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[Feb. 14 Balance Patch] Mantra of Recovery requires further boost.


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Among all 5 Mesmer Mantra skills, the healing skill Mantra of Recovery is probably the least utilized one by players.


Just look at the tooltip and it is not difficult to understand why.

Mantra. Chant the mantra of recovery, instantly healing yourself. Receive increased healing if you are below the health threshold.

  •  Healing: 1,640 (0.25)?

  •  Healing below 50%: 2,620 (0.4)?

  •  Health Threshold: 50%

  •  Count Recharge: 20 seconds

  •  Maximum Count: 2


First of all, the baseline healing is just abysmally low. 1640 health point every 20 seconds make up for 82 hp/s. For comparison, Ether Feast heals 264 hp/s.


The below-50% conditional healing isn't great either. 2640 healing makes up for only 16.6% of Mesmer's base health. Hardly something you would want to rely on dropping under 50%. And you have to cast 2 charges back to back with a 1 sec delay in order to reach the same effectiveness of Ether Feast.


Only after adding 872 healing from Restorative Mantras, the mantra starts to become somewhat impressive. However, the dependency over one single trait for it to work properly, makes this skill a complete lackluster for Mesmers not taking Inspiration, a trait line that only a small minority of players would take.


Now, the Feb. 14 balance patch will bring back the old Mantra preparation mechanics. Upon completing the preparation, Mesmers...
Heal yourself, and heal nearby allies for a lesser amount.


What is not explicitly stated in the preview note raises some real concerns. For example:

  • How long does it take to prepare the Mantra? After all, no one enjoys healing skills with long cast time due to being prone to interruption.
  • How much does a successful preparation heal? What about the charge healing value? Will the latter be buffed to a more usable degree? That makes a huge difference for players to decide whether they should prepare it before engagement or to prepare it only after receiving damage.
  • Does the cooldown start upon completing preparation, or does it start upon consuming the final charge as it used to be? If the latter is the case, there is practically no point at all to save the last charge, and really no point to bring back the entire tactical preparation-charge mechanics for no meaningful decision making involved.


The last time Mantra of Recovery received some meaningful buff was back in 2017, when it received 25% healing bonus upon fully charged--that is, a buff to the preparation part which was then removed in 2021.


Now with the preparation coming back, as a fellow Memser main who just loves the Mantra theme deeply, I sincerely hope that the skill will be properly reworked to a practical state.

Edited by Virtuality.8351
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From what they showed in the preview stream it's not so much a rework as it is just a revert to how mantras originally worked ~1 year ago. Full circle lol.

This is the change I absolutely hate the most as once again, Mesmers are getting cast aside because of Firebrand. They seriously need to look at Mesmer mantras and make specific and key changes just for mesmers only because man, just man lol.

Edited by Waffles.5632
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oki i see you dont know how old mantra work.

You forgot that mantra have 10 s cd.


we can do now true hps:

1) you charge mantra -> cast take ~ 2.5s that heal you for 3275 hp

2) you use 2 chargs -> it take ~2s 1640 hp * 2 =  3280 hp

3) then cd of the skill -> 10s


Now hps -> you get (3275 + 1640*2 ) hp in ~20s that give you 327,75 hps


And you can add next 1k hp * 2 for Restorative Mantras  and 2 conditions removed from Mender's Purity if you will go for it


Last rework of mantra was for mesmer HUGE NERF.

Ofc yes in PvE they will be weeker because whan you charge mantra you can't AA, but for PvP and WvW it is BIG buff.


Edited by Shadowcat.4397
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37 minutes ago, Shadowcat.4397 said:

oki i see you dont know how old mantra work.

You forgot that mantra have 10 s cd.


we can do now true hps:

1) you charge mantra -> cast take ~ 2.5s that heal you for 3275 hp

2) you use 2 chargs -> it take ~2s 1640 hp * 2 =  3280 hp

3) then cd of the skill -> 10s


Now hps -> you get (3275 + 1640*2 ) hp in ~20s that give you 327,75 hps


And you can add next 1k hp * 2 for Restorative Mantras  and 2 conditions removed from Mender's Purity if you will go  


Last rework of mantra was for mesmer HUGE NERF.

Ofc yes in PvE they will be weeker because whan you charge mantra you can't AA, but for PvP and WvW it is BIG buff.



How is this change a buff for mesmers in any way?

Everyone who is not blind will interrupt your 2,5s mantra preparations.

You want to heal, interrupt!

You want to get aegis for a block, just wait 2,5sec until you get it.

Want to remove condis? What can happen in the 2,5sec until you got them removed?


It's so easy to interrupt preparations and so clunky to use the on preparation effects they could as well not exist.


I would rather take the firebrand mantras with their enhanced final charge. Those are at least useable.

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I think you need to really read and think about what Shadowcat said.
Old heal mantra was designed to be cast and then used immediately and then put on it's 10s CD

In fact all mantras for mesmer were designed to be used up then recast which is why the count recharge is so high but the cool down to recast is much lower.
Is this a good thing? Make your mind up about that but the reversion is a huge buff for mesmer mantras mostly because the removal was done in the most stupidest way imaginable that I honestly have to assume they were really short on time and rushed it.

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On 2/4/2023 at 7:54 AM, Crystal Black.8190 said:


How is this change a buff for mesmers in any way?

Everyone who is not blind will interrupt your 2,5s mantra preparations.

You want to heal, interrupt!

You want to get aegis for a block, just wait 2,5sec until you get it.

Want to remove condis? What can happen in the 2,5sec until you got them removed?


It's so easy to interrupt preparations and so clunky to use the on preparation effects they could as well not exist.


I would rather take the firebrand mantras with their enhanced final charge. Those are at least useable.


Risk vs reward. You don't have to charge the mantras when you need them most. But if you manage to do so you greatly benefit.

And you can ameliorate the risk with stab/stealth/quickness.

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