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Gw2 possible system problem

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For like 2 weeks or so i experience a pretty major issue when playing GW2. My PC shuts down randomly even after i am like 2-3 mins in-game. I play way more demanding games than GW2, yet i don't experience that there, but here it just happens this. I suspected it might be my PSU, CPU, GPU and such, but since in other games i don't experience this, i wonder if anyone knows a possible cause for this, and maybe a fix. Maybe a file from an update or something is messing up?

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Possible fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/svuspq/guild_wars_2_pc_shuts_down_randomly_while_playing/

Personally I have set the pagefile size at the maximum amount 4x system memory since I have plenty of unused hard drive space. The suggested size from Microsoft is 3x system memory or 4GB whichever is larger.

Looking thru the comments another issue might be the PSU but I suspect that then the shutdowns would happen with the other games too, esp if they are more demanding.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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2 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

Possible fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/svuspq/guild_wars_2_pc_shuts_down_randomly_while_playing/

Personally I have set the pagefile size at the maximum amount 4x system memory since I have plenty of unused hard drive space. The suggested size from Microsoft is 3x system memory or 4GB whichever is larger.

Looking thru the comments another issue might be the PSU but I suspect that then the shutdowns would happen with the other games too, esp if they are more demanding.

Sometimes the shutdown happens with some others games too. Let's take for example Last of Us game, very demanding, bad port. Surprisingly, today only happened once, then it didn't happened, compared to how often happened in past days. Now, i tried with BF2042, multiplayer only game, high demanding too, it never happened to me. As for the other demanding games, i did not experienced this shutdown issue. What i discovered, maybe not coincidence, is that if i enter first in GW2 and i get a shutdown, it happens more often than if i enter that other game. Shutdown seems to happen like 1 minute max after entering GW2, every time, and surprisingly does not happen in LoU not even after 2 hours. Maybe it's a GW2 file messing up with my system?

My assumption would be PSU problem too, but would be nice a method to actually discover the problem.

Initially i thought would be my CPU, since it's working 100% and 80 temp, but even after 2 hours it didn't shutdown. My GPU is working like around 70%, around 65 temp, so i don't think the problem would be from this 2 components. Also, after a diagnostic, the RAMs are fine, GPU fine, CPU pretty fine, maybe temp too high, the SSDs health are fine and motherboard does not present any issues.

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What version of Windows and what's your system specs?

I have an AMD system with Win11 that mysteriously shuts down too sometimes.  I think there's still something wrong between AMD fTPMs and Windows TPM security features since they supposedly have been providing fixes for it in the last 6 months.  The funny thing is it'll happen when I'm just web browsing and never when I'm gaming.

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Win10 Pro, I5 4690k, GTX 1070, 16GB dual ram ddr3. Everything looks fine after diagnostic, but can't check my PSU status, and that 79-80 temp on CPU is concerning. I mean, i did saw even years ago that my CPU is working 100% mostly, but can't remember if i saw temp so high. Even so, tested my CPU in other games, 80 temp, 100% usage, for like 2 hours, no shutdown, but when i enter GW2, like max 30 mins of play, 70-75 temp, usage not even 100%, i get shutdown.

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Have you overclocked the CPU? If yes then I'd try undoing that. Some games actually run worse with overclocked systems. Another thing that can help with the high temps is changing the thermal paste on the CPU.

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4 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

Have you overclocked the CPU? If yes then I'd try undoing that. Some games actually run worse with overclocked systems. Another thing that can help with the high temps is changing the thermal paste on the CPU.

No overclock. Also, the thermal paste was recently changed. But i get PC shutdown especially on GW2, even if my temp is like 75 and cpu usage is like 70-80%.

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4 hours ago, NEOCROM.8957 said:

Also, the thermal paste was recently changed.

Only on the CPU, or did you disassemble your graphics card to renew the paste there?

This could indeed be an overheating issue, but not necessarily of the CPU but of your GPU. Have you checked if there are GPU temperatures spikes during gaming?

It could also be a faulty PSU, but it could as well just be that  your PSU is too weak for your system.

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38 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Only on the CPU, or did you disassemble your graphics card to renew the paste there?

This could indeed be an overheating issue, but not necessarily of the CPU but of your GPU. Have you checked if there are GPU temperatures spikes during gaming?

It could also be a faulty PSU, but it could as well just be that  your PSU is too weak for your system.

No disassembling of GPU, too risky. The thermal paste of CPU was changed in service by experts and doing a diagnostic to try figure from where the problem might be...no luck.

PSU is Seasonic, not quite low quality, and it's 650W, recommended for gtx 1070. I do hear a weird electrical (?) noise, rarely, while pushing the off button at the back of my PSU. It's accumulating charge or something?


Still, with the info provided upper, the GPU is rarely 75% usage, temp is not higher than 70, so i think it's fine there, also, the diagnostic found nothing.

CPU, 75-80 temp, 100% usage. I understand that on I5 4690k the temp is pretty fine-ish according to multiple forums. Diagnostic found nothing here either. Also, my CPU was not even 100% and not even 75 temp and PC shuts down after, so maybe it's not from this.

RAMs are fine.

Did a diagnostic myself on the SSD/HDD health, all is fine. The SSD where windows is has 85% health, but still green, i think it's ok-ish.

As for the motherboard, maybe this would had messed much more if it was faulty, so probably this ain't either.

Now the only thing left is the PSU. It's like 3 years old, my PC was even on like 10-12 hours/day mostly, even stand-by. I dunno, maybe i overpushed by PSU with this and became faulty.

Highly doubt i can manage to obtain a gpu/cpu to test, but at least i can try test with a different PSU while playing GW2, see if the shut down happens after.

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650W should be enough. If you can it's indeed a good idea to test the system with another PSU.

The noise thing reminds me of a faulty PSU I once had which also made a weird electrical clicking noise. And I noticed slight "electrical burning smell" near the PSU after which I finally decided to change it.

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Well, changed my PSU. Can confirm this was the problem, since i've tested in various games, especially GW2, and no shutdown. Also, tested with another PSU before buying, and all went fine, tested with the one i had before, shutdown after like few mins. Somehow GW2 affected my PSU more than some other 2-3 games.

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55 minutes ago, NEOCROM.8957 said:

Well, changed my PSU. Can confirm this was the problem, since i've tested in various games, especially GW2, and no shutdown. Also, tested with another PSU before buying, and all went fine, tested with the one i had before, shutdown after like few mins. Somehow GW2 affected my PSU more than some other 2-3 games.

GW2 uses a different engine from a lot of other games so it's hardware usage patterns aren't the same. It could have triggered your PC to require more power to the CPU than other games, for example.

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19 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

GW2 uses a different engine from a lot of other games so it's hardware usage patterns aren't the same. It could have triggered your PC to require more power to the CPU than other games, for example.

Surprisingly it didn't, not at W, not usage, not at temp.

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