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Renegade in Ranked


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I just want to put out a warning as a fellow Rev Main. I get you want to make Renegade work in pvp, but I will still kill you on sight on my herald.... I don't want to, but basic tactics say I should target the weakest points on the enemy team. I hope one day Renegade works, but if you're counting on the kindness of strangers to win games, maybe unranked would be best...

Wishing for the day Renegade spirits can't be killed or cced and we can finally at least try to make this build work in pvp. I mean wells you can kill or knock off the point, which also have cast times. There is even one spirit that does absolutely nothing of value in pvp. They didn't even want to give it a second ability for pvp (explodes on death maybe? who knows).

So this is a just a warning to the Renegades I see in Ranked, don't expect fellow revs to go easy on you. It's hard enough being a rev, and I feel really bad killing you, but I will.

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@Hooglese.4860 said:come at me bro

haha, that's a good attitude. If you take me down, it won't be long before you die from the millions of condies flying around. ;P

Sorry, my post was extreme, but I had this match where I kept getting into fights with a Renegade, and the sting of disappointment I felt when Renegade was launched without major updates. I just kept killing that player and I would feel bad, almost dirty. haha Kind of how I feel when I gank on my thief or kill noobs with my pew pew ranger.

I hope one day A-Net realizes that makings Renegade summons immune doesn't remove their counterplay. They have cooldowns, and are immobile, affecting a limited area. (Wells) I was honestly shocked and sad when I faced someone still trying to make it work. At least Renegade is not bad in PvE (even very strong). Heck, it's even fun in some rare comps in pvp. (when I tried to make it work)

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@Loboling.5293 said:I just want to put out a warning as a fellow Rev Main. I get you want to make Renegade work in pvp, but I will still kill you on sight on my herald.... I don't want to, but basic tactics say I should target the weakest points on the enemy team. I hope one day Renegade works, but if you're counting on the kindness of strangers to win games, maybe unranked would be best...

Wishing for the day Renegade spirits can't be killed or cced and we can finally at least try to make this build work in pvp. I mean wells you can kill or knock off the point, which also have cast times. There is even one spirit that does absolutely nothing of value in pvp. They didn't even want to give it a second ability for pvp (explodes on death maybe? who knows).

So this is a just a warning to the Renegades I see in Ranked, don't expect fellow revs to go easy on you. It's hard enough being a rev, and I feel really bad killing you, but I will.

You are helping them by giving them a good beat down, if they can't beat the standard rev they know so well how are they going to beat the new unknow professions?

no mercy to renegade users. keep that rubbish in pve.

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@Jack Skywalker.5674 said:Renegade as ranged assasin with hammer, shiro and kala....any good?

I would say Herald's probably stronger for this since it has better disengage and pulsating Fury generation to really cheese up Incensed Response fast. But yeah, if you really, really, really want to play Renegade and Kalla in sPvP, I would say playing a Shiro Hammer assassin is probably the most viable way. Stack all your passive damage increases (Dev/Invo/Renegade) and go to town on squishy targets... Just always be ready to pretty much preemptively Riposte/Quickness run away, because assassin types are going to focus you hard to protect their Scourges once they figure out what you're doing.

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@narcx.3570 said:

@"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:Renegade as ranged assasin with hammer, shiro and kala....any good?

I would say Herald's probably stronger for this since it has better disengage and pulsating Fury generation to really cheese up Incensed Response fast. But yeah, if you really, really, really want to play Renegade and Kalla in sPvP, I would say playing a Shiro Hammer assassin is probably the most viable way. Stack all your passive damage increases (Dev/Invo/Renegade) and go to town on squishy targets... Just always be ready to pretty much preemptively Riposte/Quickness run away, because assassin types are going to focus you hard to protect their Scourges once they figure out what you're doing.

Would you argue this could work only in premade's or can it work in Pug's provided everyone understands you are stand in for a ranged dps role?


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@Jack Skywalker.5674 said:

@narcx.3570 said:

@Jack Skywalker.5674 said:Renegade as ranged assasin with hammer, shiro and kala....any good?

I would say Herald's probably stronger for this since it has better disengage and pulsating Fury generation to really cheese up Incensed Response fast. But yeah, if you really, really, really want to play Renegade and Kalla in sPvP, I would say playing a Shiro Hammer assassin is probably the most viable way. Stack all your passive damage increases (Dev/Invo/Renegade) and go to town on squishy targets... Just always be ready to pretty much preemptively Riposte/Quickness run away, because assassin types are going to focus you hard to protect their Scourges once they figure out what you're doing.

