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Applying Dyes by hovering mouse over it - bug of feature?


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So I was looking through wardrobe to apply few dyes and for some reason one of cells of equipment become "locked" - and instead of constantly clicking back and forth applying different dyes I was able to just hover my mouse over them and they would automatically apply for preview to "locked" piece.

I had this just once and I was never able to replicate it. If this is feature, how can I activate that mode? If bug, could it implemented as feature?

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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here but it's always been possible to preview dyes by holding the mouse over the slot without clicking. It takes a second or two to change, so if you normally click right away you may never have noticed but the option has always been there.

I find it really useful when I'm putting together a new dye scheme because I can click to apply the colours I know I want and then preview others by hovering - so if I don't like how they look together I can remove just the one I'm currently considering just by moving the mouse away, instead of having to click the reset button and lose the whole new dye scheme (and any new skins I might be previewing). Or I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot.

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@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here but it's always been possible to preview dyes by holding the mouse over the slot without clicking. It takes a second or two to change, so if you normally click right away you may never have noticed but the option has always been there.

I find it really useful when I'm putting together a new dye scheme because I can click to apply the colours I know I want and then preview others by hovering - so if I don't like how they look together I can remove just the one I'm currently considering just by moving the mouse away, instead of having to click the reset button and lose the whole new dye scheme (and any new skins I might be previewing). Or I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot.

It is hard to explain, considering I do not remember what I did, but in contrary to what you are doing: "I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot", SLOT become LOCKED. And I was moving my mouse over list of dyes w/o going back to SLOT. So all dyes I was hovering over would "preview apply" to this specific slot.

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@Trendy.1694 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here but it's always been possible to preview dyes by holding the mouse over the slot without clicking. It takes a second or two to change, so if you normally click right away you may never have noticed but the option has always been there.

I find it really useful when I'm putting together a new dye scheme because I can click to apply the colours I know I want and then preview others by hovering - so if I don't like how they look together I can remove just the one I'm currently considering just by moving the mouse away, instead of having to click the reset button and lose the whole new dye scheme (and any new skins I might be previewing). Or I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot.

It is hard to explain, considering I do not remember what I did, but in contrary to what you are doing: "I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot", SLOT become LOCKED. And I was moving my mouse over list of dyes w/o going back to SLOT. So all dyes I was hovering over would "preview apply" to this specific slot.

I see what you're saying. If you do figure out how to do it again please do come back and tell us because I've been wishing the dye system worked like that for ages.

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@Trendy.1694 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here but it's always been possible to preview dyes by holding the mouse over the slot without clicking. It takes a second or two to change, so if you normally click right away you may never have noticed but the option has always been there.

I find it really useful when I'm putting together a new dye scheme because I can click to apply the colours I know I want and then preview others by hovering - so if I don't like how they look together I can remove just the one I'm currently considering just by moving the mouse away, instead of having to click the reset button and lose the whole new dye scheme (and any new skins I might be previewing). Or I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot.

It is hard to explain, considering I do not remember what I did, but in contrary to what you are doing: "I can switch between two colours by applying one then selecting the other and moving the mouse on and off of the slot", SLOT become LOCKED. And I was moving my mouse over list of dyes w/o going back to SLOT. So all dyes I was hovering over would "preview apply" to this specific slot.

Ah ok, now I see what you're saying. Before when you said the slot was locked I thought you meant the dye wasn't being applied to it, and instead it was just reverting back to what you'd chosen before.

That does sound useful.

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Strange that you encountered an apparent bug that mimics the behavior of a previously requested feature.

As I worded in response to a previous thread requesting this option:Easier way to preview dyes on armor?

@I am William.3698 said:As the title say, is there an easier way to preview dyes on pieces of armor? Clicking on one dye at a time then hovering over a piece of armor is wasting a lot of time. Like is there a way to select the top right corner of pants, and then hovering over dyes to preview them?I have over 400 different dye and I want a quicker way to preview it.

@StinVec.3621 said:It could work the same way as it does now if no dye slot is selected, but if a slot is selected then it could 'invert' to the above-mentioned function of hovering over dyes to preview on that slot.

Perhaps they are adding it in as a feature and it is incomplete or not able to be activated, but some of its code is present in the game and it somehow became active for you. I have no idea, but it certainly is a possibility and I do hope they are adding in this inverted preview behavior as an option that we can enable - It would be much easier and quicker for me if I could click a slot and hover over dyes instead of clicking a single dye and hovering over a slot and repeat for another dye.

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@LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

I see what you're saying. If you do figure out how to do it again please do come back and tell us because I've been wishing the dye system worked like that for ages.

I remember having 2 dyes in my inventory, that is pretty much it. And it also was kinda buggy - I just got my balthazar outfit from chest and were re-oppening wardrobe after every match. And it went brown-ish instead of being regular red. I also tried to re-paint my glider and my mounts. And afterwards noticed, that I can preview slots as explained before.

This is what I recall only, maybe someone will be able to replicate this ". It does not feel like one time bug though, considering functionality.

@StinVec.3621 said:Strange that you encountered an apparent bug that mimics the behavior of a previously requested feature.

Perhaps they are adding it in as a feature and it is incomplete or not able to be activated, but some of its code is present in the game and it somehow became active for you.

Could be, as I experience it right after new PVP season started together with patch.

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