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Please unNerf Daily WvW Objective Defender


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1 hour ago, Aerthan.1907 said:


If it's not bugged then it's random and a different randomization than getting a loot bag. It shouldn't be random, if you're within a timer and damage someone that goes down you should get credit. Even if it's a 50/50 chance per kill you can still kill 10 people on lord and not get credit (that happened to me in a keep).

If it is a bug, fix the bug, why un-nerf it, I for one definitely do not want to see leeching players repairing wall non stop AGAIN.


Edited by babana.7521
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5 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

It's nice that you haven't been having issues with the defense participation mechanics but a number of other folks, including me, find that those mechanics seem badly broken. There have been a number of threads on this forum about these problems with person  after person describing how wonky the participation credit seems to be. I can't speak for others of course, but I can relate what I've seen. Generally I run for two hours a day, five to seven days a week in WvW, with a squad whose size can vary from twenty-five to fifty, depending on the  day and on which other tags are running. We defend keeps and towers whenever necessary during our run.

Since repairing walls stopped giving defense credit what I've seen and what others in the squad talk about on an almost daily basis is how broken those mechanics are. When we are defending a keep or tower, some of our folks will get credit for defending while others of us don't, even though  we are fighting and killing the same enemies. That happens again and again. When we are defending, I never know if I will get credit for the defense until the timer runs out. Then there are the times we are fighting inside a keep or tower, sometimes in the Lord's room, and the timer doesn't even come up. On the other hand, there are times like today. Forty of us rolled into our base camp to grab supply and we managed to catch a couple of enemies trying to cap the camp. Forty vs two, it didn't end well for them, and a few minutes later I got credit for the  Objective Defender daily. That cracked me up. 😂

Grimm may be on to  something  about how repairing giving defense credit may have been masking bugs in the defense participation mechanics. I know that before, when repairing walls gave defense credit, our squad made a point  of repairing a wall before moving on to insure that we got credit, and  that usually seemed to work. I understand why Anet changed that and I don't know if repairing should start giving defense credit again. Getting defense credit is so irregular and spotty these days though, that people, including me, have been asking Anet to fix these issues.

I did have problem with it at first, than I found out it was me/myself not doing enough damage.  I even got a defender once, hitting enemy with treb from keep into Langor, but it was just that one time, after I see numbers on the screen, our zerg finished the enemy off and voila. Currently, I still sometime don't get defender if I am the last one to land a blow to a downed players etc, especially when I use fatal maul in a last attempt to get the achievement. 

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AFKer sitting in the tower to get defense credit might work, but if too many AFKer were doing it, I would expect the response to be something like that team lets the tower get captured, those AFKers killed, and then the team retakes the tower.

But even some fairly minimal participation would likely be better than it is now.  I do think that if the enemy comes in, kills a few guards, and then runs off (going for the daily guard killer), a person in the tower shouldn't get anything for it unless they at least wounded one of the attackers.  Even that might be a bit low - maybe tie it to one of the walls or something taking at least 10% damage, killing an attacker, etc.


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Killing enemies in lords room - get defender credit about 75% of the time.
Killing enemies outside lords room, but inside walls get defence credit about 50% of the time.
Killing enemies just outside to the walls and get defence credit about 25% of the time.
Killing enemies away from the walls but within the objective's zone? I think maybe I got defence credit once.

It's far to buggy and inconsistent. Removing the repair credit has made defence harder as some people are too busy trying to pew-pew the attackers in the hope of downing one they can jump out and finish rather than taking out the enemy siege or repairing the wall.

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On 5/23/2023 at 6:01 PM, babana.7521 said:

If it is a bug, fix the bug

Exactly! That is what most people have been saying. They should have fixed this bug before nerfing repairs for everything because of a few people abusing it in SMC. SMC is already "special" as it doesn't count for a keep and it is its own weekly so just don't allow repairs on SMC to count and leave it everywhere else.

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Update: went 3 more defense rounds of bay including zerg v zerg 3-way and got keep defense credit once.

Then went to defend hills with 4 enemies attacking who had managed to open outer and inner. I tagged and killed 3 of the 4, destroyed their siege and get no credit (again).

Edited by Lagniappe.4869
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