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Increase the Evade on Voracious Arc

Zex Anthon.8673

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How is this still 1/2 second evade on a 3/4 second animation? I'm guessing Anet forgot what a full length dodge is.

This is proof that Anet doesn't play necro when they say stuff like "necro is already pretty good" and proceed to make no changes to the class for half a year. Real nice when my dodge skill can be interrupted.

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this feels like as good a moment as any to remind everyone that the Harbinger elite spec still does not have an underwater shroud skill #4 (it's bugged since the class was presented in first beta) and still has an underwater shroud skill 3 which doesn't work properly (it doesn't move your character forward, despite being a movement skill).

The devs even acknowledged the existence of this bug, if i recall correctly it was about half a year ago, but here we are, about 18 months since first beta and still nothing changed.

my strong suspicion is that nobody at anet is actually getting paid to fix stuff like this, therefore it moves to the very end of everybodies to-do list or maybe nobody even has it on their radar anymore.

EoD really wasn't finished when they officially released it (about 80% i'd say), but even now, more than a year since launch of EoD, it STILL isn't fully finished.

on a unrelated note, have you all seen that sweet new super adventure turtle mount skin? how much time you think the devs spent on that?

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3 hours ago, Seuchenherbst.2746 said:

this feels like as good a moment as any to remind everyone that the Harbinger elite spec still does not have an underwater shroud skill #4 (it's bugged since the class was presented in first beta) and still has an underwater shroud skill 3 which doesn't work properly (it doesn't move your character forward, despite being a movement skill).

The devs even acknowledged the existence of this bug, if i recall correctly it was about half a year ago, but here we are, about 18 months since first beta and still nothing changed.

my strong suspicion is that nobody at anet is actually getting paid to fix stuff like this, therefore it moves to the very end of everybodies to-do list or maybe nobody even has it on their radar anymore.

EoD really wasn't finished when they officially released it (about 80% i'd say), but even now, more than a year since launch of EoD, it STILL isn't fully finished.

on a unrelated note, have you all seen that sweet new super adventure turtle mount skin? how much time you think the devs spent on that?

Yea, it's pretty ridiculous thinking that all of this (alongside issues like Transfusion not working on Harbinger, which after 16 months was at least partially fixed to heal) was given as EoD Beta Event Feedback - readily apparent in just 4 days of testing, 20 months ago. 


Speaking of UW, is Crimson Tide still bugged? It's been what, 5 years? 4 since they said they fixed it in a patch but didn't actually? 


But it's not like content bugs fare any better either.

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3 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

Speaking of UW, is Crimson Tide still bugged? It's been what, 5 years? 4 since they said they fixed it in a patch but didn't actually? 

At this point it would be more accurate for the devs to just change the skill facts in tooltip instead of fixing the skill.

Same with Thief's Spear skill #2 (Flanking Dive), which according to skill fact only has 130 range, yet in practice it moves your character forward, what, maybe 900-1200? It's clearly a broken skill that way, hitting for 6-10k, only costing 3 initiative AND providing an evade + movement. Funniest part is that the wiki doesn't even mention this, despite Thief existing since launch.

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1 hour ago, Seuchenherbst.2746 said:

At this point it would be more accurate for the devs to just change the skill facts in tooltip instead of fixing the skill.

Same with Thief's Spear skill #2 (Flanking Dive), which according to skill fact only has 130 range, yet in practice it moves your character forward, what, maybe 900-1200? It's clearly a broken skill that way, hitting for 6-10k, only costing 3 initiative AND providing an evade + movement. Funniest part is that the wiki doesn't even mention this, despite Thief existing since launch.

The devs gave up on investing time to properly balancing underwater skills after they removed underwater content from competitive modes. They only change some things from time to time to make patch notes look less empty (That's usually when the player think to himself while reading the patchnotes: "Oh? We had this skill?").

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Well harbinger shroud 4 is just a copy paste of daredevils staff 5.

And if i remember correctly, that daredevil skill was a full evade at first but got nerfed, because spamming staff 5 wasnt fun to play against (pvp, wvw). Because you could only interrupt the spam, if you hit the thief with a cc skill right when it landed.

And to be fair, shroud 4 even has a daze.

But shroud 4 has 10 seconds cooldown.


Would it be a good idea to change shroud 4. I don't know.

But at least making it 800 range would be very nice

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On 4/1/2023 at 9:00 AM, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

How is this still 1/2 second evade on a 3/4 second animation? I'm guessing Anet forgot what a full length dodge is.

A mobility skill... that is an evade... that dazes... that has a 1.4+ damage multiplier... that applies a bunch of torment...

ANet might just have thought that at least a tiny 1/4s window of counterplay might be justified.

And I agree with them.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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On 4/3/2023 at 3:08 PM, KrHome.1920 said:

A mobility skill... that is an evade... that dazes... that has a 1.4+ damage multiplier... that applies a bunch of torment...

ANet might just have thought that at least a tiny 1/4s window of counterplay might be justified.

And I agree with them.

Tbf it's also (probably?) the most expensive skill to use in the game.


It's locked behind a secondary skillbar, which is tied to both a resource to build up and a secondary cooldown to access, which then also disables all other Utility or defensive options, including possible stun breaks, making it exceptionally punishable.

It's own cost, beyond it's CD, includes Blight - which comes with numerous other issues, such as:

-potentially costing a damage modifier via minor Traits

-reducing the players sustain via Alchemic Vigor loss

-and as losing Blight increases the maximum health, which in turn increases maximum Life Force - while the current LF amount remains the same, and since LF degenerates based on a percentage value off of the maximum, the skill effectively has a hefty Life Force cost as well


Considering all those downsides and opportunity costs, I'd gladly sacrifice most of those effects (and costs) for just a single proper defensive and mobility skill instead. Besides, the skill already had the evade time issue in beta one, before it got any of the design travesty of extra Damage and Torment for Blight consumption functionality.


Dodge is a 0.75 second Evade for a reason, I imagine because in early playtesting they found the exact issue Voracious Arc has now when playing around with timings such as 0.5 seconds - which might be fine in something like a fighting game, played either locally or with appropriate netcode, but proved to be unreliable and anti-fun in an MMO (even in PvE the skill feels like a 50/50 gamble to actually avoid an attack/cc when using it as evade, because the timing is so tight/counter intuitive).

Edited by Asum.4960
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/1/2023 at 1:53 PM, Maultrace.5761 said:

Anet's solution: remove dodge from the skill completely.


I say it sarcastically, but sometimes it does feel like that...

It's the same feeling as Scrapper and the Hammer 3 Rocket Charge or whatever it's called. The evade barely ever works...

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