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Server balance issues

Random dude.5089

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is there anyway anet can fix low pop servers by merging 3 dead servers against 2 decent server or something like that , also there is legit no need to relink every month for some reason, they could just actualy put work and give some attention to servers , people transfer to rank 1 servers , and i mean by that , either veterans who actualy have enough money to do it whenever they want and people who spend real monney for it which is unfair for the new people who just want to enjoy wvw , right now we got linked with gunnar's hold and got stomped two days straight and i noticed that everyone stoped playing  after and gunnars server went from very high to medium in a matter of days , and now i gotta log on and find 10 people in total playing in ebg , thats kinda pathetic to be honest.

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7 minutes ago, Denver.4621 said:

is there anyway anet can fix low pop servers by merging 3 dead servers against 2 decent server or something like that , also there is legit no need to relink every month for some reason, they could just actualy put work and give some attention to servers , people transfer to rank 1 servers , and i mean by that , either veterans who actualy have enough money to do it whenever they want and people who spend real monney for it which is unfair for the new people who just want to enjoy wvw , right now we got linked with gunnar's hold and got stomped two days straight and i noticed that everyone stoped playing  after and gunnars server went from very high to medium in a matter of days , and now i gotta log on and find 10 people in total playing in ebg , thats kinda pathetic to be honest.

They are working on it in the form of the WR project. We are waiting word on the Alliance test portion of the betas.

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18 minutes ago, Denver.4621 said:

is there anyway anet can fix low pop servers by merging 3 dead servers against 2 decent server or something like that , also there is legit no need to relink every month for some reason, they could just actualy put work and give some attention to servers , people transfer to rank 1 servers , and i mean by that , either veterans who actualy have enough money to do it whenever they want and people who spend real monney for it which is unfair for the new people who just want to enjoy wvw , right now we got linked with gunnar's hold and got stomped two days straight and i noticed that everyone stoped playing  after and gunnars server went from very high to medium in a matter of days , and now i gotta log on and find 10 people in total playing in ebg , thats kinda pathetic to be honest.

1. They're already working on World Restructuring system, they've ran like 6 beta test on it, next one will be with Alliances implemented, supposedly what they're working on right now.

2. Relinks happen every 2 months, next one is end of march.

3. RoF(veryhigh)/Gunnar's hold(high)(not even medium so not even close to "dead") is currently in Tier 2, holding second place, you may not think there's people on your server, but apparently there's people not in your time zone playing still. In any case if your server isn't good enough then it'll have to drop a tier or two to find similar populated servers to fight.

4. No they can't triple up servers, not unless they drop a tier, T5 currently has 3 servers that don't even have a a link.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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On 2/25/2023 at 7:13 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

1. They're already working on World Restructuring system, they've ran like 6 beta test on it, next one will be with Alliances implemented, supposedly what they're working on right now.

2. Relinks happen every 2 months, next one is end of march.

3. RoF(veryhigh)/Gunnar's hold(high)(not even medium so not even close to "dead") is currently in Tier 2, holding second place, you may not think there's people on your server, but apparently there's people not in your time zone playing still. In any case if your server isn't good enough then it'll have to drop a tier or two to find similar populated servers to fight.

4. No they can't triple up servers, not unless they drop a tier, T5 currently has 3 servers that don't even have a a link.

people in my timezone are eu , plus gunnar's hold prime time is always evenings , aready played in gh , and they always stomped at the evening , and now its the oposite , now even against a tier 5 server who is tier 5 , they take sm for about 13 hours straight.

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1 hour ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

My opinion:

ArenaNet should push the Alliance Beta system to the live servers sooner and make it a permanent live beta as they actively fix the last issues.

Players should hang in there with the limitations of the current server-based system a little longer.

We haven't even seen the actual Alliance portions and the last couple of betas have been more lopsided then the initial ones were. I don't think they are done turning yet on phase 1 and we haven't seen phase 2 and how that might disrupt the math in phase 1. Too early for making any beta permanent, IMO.

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