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What exactly is the Queue Bug?


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Your queue pops, and you have the bar showing your time to join the map. You wait a little bit in order to finish up a fight--you've still got plenty of time, after all. There's more than half left in the bar. So, once you're ready you click "Enter" and...


Nothing happens. You don't get into the map, the window disappears, and you're kicked to the back of the queue.


Alternatively, your queue pops up as you're using a waypoint. When you load, you've been kicked to the back of the queue.

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the second queue bug is the following:

you enter a queue for a map, the queue doesnt move at all no matter how long you are waiting.

if you leave the mists then and join a pve map the queue suddenly goes very fast and you get the popup to join the map.

So if you qeueue from the mists you are stuck, if you queue from pve it works.

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Is fake Queue included in the "Queue Bug Package" too?? Cause that's another issue, sometimes you see a map with a Queue but you can enter ir normally, sometimes even with big numbers, i think i had an EBG with 15 Queue once, tried to join and i got in the map instantly, and the map was still "queued".
Or maybe the fixed that already, been a while since i saw a fake queue.

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11 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

What is the Queue Bug? What exactly does it do


Which one?

Non-beta there are a number;  one where it shows a number of people pending for a map and as soon as you say join it lets you in, the other is it pops telling you are good to enter you say join and it drops you back to end of list like you had hit re-enter queue, and another where you say join and nothing happens and dialog just goes away. On the last if you can get to a gate in time it will let you enter but you have to get to a gate to join the map. Most people just requeue at that time.

During beta; if you had hit another WvW tab after after being on the join map tab it comes back saying you are in an instance and can't join because of this and it wouldn't let you re-access the map tab. Only way we saw to get around that at reset was to get to a gate to join. 

So in the end there are a number and beta added another.

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