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WvW Server [EU]

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Hey guys..

So... I came back to playing GW2 again after almost 11 years. I started playing on Desolation, and 95% of my time was spend in WvW (500-600h a month. kitten me) God i spend a lot of gold.
Times where WvW had an hour Q or longer in prime time... and the other maps were filled to. 
I got one of the first commander tags in the server etc. etc. but i wont bore you with my life story.

Basically.. I love WvW... zerging with everyone etc. etc.... roaming if you want to. 
But now... 10 1/2 years later... it feels like desolation is dead in WvW.... its a full server, so no new people come in, or it doesnt get linked with others. 
But we have the outnumbered buff almost 90% of the day. Only in prime time it goes.. okish i guess.

I've been thinking about maybe just switching servers where WvW is more active throughout the day.
Is this.. you know... an idea?  Or is WvW just abandoned in general by Anet and barely anyone plays?
If not.. does anyone have a good recommendation for a server that is more active? 

Kind Regards, an old fart.

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Well Desolation is not dead and most servers have active groups running.But with all the server swaps every re-link there is no server that stays stable cuz of all the guilds that transfer during the re-links.Only few servers have a stable population that is some what consistent and Desolation is one of them( sadly consistent does not mean active all the time) Gandara used to be consistent as well ,FoW has lack of organised groups and good roamers and lots of clouders, gunners has loads of hackers and few organised guilds. And i can keep going on server by server but this things will change on the next re-link when the guilds and players transfer again. It does not matter what server you play on as long as you have friends to play with there. Sadly this will be the case till alliance comes in 2050. 

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Hey Monstermadness, welcome back!


You have picked the perfect moment to join WvW again! Anet Devs have recently added lots of rewards, so people are jumping on WvW atm.


Unfortunatelly in your specific case, Desolation doesnt have a server link atm, and it loses the current match. So its quite save to say that people on Deso will come back online next week.


In general, people in WvW enjoy to play the META more than ever, aka range cloud. Additionally, some fight guild META Coms are still around and try to recruit, aka Firebrand + Scourge, voice chat mandatory.


So whatever suits you best, it should be available next week on your server 🙂

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Deso is perma-outmanned most of the day atm because we're one of the unlucky benefactors of the unlinking system on EU.  Basically, the top 2 most active servers + Baruch Bay get unlinked so there are enough full matches for 5 tiers.  This sort of creates an ebb of flow of transferring, except that pretty much everyone still on deso is too stubborn to transfer after all this time so it doesn't work as well on us as it does on other servers.

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Thank you for the responses.
What I can see for most replies is, that Desolation itself can not sustain WvW on their own.. and because the server is constant "FULL", no new players are coming in.... and we are not getting linked, because we are to big.
I want to play WvW with friends who got the game recently and they cant play either.. even though they want to. 😞 

This really looks like Desolation is a big PvE server, and will never be linked because of the player pop 😕 

I guess I'll wait a week, to see if the linking system will help out, if not.. find a new home with my friends. 

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9 hours ago, monstermadness.3069 said:

Thank you for the responses.
What I can see for most replies is, that Desolation itself can not sustain WvW on their own.. and because the server is constant "FULL", no new players are coming in.... and we are not getting linked, because we are to big.
I want to play WvW with friends who got the game recently and they cant play either.. even though they want to. 😞 

This really looks like Desolation is a big PvE server, and will never be linked because of the player pop 😕 

I guess I'll wait a week, to see if the linking system will help out, if not.. find a new home with my friends. 

Prime and later evenings up to around 3am GMT+2 we have good fights, even when outnumbered and frantically defending.

There really aren't any of the old morning krewes around anymore and the afternoon slot is fairly dry.

Last week I slacked a bit during work and jumped in around 8am - 5 of us trying to defend EB against a 40man Omni zerg that showed up at everything including camps. Feels bad for people in this time slot.

Jumped in around lunch time and the numbers were 15 maximum Deso on all borders vs 20-25 of each enemy server. Not unplayable but challenging to achieve anything.

Come early evening and the blobs start showing up with Deso slowly working up to our single 50man zerg - we hold our own well enough all things considered.

Personally I'd be sad to see another Deso player go, especially one with commanding experience especially since you can make a difference in the off hours by simply tagging up. But I do understand your situation too. Deso's pop status to me (been here since Beta) is total kitten and should be looked into.

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42 minutes ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

Prime and later evenings up to around 3am GMT+2 we have good fights, even when outnumbered and frantically defending.

