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Oakheart's Reach Ancient Magics


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Please, I need help on this...

This picture will explain what I cannot. Oakheart's Reach has full bar. I can apply 5 Mastery Point. Placing a mouse icon on it, it says, "Master this ability for 5 Mastery points." On the right side of that, only 5 Mastery point is in solid white. Two Mastery point is in gray. Now I am not sure if this a graphical bug or it will be related to in-game mechanical bug. I did not apply the Mastery point yet because my account have been crashing when I put anything into the guild bank with ONE of my main character namely Elemaza. Other character can place any items into the guild bank but Elemaza cannot. This implies that if I apply this suspicious Mastery point for training, I will only accumulate the bug to further crash my account.

Could someone tell me if this is safe to apply the Mastery point or do I have to wait for ANet to fix this bug? Not too sure if the image will be paste onto the thread, but here is the short-link of the image.https://goo.gl/XPXxVQoiTExP0.jpg

The image is from google photos. Please check that image and tell me if it's safe or do I need to report this bug somewhere else. Thanks.

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Thanks for your reply. However, I do not understand "from the newest two bag slots" meant. I tried to avoid this problem in Lion's Arch chat. I was bullied for asking people to see if they can view the image. Went to imgur but I have to sign up for an account. Now I am stuck if no one can view the image. :angry:

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The image shows you need 7 Mastery Points for that track.

Which, in fact, you do: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks#Ancient_Magics (Not sure why it says 5; typo or something, I guess.)

If the game will allow you to complete the track with only 5 MPs, I would guess it's safe. It would not be your fault; but, it could possibly mess up all the rest of the tracks and require CS assistance.

Good luck.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:The image shows you need 7 Mastery Points for that track.

Which, in fact, you do: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks#Ancient_Magics (Not sure why it says 5; typo or something, I guess.)

If the game will allow you to complete the track with only 5 MPs, I would guess it's safe. It would not be your fault; but, it could possibly mess up all the rest of the tracks and require CS assistance.

Good luck.

Yes this is why I did not apply the 5 Mastery point. Want to know why is it doing this and if it's possible to apply only 5. So is there a special way to report this to? I've never "submit a ticket" before. I will find out how.

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@Sumnang.2498 said:Thank you. I just submitted the ticket. I do not know if I did it right. It is my first time. I am still wondering if I can apply the 5 Mastery points or wait for a fix. Thanks everyone that had replied so far.

As far as I know, you can't contribute partial mastery points to a mastery track. You need to have at least the exact number of points the track requires before you can spend the points. So if what you want to spend points on shows you need 10 points, you'll need at least 10 points before you can spend them on that track to unlock it and start earning XP for your next chosen mastery track.

Edit: Just checked. I have 2 different HoT mastery tracks I don't have enough points to unlock either. I'm not able to contribute the few points I do have to either track. Both require 12 points and I only have 5. I won't be able to unlock either until I get another 7 HoT mastery points.

Also, I do have the Ancient Magics mastery fully completed. Oakheart's Reach is showing I've contributed 7 mastery points to it. So it does require 7. It seems to be a bug for you showing you only need 5 mastery points for it. You could try to click the icon and see what it does. My bet is nothing will happen and you won't spend your points since you don't have enough to unlock it yet.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:It probably says 5 because you only have 5 available.

Which is odd, because for the 2 HoT masteries that I need 12 points each in, with 5 mastery points available the tooltip says I need to earn 7 more points before I can unlock it.

Something is definitively weird with what the OP is seeing. It could just be a simple tooltip error. The OP's screenshot shows it says to master the ability for 5 points indicating he/she has enough when you can see it shows you actually need 7 points to unlock.

It's a long shot, but you could try repairing the game client. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client

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