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Why does Mind Stab (Greatsword 3) root me in place for 1-2s?


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IMO it's the weird aftercast animation (if you don't move at all, the character pulls the sword from the ground), that, even though cancelled by the movement input, roots you in place as if it is played out.

So far, what I've experienced, as I'm casting it myself and trying to make lots of different inputs, if you move immediately after casting it or you cast it while you're moving, the aftercast animation gets completely skipped, but if you stay in place for just a while too long and let your character start the animation of pulling the sword from the ground, even though a movement input will either speed the animation up or cancel it outright, the character still gets rooted in place as if the animation was being played out normally)

Edited by Sapujapu.4072
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9 hours ago, Melian.5368 said:

Is it because of lag spikes? I don't get why sometimes my character just stays where she is after casting this. ArcDPS shows my ping is usually around 60-100ms. Still I get rooted for 1 or 2 seconds a lot of the time (not always).

It's one of those very few skills that does not allow movement on cast. Or so I think because it behaved like that for me since release of the vanilla game.

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9 hours ago, Melian.5368 said:

Is it because of lag spikes? I don't get why sometimes my character just stays where she is after casting this. ArcDPS shows my ping is usually around 60-100ms. Still I get rooted for 1 or 2 seconds a lot of the time (not always).

Aren't you slamming the point of your sword into the ground for the magic to mimic that action. If you were running you'd fall right on your kiester.

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7 hours ago, Sapujapu.4072 said:

IMO it's the weird aftercast animation (if you don't move at all, the character pulls the sword from the ground), that, even though cancelled by the movement input, roots you in place as if it is played out.

So far, what I've experienced, as I'm casting it myself and trying to make lots of different inputs, if you move immediately after casting it or you cast it while you're moving, the aftercast animation gets completely skipped, but if you stay in place for just a while too long and let your character start the animation of pulling the sword from the ground, even though a movement input will either speed the animation up or cancel it outright, the character still gets rooted in place as if the animation was being played out normally)

This is the answer.

57 minutes ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

I posted about this a while back also.
I thought it was a 250ms ping thing but also had reply from players with much lower ping experience it too.

Thats your/their problem that you are unable to cancel aftercast.

Someone could argue they can remove unnecassary aftercast but they cant fix serious bugs affecting class balance, that exists for a looooong time->virtuoso unblockable trait doesnt work since beta, In pvp gs3 on guardian does pve damage, shroud on harb is invisible, gwell on it has no red circles whatsoever , warrior burst trait has ~28% cd reduction instead of 15% etc.

Edited by semak.7481
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13 hours ago, Melian.5368 said:

Is it because of lag spikes? I don't get why sometimes my character just stays where she is after casting this. ArcDPS shows my ping is usually around 60-100ms. Still I get rooted for 1 or 2 seconds a lot of the time (not always).

It's part of the animation.  Considering it makes no sense to have it root you but ANet design decisions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's part of the animation, which reasons for being only Anet knows. For the record, there are many skills who behave like this, and it does cause frustrations to no end. An example is Ranger GS auto chain, which last hit actually has a very brief animation lock. It's so infuriating when this happens, and I imagine for Ranger GS case, it's because it wants to confirm the hit registration. 

What can be done for all these skills is instead do a slow walk instead, which is much better than a goddamn anim lock. 

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