There really aren't any of the old morning krewes around anymore and the afternoon slot is fairly dry.

Last week I slacked a bit during work and jumped in around 8am - 5 of us trying to defend EB against a 40man Omni zerg that showed up at everything including camps. Feels bad for people in this time slot.

Jumped in around lunch time and the numbers were 15 maximum Deso on all borders vs 20-25 of each enemy server. Not unplayable but challenging to achieve anything.

Come early evening and the blobs start showing up with Deso slowly working up to our single 50man zerg - we hold our own well enough all things considered.

Personally I'd be sad to see another Deso player go, especially one with commanding experience especially since you can make a difference in the off hours by simply tagging up. But I do understand your situation too. Deso's pop status to me (been here since Beta) is total kitten and should be looked into.

I tagged up twice yesterday for the first time in 11years.. people were happy with it and got a couple of DM's of people asking me if i was new, and giving me compliment that I did well. Felt really good. But being outnumbered on EB is just... big oof. No matter what we tried, there was always a group twice our size coming for us. And that was besides the zerg they had fighting already with blue.

Even then... we almost took SM twice.. flipped a Tier3 tower and took 2 T1 towers behind them. With the outnumbered buff.. I was proud!

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51 minutes ago, monstermadness.3069 said:

I tagged up twice yesterday for the first time in 11years.. people were happy with it and got a couple of DM's of people asking me if i was new, and giving me compliment that I did well. Felt really good. But being outnumbered on EB is just... big oof. No matter what we tried, there was always a group twice our size coming for us. And that was besides the zerg they had fighting already with blue.

Even then... we almost took SM twice.. flipped a Tier3 tower and took 2 T1 towers behind them. With the outnumbered buff.. I was proud!

Nice! Which tag or character? Also are you on Deso discord? Our usual comms are very open to others tagging up as well.

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Wouldn't mind if Deso got a link, but then we would get queues on every bl and eb 24/7 and then shoot to t1 again. Anyway, roaming outnumbered is so fun, you get to develop/ improve your skills. Ofc nice to bump into people you see regularly, and a bit of server pride as well. 

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Hello and welcome back to WWW. I take advantage of your post as honest and detached as that of a player returned 10 years later, and see you write how your server is 90% of the time outnumbered. Thank you for your practically indisputable confirmation (since we have players in that match who claim to play on a par with the other teams a few lines below in this section of the forum).

To say another time to Anet, if you want to consider reducing the limit that defines a full server at the moment. And if he also wants to reduce the players on each map (from 70 to 60 or something) because as someone has already written, if you have the same amount of water to pour into 27 buckets and reduce the limit of water that you can pour into a single bucket, you will get a better distribution of water. You will avoid having one of the buckets full and one of the buckets empty.

You don't need new programs, they're just parameters to change, I suppose. So let us know if it's something we want to try to take a more active attitude and see if we all get better player redistribution = more fun for everyone.

If at the same time I wanted to put transfers under control, in any way you see fit, that would be perfect. Thank you and good work. ✌️

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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1 hour ago, monstermadness.3069 said:

Elemental Bunnyy .... my old gamer tag was Monster Madness 11years ago.. but that changed in the meanwhile xD

Aaaah yes, red tag on EB if I recall correctly? I'll try join your tag if I see it up in future as I was already in squad last night. Please take a few weeks to reassess and get back into the Deso groove before deciding.

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13 minutes ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

Aaaah yes, red tag on EB if I recall correctly? I'll try join your tag if I see it up in future as I was already in squad last night. Please take a few weeks to reassess and get back into the Deso groove before deciding.

Yes that was me! (big fan of red and black.. can see it in my gear to xD) 
I will try, see how it goes and decide in a week or so. 

EB Has always been my home territory tbf... used to be the most popular map.
But it kind of seems like barely anyone cares about it anymore, and just hop border to cap things only.
Barely any defenses.. its just going from point to point. I suppose this also has to do with popularity of WvW and player count, as every map used to be full on every side. And you actually get rewards for defending/supporting back then.. which apparently you dont really anymore. Or not much compared to attacking.

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1 hour ago, monstermadness.3069 said:

Yes that was me! (big fan of red and black.. can see it in my gear to xD) 
I will try, see how it goes and decide in a week or so. 

EB Has always been my home territory tbf... used to be the most popular map.
But it kind of seems like barely anyone cares about it anymore, and just hop border to cap things only.
Barely any defenses.. its just going from point to point. I suppose this also has to do with popularity of WvW and player count, as every map used to be full on every side. And you actually get rewards for defending/supporting back then.. which apparently you dont really anymore. Or not much compared to attacking.