Would you argue this could work only in premade's or can it work in Pug's provided everyone understands you are stand in for a ranged dps role?

I would say there's no point in bringing Mallyx and Shortbow when you only have 100 condition damage in your build--they would do next to no damage and neither provide any real utility (outside of resistance, which you should never be in range to use for your group since you have zero disengage anyways.) Also, you're missing a few of the most important damage building traits to make a hammerspam ganking build work (Incensed Response, Assassin's Presence, Rolling Mists, Swift Termination, and in the case of Renegade, Lasting Legacy.) By not taking IR for the weak and gimmicky Spirit Boon, you then had to dedicate two traits to might generation instead of one, which cost you 25% passive critical damage. I also don't think Renegade could work at all without Shiro since you're going to have to do so much running away... Your biggest enemy when playing a 1200 ranged marksman assassin will be Thiefs, Mirages, other Revenants, holos, and dps Firebrands who scan fights looking for high priority targets to delete; without Shrio, staff, or Glint, you have exactly zero ways to get away from them without just instantly downing as soon as they teleport on top of you.

As for needing a premade, I don't think you do... A build like this doesn't really rely of organized support, since you're so squishy and vulnerable, no support class is going to be able to protect you anyways. It'll all come down to your own positioning and decision making. I mean, people who can focus the targets you call will certainly help, but most people in solo queue can handle that these days.

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@narcx.3570 said:

@narcx.3570 said:

@Jack Skywalker.5674 said:Renegade as ranged assasin with hammer, shiro and kala....any good?

I would say Herald's probably stronger for this since it has better disengage and pulsating Fury generation to really cheese up Incensed Response fast. But yeah, if you really, really, really want to play Renegade and Kalla in sPvP, I would say playing a Shiro Hammer assassin is probably the most viable way. Stack all your passive damage increases (Dev/Invo/Renegade) and go to town on squishy targets... Just always be ready to pretty much preemptively Riposte/Quickness run away, because assassin types are going to focus you hard to protect their Scourges once they figure out what you're doing.

Would you argue this could work only in premade's or can it work in Pug's provided everyone understands you are stand in for a ranged dps role?

I would say there's no point in bringing Mallyx and Shortbow when you only have 100 condition damage in your build--they would do next to no damage and neither provide any real utility (outside of resistance, which you should never be in range to use for your group since you have zero disengage anyways.) Also, you're missing a few of the most important damage building traits to make a hammerspam ganking build work (Incensed Response, Assassin's Presence, Rolling Mists, Swift Termination, and in the case of Renegade, Lasting Legacy.) By not taking IR for the weak and gimmicky Spirit Boon, you then had to dedicate two traits to might generation instead of one, which cost you 25% passive critical damage. I also don't think Renegade could work at all without Shiro since you're going to have to do so much running away... Your biggest enemy when playing a 1200 ranged marksman assassin will be Thiefs, Mirages, other Revenants, holos, and dps Firebrands who scan fights looking for high priority targets to delete; without Shrio, staff, or Glint, you have exactly zero ways to get away from them without just instantly downing as soon as they teleport on top of you.

As for needing a premade, I don't think you do... A build like this doesn't really rely of organized support, since you're so squishy and vulnerable, no support class is going to be able to protect you anyways. It'll all come down to your own positioning and decision making. I mean, people who can focus the targets you call will certainly help, but most people in solo queue can handle that these days.

Shortbow is there to quickly proc ashen defense and because it's auto attack is faster than hammer,meaning I can generate might and kala's fervor quicker without having to waste energy on Imposible Odds+Hammer auto spam and Malyx is there solely for Pain Absorbtion, Unyielding Anguish(which I use to run away from things) and his Spirit Boon. Also I do have Shiro in the build.

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@Loboling.5293 said:

Wishing for the day Renegade spirits can't be killed or cced and we can finally at least try to make this build work in pvp. I mean wells you can kill or knock off the point, which also have cast times. There is even one spirit that does absolutely nothing of value in pvp. They didn't even want to give it a second ability for pvp (explodes on death maybe? who knows).

I want to believe.They must be untargettable.ANET please :(

also renegade suffer from Orders from above. because it does only work on the current utilities ( other classes have only weapons. renegad as 2x utilitis also, and the way alacrity works for rev simply sucks ).

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