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Crafting commission?

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I'm not sure if this is done or possible within the game, but is it possible/done to commission another player to craft certain items in exchange for gold or gems or whatever? 

For several reasons I didn't have time to engage in the crafting mechanic of the game and I don't have any levels to craft high-end stuff.  That's not an issue because I have the look I want in mind for 4 of my characters without the need to craft.  But for my human female necromancer, there are a few pieces that would be nice to craft but I have 0 exp in crafting and I don't want to spend the time on it, put bluntly. 

I don't even care about the stats, just to unlock the item in the wardrobe.  Is there a way for players to send over crafted items or they become account/soul bound? 

EDIT: just to clarify, I'm referring to items that can't be bought over the trading post. 

Edited by KnightofPhoenix.3679
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If the crafted item can't be bought off (or sold in) the TP it can't be mailed either so there's no way to get the skin except by crafting it yourself.
I'd suggest checking gw2crafts.net site for fast and cheap crafting guides. If you are referring to tailoring the expected final cost is around 30 gold (0-400 is ~15g and 400-500 is another ~15g). Depending on the individual I'd say it takes maybe hour or two to level it up.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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The most likely reason you can't find these items on the Trading Post is because they're account bound on acquire and in that case no one else can craft them for you. A lot of craftable items are tradable and in that case it's totally fine to ask someone else to craft them for you, but it's rarely done on request because all those items will be on the Trading Post.

I think it's worth giving crafting a try even if it's not something you're interested in because it doesn't take a lot of time and is not a big commitment but often comes in useful. There's no time-gating on levelling crafts and it doesn't require achievements or hero points or anything like that, so if you've got the materials or gold to buy them you can go from level 0 to 400 in a couple of hours (or even 500, but that's more expensive and only necessary for ascended items). (The one exception is getting cooking from 400 to 500, which does involve doing some achievements.)

Likewise once you've learned it there's no maintenance, the skills will never decay and you won't lose them unless you delete the character and there's no requirement to ever craft anything unless you want to. You can level it then forget about it until the next time you want an account bound craftable item. Oh and all crafting is 100% guaranteed, there's no risk of failing to craft something or breaking it or whatever so you don't have to waste time, gold and materials on repeated attempts.

I do recommend following a guide though because even if you understand how the crafting system works it's surprisingly easy to make bad choices and waste gold or materials. It's not the end of the world if you do that (I think everyone's got a story about making far more of something than they needed) but if you're already not interested in crafting it would be even more annoying.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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15 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

IIRC those are also optional but skipping the achievements makes it more expensive

I just looked it up and you're right, it is possible to level chef to 500 without them, I was misremembering the first step, I thought you got the letter at rank 400 and the higher ranks were locked until you started the collection but it's actually the other way around.

Apparently you need to do some parts of the collection to get access to all the materials and recipes, but it's possible to level chef without them.

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It is possible to use some craft guides though - to at least efficiently max the crafting professions. Then only doing the stuff you need. (That is bound and needs to be crafted by sourself.) Ignoring crafting for all other stuff - and using TP there. (Since crafting is that boring ... that is usually how it works best.)

I do not think they will change this - to even allow more bypassing of the crafting. They at least want to have some reasons for people to do it. So ... either do it - or get some other skins.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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