This matchup against Fissure of Woe is probably the worst you're going to come across for EB - they value SM above all else due to the cloud favouring fights it attracts.

Next matchup whether we stay or drop a tier should be better and less exhausting I hope.

But you're right, as Mabi pointed out in his post. The glory days of Deso, and to a large degree WvW, have fallen away, yet despite it all I'm finding enough enjoyment to stay engaged but not unhealthily invested.

The flux things are in at the moment should hopefully stabilise with some developer input.

Edited by MarzAttakz.9608
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4 minutes ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

This matchup against Fissure of Woe is probably the worst you're going to come across for EB - they value SM above all else due to the cloud favouring fights it attracts.

Next matchup whether we stay or drop a tier should be better and less exhausting I hope.

But you're right, as Mabi pointed out in his post. The glory days of Deso, and to a large degree WvW, have fallen away, yet despite it all I'm finding enough enjoyment to stay engaged but not unhealthily invested.

The flux things are in at the moment should hopefully stabilise with some developer input.

I hope so...  It just seems that the direction of GW2 is more to money then to the game... Its like I don't recognize the base the guild wars franchise was build on. PvE brings money... I guess WvW doesn't bring in enough.
But also the armor sets/weapons... people look more like a lightbulb these days then an actual character. Which was never a thing in the original Guild Wars of the GW2. Makes me kind of sad... capitalism took over I guess

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30 minutes ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

The glory days of Deso, and to a large degree WvW, have fallen away

I don't want to be misunderstood, brother. I confess that I am not an expert in PC games, and I could not say what the market offers today for a large-scale PvP game like our WWW. I find that it is still a beautiful game, with a great combat system, fluid and fun, even after so many years. And desolation is still a great server. You will find many players ready to do their part, always and in any case. even when you are 1 server vs 4. Like many other servers I guess.


32 minutes ago, monstermadness.3069 said:

It just seems that the direction of GW2 is more to money then to the game

I also believe that this is right. Or rather, behind this product there is a company that works, and therefore it is right that it worries about how to make money and make sure that the economic aspect works as expected. If this works, then the development that takes care of that same product will also work well. 


And then, we must not pretend that it is not a thing, but we are in the middle of updating alliances and wr. You're back after 10 years and maybe you don't know it, but we've already had the first 6 beta tests for that. And maybe, by the end of the year we will have the seventh beta, if all goes well.

And here we come to the reasons for what your eyes see 10 years later in this mode. At least that's my opinion. (just to give you an idea my guild was born in GW1 so you can imagine how long I've been with Anet's friends, my dear friend and leader has recreated it in GW2 on the Desolation from day 1 and I assure you that my eyes have seen anything you can imagine on the desolation)

It doesn't matter if you joined WWW for the first time 10 years ago or 5 years ago or even last year, because the experience would always be the same. You will be embraced by a community, you will be part of a team, for better or for worse, and you will face off against all the other teams. You will be transported exactly like a fan for his favorite team. because there is a competition, a ranking to climb etc etc.

until you become aware of all the small problems that this mode has in terms of control and balance between servers. So you will feel compelled to go to the forum to report all those small problems, and suggest how they could be addressed to get a better condition, so that the competitive part of a large-scale PvP game is always better, credible, so as to transport and involve its own players, more and more numerous.

But you will find that Anet has decided (don't ask me how why I've only been on the forum for a short time, and this decision was already a thing) to develop a large and challenging project, alliances and WR, which plans to delete all servers every 8 weeks. We don't know yet what will be around this big project, but the server concept is destined to change quite a bit.

So all the servers (not only Deso) with an identity already in difficulty for many reasons that we know well, saw the first beta arrive, groups of players and guilds began to move between the servers even more than before, to build new alliances, meet new players etc etc. The result of all this summary is what you see,  On Deso as on any server, I guess. people who go and people who come. because in any case the server you choose will have the hours counted.

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53 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I don't want to be misunderstood, brother. I confess that I am not an expert in PC games, and I could not say what the market offers today for a large-scale PvP game like our WWW. I find that it is still a beautiful game, with a great combat system, fluid and fun, even after so many years. And desolation is still a great server. You will find many players ready to do their part, always and in any case. even when you are 1 server vs 4. Like many other servers I guess.

It's nostalgia kicking in for us folk who have been on Desolation since the very beginning. The period of the first tournament, the period before Guild dramas, Guild ego's and GvG kitten started ripping the community apart. The period when there was more visible active development and communications coming out the studio.

