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Everything posted by Ombras.2853

  1. "Feedback", ha. I'm so sick of providing "feedback" to these devs.
  2. Yes, and you know why? Because you need to regear it to make it work. Does it mean it doesn't work anymore? False. Stop crying. I believe that's a garbage nerf, and that to hit Staxe they nerfed the wrong things (there are several other ways to do so without touching Staff Mirage). But, for the love of god, be real.
  3. ...you don't even know how a Renegade works, and Renegade isn't meta since so long. I think it's an unnecessary nerf, tho, even if the spec will stay strong regardless. It was by far the best alac dps in the game.
  4. Or just make Legendary Tools by merging in the Mystic Forge four sets.
  5. Not gonna lie. If someone had joined my raids in green gears without them being a “challenge run” or something, I’d kick them. You should respect the time of the players you are running with. You absolutely don’t have to be perfect, that’s not elitism or whatever. Just don’t troll. It’s not fun.
  6. How about trying raiding discords instead of random gw2 discords? 😉
  7. 30/40 people camping SMC and waiting for a wall to repair isn't "playing the game", btw.
  8. Can WvW enjoyers skip spending hours in PvE maps to get completion? No? Well, why should be different the other way around?
  9. You literally mentioned metaclasses (bar Weaver which is more... marginal, but it's still widely accepted). What has this anything to do with the above post? EDIT: also, if you are unaware, they do have those.
  10. You can just play the game your way by tagging up and calling it a "chill run" or something similar. No need to dictate what the experience of other players has to be.
  11. I mean, you could had improved Reward Tracks directly at that point.
  12. When are we getting the rewards back? Has been almost a full day.
  13. Another shitshow, not surprised.
  14. Of course the Mesmer stays behind.
  15. Imho Strikes are absolutely fine the way they are. Wanting Wing 8 is another thing entirely, and I do agree with that.
  16. Tbh it’s quite the opposite: Scepter is a decent/good weapon in PvP mode and it sees exactly 0 play in PvE other than in *extremely* fringe builds.
  17. Not just for core tbh. I’d really like the change, even if it means to lower the damage on it.
  18. Mirage is generally in a good spot in Raids (most of them) and Strikes. In Fractals not that much, but Fractals have lots of issues with group composition, it’s not specifically about Mirage tbh.
  19. And, again: Mirage is better than Mech against many of these fights. Which isn’t just Largos and SH. As I previously mentioned, 4 sec instead of 2,5 sec is a HuGE buff for PvE Mirage, for the reason you wrote about (downtime during the fights). You now stack alacrity MUCH better. I have been very critical about PvE Alac Mirage before patch due to this issue, now it’s solved. Sucks that the devs can’t ever make a distinction between game modes, so they basically killed an already crippled Mirage in competitive, but that’s not what we were addressing. This.
  20. Again, you are speaking without even playing the spec in that specific content. Mirage is heavily nerfed in PvP games with this patch, due to the need of having 3 clones at all times. In PvE that’s actually a buff, since instead of pulsing 2,5 sec of Alac per attack you now pulse 4 sec. Mirage used to run Ritualist gear because of this issue, now it reverted to full Viper due to not needing the improved boon anymore. It’s still good (actually better, a lot) against the same bosses it was good against before. Ofc it’s not like you HAVE to use Mirage against those, but IT IS still the best performing spec in the game vs them.
  21. I’ve done all kinds of meta events without Skyscale. Once you know the patterns, you can keep up just fine with classic mounts, and I mean it. So, no: you don’t need Skyscale to keep up with other players. You *need* it if you don’t intend to put any effort in learning the paths and so on. Having Skyscale is much better than not having it. But not having Skyscale =/= can’t enjoy GW2 content.
  22. Not sure why some people feel compelled to speak lies every post. I agree that Chrono in PvE isn’t in a great spot. Even after the recent patch, what it does is simply not enough even if we were to take into account only golem rotations, whilst in actual games those rotations are impractical. But Virtuoso is literally the best Dps in the game at the time being, not on the golem, in the actually games. NOBODY will tell you pass to playing Virtuoso, NOBODY. Alac Mirage is also literally the superior spec in a handful of wings, so it’s another fat lie. PvE problem is about Chronomancer, not Mesmer. Other modes? Yes, there are much, much larger issues. But since you addressed PvE, those are fat lies, again.
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