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The problem isnt so much absolute numbers but the feedback loop - when a matchup starts people see what they can do, a few skirmishes take place and you get two things quickly (ish within the first few hours of a matchup),

  1. Servers that are doing well will have people talking about the matchup (in guild chat mainly but most wvw players are in multiple wvw guilds so this spreads across guilds fast) and high que lengths, this encourages more people to join in and que. 
  2. Servers that are doing less will with have people disengage, say its not going well and slack off.

2 means people leave, and others who are trying to play have a tougher time, so some of these people also leave.  The weaker server loses numbers.

1 means the stronger server get more numbers. 


2 and 1 are a feedback loop, they feed each other so every matchup becomes uneven quite fast.  Unfortunately there is no way to fix this, even with perfectly matched teams it would still happen as one server would get lucky and win a few big fights causing a some of the other server players to get bored and go do something else which weakens the server enough to lose more etc.. 


Its not numbers, its human nature, we are the problem here. 

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6 hours ago, connor.2180 said:

First it was FoW, then it was FSP, now UW. We could make a bingo game out of this. Who's Gashen going to call out next? (I bet WSR, maybe Gandara) 


Nah first it was deso, then it was someone else because we went up, then it was deso again.  The guy is basically a walking matchup thread for whatever match he is in. (He is on SFR btw)

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