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Player quality in matches

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As a veteran player myself, I can relate to your sentiment. Over the years, I've witnessed a decline in the overall skill level and teamwork of players in PvP.

But let's not forget the bigger issue here: Arenanet. The company's lack of action and care for the game is the root of the problem. We've seen countless promises and hype for new features and improvements, only to be disappointed time and time again.

It's clear that the company is more focused on churning out cash shop items and expansions rather than addressing the fundamental issues within the game. The player quality in matches is just a symptom of a larger problem.

Unfortunately, I don't see things changing anytime soon. Arenanet has proven time and time again that they're more interested in making a quick buck than providing a quality gaming experience for their players.

So, while it's easy to blame the players for the poor quality of matches, let's not forget that Arenanet is the real culprit here. As veterans, we've learned to accept the reality of the situation and just try to make the best of it.

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As a veteran too that's a real concern.
Almost all my Matches outcomes are kinda all or nothing (500-less100 or vice versa)

sPvp population is way too low and the q-engine cannot work properly any more since he has no choice.

The end result is frustrating for both sides of the coin: rookies bump against experienced players and get smashed ; and it's boring for old players.

IMO It's critical for Anet to find some ways to quickly increase SPVP population or Naru & his friends will quickly stand alone in a giant sandbox 😏:
- offer more incentive to attract and keep players.: new maps, specific rewards, etc.
- population merge ( no clue if that's realistic but that would be a simple way to drastically increase the population and relaunch  the competition)
- modify the ranked ELO algorithm (which I suspect might be a major challenge): the total number of matches variance in the top players is crazy and it often lands to unrealistic results. Some players with way much less matches are above some others with the same W/L ratio
- create links with WvW for example(trying to be creative 🤪)
- etc.


Just thinking at loud

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My favorite part of this season so far has been the constant "player has called target on you". They expect (a bad) support tempest/guardian to run into a 1v2? Or better yet, I had a game where a thief was basically spawncamping me. the second I was out of spawn they were on me, I'd try to run to the teamfight but would get killed before I could reach teammates. Rather then met me half way or even attempt to peel when I was asking for help in chat, they just called target on me every time I died. I honestly to god think the players get more toxic every time I try a season.

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It shouldn't be surprising considering that everyone can shadowstep now, shadowstepping is one of the least skilled degenerate things you can do in any pvp game and it is very effective at what it does, teleporting anywhere up to 1200 without any consequences is simply to powerful of a tool to not have.

It effectively means that newer players don't actually have a chance of winning because as soon as they get the opportunity to, their target just vanishes and is 1200 off into the distance recovering for round 2 which will either end in that enemy winning or the exact same neutral state.

The only reason rifle mechanist was complained about is because it was more or less just doing what deadeye does except you can actually see them doing it.

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