Those days will never come back, I accept that, yet it saddens me to think of the friends who have left, all the effort put in by communities, all the passion and potential of this game mode being wasted by Anet.

Desolation is a different kind of glorious to me now, it's the glory of a few trusted friends who have gone through tough times together, the glory of tenacity and perseverance even against overwhelming odds. The glory of finding your tribe even if you don't know all their names.

I am not the man I was in 2012, too much has happened. Deso is not the server it was in 2012, too much has happened. Yet I will always greet it warmly as a friend. As you replied "I see you brother".

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On 4/20/2023 at 6:10 PM, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

It's nostalgia kicking in for us folk who have been on Desolation since the very beginning. The period of the first tournament, the period before Guild dramas, Guild ego's and GvG kitten started ripping the community apart. The period when there was more visible active development and communications coming out the studio.

Those days will never come back, I accept that, yet it saddens me to think of the friends who have left, all the effort put in by communities, all the passion and potential of this game mode being wasted by Anet.

Desolation is a different kind of glorious to me now, it's the glory of a few trusted friends who have gone through tough times together, the glory of tenacity and perseverance even against overwhelming odds. The glory of finding your tribe even if you don't know all their names.

I am not the man I was in 2012, too much has happened. Deso is not the server it was in 2012, too much has happened. Yet I will always greet it warmly as a friend. As you replied "I see you brother".

Not going to lie... end of the weekend. I have not seen much change with the new opponents compared to others, the only change I see is the names from FoW to Augury Rock... 

Sunday afternoon, 1 small zerg of 15 people and a couple of roamers over all of the WvW maps 😕 

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57 minutes ago, monstermadness.3069 said:

Not going to lie... end of the weekend. I have not seen much change with the new opponents compared to others, the only change I see is the names from FoW to Augury Rock... 

Sunday afternoon, 1 small zerg of 15 people and a couple of roamers over all of the WvW maps 😕 

Yeah I've spread my play hours between the bouts of no power here where I live and got to experience some variety for a change.

Usually I'm playing around 10pm - 2am GMT+2 and there's consistent regulars numbering about 50. That's my baseline.

Did a few 3am - 5am sessions and that was hit or miss. One 8am session and that was total balls. And then a couple of 1pm or thereabouts sessions which varied.

As Riba pointed out, the reality is that without a link, you're kinda kittened when facing two other linked servers (essentially 4 servers worth of players).

Looking at Deso's flow (to use Mabi's term) of k+d over at gw2mists.com it's not bad all things considered. That said it is rather demoralising when your personal timezone and play times are during those periods where you're 15vs40 and the quality of the 15 leaves much to be desired. There's a distinct difference in player ability that I've noticed outside of EU prime and I've had to keep my mouth firmly shut as a result.

At the end of the day do what's best for yourself, no harm no foul at all. I hope you find a place that works best for you.

Edit: https://gw2mists.com/matches/eu

Edited by MarzAttakz.9608
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17 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Linking system is just so bad...

It's not bad, it's broken. Or rather it has a number of aspects that do not work, so they question the whole package. In reality it is about solving small things to correct it and make it better and better. It is incomprehensible not to see a small development in this regard.

I did not ask for revolution in this game mode, I did not ask Anet to engage in a complicated enterprise for a total restructuring. Like many others I asked to put transfers under control, change the parameters that define a complete server, change the number of players on the maps, merge two medium servers to get one very side. Then I also suggested some more complicated things.

Make the score dynamic, in relation to the number of active players on the maps, automatically every 60 minutes. I also asked to revise the scoring system to make it more interesting and less obvious, if you win two consecutive games you get more points, rather than competitive daily events, like if you bring the bay on the enemy border in T3 you get an extra point etc etc.

Really what is the logical and intelligent reasoning that leads you to choose not to do any of this, rather than make a revolution of the mode itself? Surely it's just my cognitive limitation, but I can't really understand. Why shouldn't I try to improve something through small changes, one step at a time. Check what results it leads you to and then take the next step.

Thus this community also sees with its own eyes an active attitude of development in this sense. Of course you will collect a series of criticisms and some appreciations every time, but it is normal. Then other suggestions will come and so on.

Just to say, in our game also this week you will see a flow (players and playing time) one double of the other. Right now, after the weekend you can read 24,000K+D vs 44,000K+D. One server has almost twice as many players as the other server. This is the quality of our favorite mode. Do we really want to believe that Anet can't do better?

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