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Firebrands rework - Wrong direction.


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Another thought today on the firebrand re-work not a fan of this whole recharge thing at all.I am a spell caster in this spec it should play and feel like weaver for elementalist  for example. Guardians dont use recharge like revenant does and its a better trade off.Also picking on it for Lore because in my mind magic in this game goes on cool down not recharge and for me it hurts the flavour alot too.We have had it for so long now too its too much of a change in the wrong direction and the mess of bugs that has come with it is just the icing on the cake for me.Talking about doing game balances well balance the spec Lore and functionality too please like all classes are need love and fine tuning for there specs to be fair and gutting an elite spec is the  Wrong way to do it.Why break the fun players are having, when you haven't really spent time inhouse testing and talking about it cause if you have been i find it incredibly hard to believe bugs aside that this was fun to play compared to before. Final Thoughts on this mess.So I hope we are heard and so love comes back our way, Put yourselves in the gamers shoes that main a class and have spent hundreds of hours and probably dollars before doing this to your players. yes we all play some alts but we main for a reason and while i enjoy playing another charcter they are always miles behind and what i have unlocked and payed for and I still prefer my main class and will always play it. Just not firebrand right now obviously. Thank you for the Dragon Hunter and WIllbender love its appreciated and its the right direction bring specs up, maintain the quality of the specs and the fine tuning and balancing can come after if needed.If i wanted to be braindead and spam skills i would play diablo 3. 

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This is what hurts me most. I don't care if Guardian is top DPS or whatever. It'd be nice to be viable. It's more about the fun. Playing raids as a qFB, it was fun to be able to react to boss mechanics. If I know people are about to get railed by a Deimos knockback or something, I could dip into Tome F3 and throw a couple of aegis waves on the group and perhaps save someone. Was it powerful? Yes. Did it make the mechanic cheesy? I don't think so, because I had to know the fight, the animations of boss moves and when to hit it to avoid it being wasted on some other strike. 


If the hand kite was struggling, I could dip into F2 and throw out a skill 5 to increase healing and throw some heals on them if needed. 


The latest changes to FB tone it down, but also makes it lose what other elite specs actually need... reactive abilities to be fun. 

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No class could came close the reaction ability of Firebrand so with this change it might prevent future nerfs to the profession and we might even see buffs.

I mean most supports have to preform a very strict rotation with their utility slots included in that for example Druid needing to run Spirits. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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I like the changes, but there's a bug with regen rate and even without the bug, it's far too slow for page regen. I suggest 4 changes to make this rework complete and feel right. 

1) Fix the Page regen bug. The regen is slower than tooltips say. 12 & 8 vs the tooltip 8 & 6.
2) Increase the regen rate from 8 & 6 to 6 & 4. 

3) Give back aegis to mantra heal

4) Double scaling for heal on aegis block from honor traitline.


I think with these changes, it would feel much closer to balanced. Keep in mind, the first two changes would mean at best doubling the page regen rate. That would feel so much better. 

While it may need even more to be balanced, I think this would be a great place for the spec to start from. Right now, I'll agree, it's offensive capacity feels terrible. 

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1 hour ago, Loboling.5293 said:

I like the changes, but there's a bug with regen rate and even without the bug, it's far too slow for page regen. I suggest 4 changes to make this rework complete and feel right. 

1) Fix the Page regen bug. The regen is slower than tooltips say. 12 & 8 vs the tooltip 8 & 6.
2) Increase the regen rate from 8 & 6 to 6 & 4. 

3) Give back aegis to mantra heal

4) Double scaling for heal on aegis block from honor traitline.


I think with these changes, it would feel much closer to balanced. Keep in mind, the first two changes would mean at best doubling the page regen rate. That would feel so much better. 

While it may need even more to be balanced, I think this would be a great place for the spec to start from. Right now, I'll agree, it's offensive capacity feels terrible. 

The heal doesnt need aegis, spammable low cd aegis is busted in pve

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