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100 Gold For Reading 10 Chapters Of A Novel?

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  • 2 months later...

I was replied to, it was a story about a certain topic, i forget which, it seemed harmless. Like, spaceage/myths or something like that, thats approximately what was said. So, if that be real, whatever, I didnt go farther beyond they replied a typical normal subject, nothing off or odd.

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22 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:


Rmt + known scam. Basically they are trying to get you to promote their ai generated book and using in game gold as payment (rmt). This is to scam people to start spending real money into buying their trash book that you just helped promote.

I don't think that's the case here.


This is a single player with multiple accounts who keeps getting people to read their written book (not audio book). From what I understand its a very basic work, and they seem quite young.


I've not heard of them actually sending gold to anyone but they do get upset if you give feedback as the "advertisement" is just to read it, not comment on it. They're also well known for just not replying to people at all, which makes me doubt its a scam. I mean, if you don't even reply to the person with what they're supposed to be reading, you can't get anything out of it anyway.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Definition of rmt from support:

"Thank you for your response. Trading any in-game items for out of game money, goods, or services is not allowed under the Terms of Use and Code of Conduct. Please visit the links provided below for more information on what is and is not allowed."  

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