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Differeence in Leveling with friend


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Hello, I have a question. leveling an elementalist from level 1 with a friend. We started in Queensdale. He made a sylvari ele and I made a human ele. He levels way more faster then me, he is not using extra food or boosts, we looked at that, we exactly using the same. Also no exp scrolls on or guild buff. He not kill more then me, we do the same events.  I need to use tome of knowledge to keep up with him. Is there different stats of leveling on sylvari or human? Is there a difference between male and female chars? Also we noticed he could buy food at karma merchant in queensdale and a lesser stone. I didnt have the option, for me she only had a collar for sale . We both did the same heart. Is here any explanation for? We were just noticing the difference because we both leveling  a char at same time. And it feels annoying when doin the same stuff the other person levels way faster and can buy more from a merchant. 

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31 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

There should  not be any differance.

Are you doing the character adventure guide together that is alot  of exp?

Other then that high ap accounts got a bonus aswell mine is 46% at 39.800 for example

yeh i have even more ach points then him. i am at about 37000 and he 19000. So that is weird too

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Have you compared the XP-numbers you get from kills, events, hearts etc. (if you are on the same level) to see, if the difference comes from all sources or just a specific one?


And as Linken wrote, it may also come from the  "Character Adventure Guide" achievments? Maybe your friend did something you haven't done and is already a volume or more ahead?


For the difference at the heart vendor(s), can you tell us the locations of the vendor(s), that had different items?

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"And as Linken wrote, it may also come from the  "Character Adventure Guide" achievments? Maybe your friend did something you haven't done and is already a volume or more ahead?"


That is the only thing I can think of atm. Never thought about this Character Adventure Guide anymore. 


The heart vendor was in Queensdale at the moa farm. Called Cassie. After finishing the heart I only could buy the Collar while my friend could buy a cake as food and a low utility stone. 



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3 hours ago, Sensoria.7096 said:

.Never thought about this Character Adventure Guide 

That can be a huge difference since the way you play will be entirely different.  Healing, dodging,  using professional and utility skills, etc. Completing any of them will give you instant XP.

Check in your Hero panel to see which achievements you need to complete and you'll be surprised at how fast you'll level up. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2022 at 12:14 PM, Sensoria.7096 said:

Hello, I have a question. leveling an elementalist from level 1 with a friend. We started in Queensdale. He made a sylvari ele and I made a human ele. He levels way more faster then me, he is not using extra food or boosts, we looked at that, we exactly using the same. Also no exp scrolls on or guild buff. He not kill more then me, we do the same events.  I need to use tome of knowledge to keep up with him. Is there different stats of leveling on sylvari or human? Is there a difference between male and female chars? Also we noticed he could buy food at karma merchant in queensdale and a lesser stone. I didnt have the option, for me she only had a collar for sale . We both did the same heart. Is here any explanation for? We were just noticing the difference because we both leveling  a char at same time. And it feels annoying when doin the same stuff the other person levels way faster and can buy more from a merchant. 

if he is a veteran he might have had passive exp bonuses from loyalty chests or he might be on a deluxe core gw2 where there is a chance to get bonus exp on kills or he might be doing stuff on the side that u didn't notice like kill more mobs/participating on more events than you / getting more heart objectives etc ' in the long run leveling up will be an after thought when you get involved in the end game and other game modes so you shouldn't get frustrated and enjoy the game at your own pace.

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