouchers/statuette vendor quite infrequently, and often ignoring stuff when they do that. Possibly due to forgetfulness, but equally possibly completely intentionally. Knowing Anet, the chances of both are equally high.

Was available for 2 1/2 months earlier this year for Statuettes.  Shame you  missed it.

I have this unlocked; I must have received it as a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock or maybe when it was available for 6 weeks in Black Lion Chests? I would not have tried for it in a BL Chest, though. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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The voucher sales model was probably targeted at a different clientele that would want older outfits at a better price (and who would be tempted to get the 5pk (30% discount) or 10pk (50% discount), with effectively diminishing returns).


I've never noticed them committing that it would ever be updated (but it has been updated multiple times) or to any kind of schedule, presumably because they also want to sell these upon release at full price, and a definite (and meaningful) schedule for voucherisation would definitely detract from those sales, not to mention they could not then change or omit if adjustments were needed.


I don't think they intentionally concealed that vouchers were more for older outfits when they included them in these packages. (I was playing when they first introduced the vouchers). They just assume players will check the player-maintained wiki for everything.


However, if the outfits currently available in the voucher don't appeal to you (other than the pharaoh in future), then the odds aren't good that some future outfit after Pharaoh (which would be added after Pharaoh) would appeal to you....

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the problem is NOT that the black lion outfit voucher [preview]

is NOT updated.

the problem is the outfits of the past 16 months are not added

since EoD expansion was released,

all festival gobblers never returned

a lot of halloween outfits never returned

august aniversary sales 2022 never happened

anniversary supply drop never happened

(most of us bought a lot of gems for anniversary drop)


because they added EoD preparation package

and some discounts BEFORE EoD release

(we are talking about pre February 2022)

(almost a year ago)

the gemstore management team

decided to skip a lot of gemstore items

to promote ...

i will do a wild guess

appearance packages?

if i remember correctly

anniversary 2019 august

they skipped almost all old type sales and gave us

well u guessed it again

appearance packages


and gold to gems price dropped

to almost 100g for 400gems (avg is 140-170)


i just want to use one of my BL outfit vouchers for pharaoh outfit

i dont want to spend extra gems

then IF vouchers get updated in 3 6 12 months

and IF they add any outfit i like

MAYBE i will get my spent gems value covered

sorry for long chat.

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It's not surprising that anet will shift sales tactics over the years, in order to increase or sustain sales volumes. Whatever sales pattern they previously used may be discontinued later.


When the vouchers first came out, I bought 3 types of 10packs, used 4-7 of each, then waited impatiently in the hopes that they would update it over time (cos whatever was left in the pool was subjectively mediocre to crap). And the wait paid off. After a very long time. (At that time there was ZERO precedent for updates, since it was the first release)


The only implicit guarantee (well not really) when you purchase a voucher via any means is that the items currently available will remain available. There is no guarantee that they will ever be updated. I don't think you will be able to find any official statement that it will ever be updated. It is a gamble that I knowingly took, and there have been some wins, but there is no guarantee that that will continue. You say that the problem is not that it doesn't get updated, but the problem is that you assume that anet is obligated to continue to update them - the answer btw is that no player can know whether they will continue to update.


You may also have a bit of a misconception of how the vouchers get updated. There is no hidden timer per outfit after which it gets added in. Instead, the voucher pool remains stagnant for a LOT of months, then by some unknown trigger, some anet employee remembers they exist (sic) and updates the voucher with the past outfits (sans the most recent 1 or 2). IE the outfit that was released just after the previous update waits a veeeery long time, while the newest eligible one waits as little as 3 months.

(And the different types of vouchers don't get updated at the same time) 


And again there really is no guarantee that they will continue to update. Will I be disappointed if so, absolutely hell yea. Can I blame them for it, no.


Nonetheless, if I were in your shoes, after waiting X months, and knowing that an update (if there will ever be another update) is long due, I would just wait. But that's just me.


(Vouchers are the long game. It's like budget shopping buying clothes on clearance from the previous season. If you are impatient, they are a bad investment because they will be a constant stressor)


As for the appearance packages and mount packages, not your or my cup of tea, but apparently enough ppl must like and buy them, which keeps the lights on. Shrug.

Edited by casualkenny.9817
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ok i dont think i explained properly. sorry

i ll try again.


June 08, 2021

Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit was added to gemstore



i was too busy with WvW and guild management and real life tasks

so i didnt see the outfit if i like it.


July 13, 2021

Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit was removed from gemstore


AFTER it was unavailable

i got one Black Lion Outfit Voucher

and i hoped i could unlock Pharaoh's Regalia Outfit


i guessed it wasnt in voucher list because the outfit was new.

i said ok.

a few weeks later was updated. COOL

but they added all outfit up to astral scholar.

pharaoh outfit was the EXACT next release after astral scholar

at first i thought my voucher didnt get update

or had some restriction (like old mount collections)


so i bought ANOTHER outfit voucher

nope still same outdated list for up to today 16 months.

i didnt buy vouchers as gamble. i am sorry if you thought so.

later pharaoh outfit was added in gemstore

BUT because the outfit voucher was outdated for more than 12 months

i guessed there is no need to spend EXTRA gems.

just wait a bit and they will update BL outfit voucher.

well... still waiting..

i NEVER said arenanet has obligation to update gemstore.

what i say is

black lion outfit voucher is new big list item

(compared to older items in the past 10 years gemstore)

black lion outfit voucher FOLLOWED protocol

of one update every 12 months sort of + -

if gemstore management was [consistent]

black lion outfit voucher was supposed to be updated

AFTER  anniversary 2022.

it makes NO sense to gemstore item

that is meant to cover all outfits with scheduled list update

ONCE per year, follow this update every year

and AFTER EoD expansion release, abandon all plans

(all = halloween gobbler, dragon bash gobbler,

vouchers, festival outfits, "add item not mentioned")


its not about personal gambling

is about market management consistency

consistency = customer trust = profit increase

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i dont care about these offtopic arguements

i didnt create this thread to argue

and your accusation against me "you whole argument" is false.

i am not argueing.


i was directed by gw2support to post in gw2forums

because they dont have influence in gw2 content development

in an attempt to bring attention, you know what?

i wont sit and explain like i am in some court room.

you know how things work.




paid gems, asked some fair change

was sent to post in forums

and i m getting bombarded by legal offtopic arguements

i get reported and none of all that have to do with


updating gw2 outfit voucher


with getting helpful advice


i already created a gw2ticket about this behavior here

with screenshots

so thanks 

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