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What do you look forward to most during Wintersday


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3 hours ago, Tumult.2578 said:

Opened 2500 Wintersday gifts after day two, with over 550 MF.  I got,,,  must be something in here...., Nope.

Guess I'm looking backward at the event now.

I only opened 4 account bound gifts a day for the daily, I got a toy-shell infusion on 1 of my 4 alts around 80mf this sunday.

So yea rng like always.

Edited by Linken.6345
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Believe it or not, the Frostbitten gathering tools sold by the Charity Corps Seraph vendor are what I appreciate the most.

I'm not likely to be able to finish the Annual Festivities achievement for the fur shoulders, so I've loaded up my alt-gatherers with a ton of the tools, so that by next year when the shoulders are purchasable with snow diamonds, I'll have plenty to spend on them.  And, if I somehow do complete the achievement, I'll have plenty of diamonds/snowflakes to sell on TP or purchase new skins with at the beginning of next year's festival.


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I do like collecting the gifts. Giving to the orphans is always something I look forward to. I don't like jumping puzzles so I skip that. Seems to me the last time I tried I barely made it past the beginning. I like doing the Toypocalypse. I really wish finding candy canes was as easy as finding candy corn. Perhaps we could have candy cane nodes that are harvested with an axe? 

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Doing the usual stuff: The dailies and the weekly. From the dailies I skip the Snowball Mayhem, Infiniarium/Lair and the Snowball Slinger. Other stuff easily doable. For the 3 repetitions for extra karma always the Choir. Sometimes the JP and the race adventure.

One daily Toypocalypse. (More feels to grindy.) The Infiniarium is boring and I also can't bother myself to play the Lair (just buying the skins from the TP if needed) - already too much to do with the other stuff and there is enough for the 3/3 for the meta daily and one daily Toypocalypse is enough to get the 3 Toxx kills for the other achievement. (Where you also could to Lair/Infiniarium.)

Can't repeat this enough: The Snowball Mayhem is pretty annoying. At least it gets noticed more than the Sanctum Sprint and the Aspect Arena (does this still exist? :D) in Festival of the Four Winds. (No achievements there. The Sprint at least in daily normal activity rotation in LA at the NPC.)

I try the mayhem only once if it is on normal daily. Not going for the repeatable achievement (20 or so for small extra reward) and for the 3 wins for karma. Since this requires win ... and I often get placed into a running match on the losing team side (players there probably leaving making them outmanned and you get placed in that team on join). The worst was ... when I joined from the start and my team was winning and I got auto swapped without compensation - then on the losing team again. Immediately left. And I refuse to do more than 1 try when this is on the normal daily. (If it is not - I do not try at all.)

Dragon Ball has a similar problem. But the matches feel more fast paced and I usually still stay. And you get a reward for participation as well. Here in Wintersday when it should be about having fun (Christmas related festival) I'd prefer if this was changed (but they probably ignore this again :D) and made similar to halloween - there only participation is required.

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