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Precise Infusions

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All things being equal (which, of course, they rarely are), in order:

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@Oberwaldmeister.8239 said:First I want to Thanksgiving everyone for the helpful anwers.Is it a good deal with 5 laurels for one Infusion? I mean you can only get them through Login-In rewards. What else wouldnyou buy for laurels instead for example?

It's a good deal. How many do you have? Most veterans will tend to end up with more than they know how to spend (eventually), but for new players it can be tight for a while.

If you have say 100+ laurels, I'd say spend them on your +stat infusions; you'll earn more. If you have < 20 laurels, I'd advise waiting, especially if you can afford the AR+5/Stat+5 variation ("only" 14.5 gold).

To convert laurels to gold, visit GW2 Efficiency. Roughly, you can get 0.7-1.3g per laurel (after fees), depending on the market.

Laurels are also used for things that cannot be easily obtained elsewhere:

  • Enrichments for ascended amulets. These boost MF, XP, Gold Find, or Karma gain.
  • Some exclusive minis & tonics
  • For most people, their first ascended amulet or ring (although there are some good other sources now in LS3 maps).
  • Rewards that were previously exclusive to Living World Season 1 (aka LS1), including nodes for the home instance.
  • Some unique recipes.
  • For most people, their first recipes for ascended armor and weapons.
  • A couple of quest/collection items.
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