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Is Sunqua Peak really a "condi fractal" or can a power build compete as well?


Like, there's no way that a certain type of DPS style would be completely obsolete for this, right?


I've been playing sw/f hybrid weaver, but think bout switching to power maybe.

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34 minutes ago, sigmundf.7523 said:

those big numbers happened mainly because the reflect, but power virt dps is still really good there.

Isnt reflects just a bug? Knowing how many bug are out there at fracts in general

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18 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

Isnt reflects just a bug? Knowing how many bug are out there at fracts in general

Could be, can't say for sure. The video itself is old, but as far as information that I got, its generally not easy to pull it because it is RNG whether Dark AI's cast that skill or not.

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It's more about the player skill than the damage type. If you play power on a boss where everyone else is condi, but you still outdps everyone - then it's fine. If you're the lone pDPSer in a group that favours condi and your damage is below supports... then it's on you. Though oftentimes, it's easy to spot the noob based on what damage type they're running at an encounter.

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On 5/6/2023 at 11:04 AM, soul.9651 said:

Isnt reflects just a bug? Knowing how many bug are out there at fracts in general

It is not a bug. Her doing all reflectable attacks in mid when phasing at the right time is probably unintended behaviour.

Condi is usually just easier to play in 100. Power builds have less range and rely more on bursts usually. 

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Condition builds are favorable in any content that doesn't phase instantly, because they aren't true condition builds but power-condition hybrids (in PvE).


This includes most T4s and CMs, where there's time for damage to build up, and it will almost always exceed pure power damage since players need to actually do mechanics. and this takes away from their damage uptime (especially on power melee). This is also why classes like Machinist and Virtuoso have a strong advantage in certain fights--mostly raids--even when their overall damage is lower.


There are exceptions, for example there's many bosses where heals, Stability and Aegis are enough to just whack the boss and ignore all the mechanics, in which power damage almost always pulls head.


Power damage is better on all content with short phase timers, except compared to Firebrand (which is now nerfed), since it had near-instant burning application and could compete with power DPS no matter how fast the boss was phasing. It still does pretty well, though.


The short answer is, sustained damage over time is often more important than burst damage. This applies to power builds as well--a skilled player is determined by their sustained DPS over a long fight, and not how high they can push their occasional burst. This is why inexperienced players struggle to make some meta builds work, especially without modification.


As a general rule, condi builds work better for Alacrity and Quickness as you don't need to take so many %damage bonuses from traits so the gear and trait differences from binging a boon aren't as harsh.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Second what Softpaws said.

Power damage is not obsolete in the fractal. When people say Sunqua is a condi fractal they mean that it favors condition damage based builds. On average power builds clear the final boss slower than condi builds do. For experienced players it isn't always a lot of clear time difference but it is noticeable. 

I've healed a lot of Sunqua runs and I would put the average clear time of 3 power builds at about 3-7 minutes longer than a typical 3 condi run. In terms of the worst clears I've had they've always been power damage. I should say though there has been times when game balance let power builds compete better. Power ranged damage like virt and rifle mechanist can have a high degree of damage uptime compared to sword weaver.

There is one other advantage that condition builds have, whenever the final boss jumps off screen or creates the whirlpool in the center they will keep taking existing condition damage until it runs out. Most of the other fractals have quicker phasing or invulnerability that begins sooner. The last few years have seen a little bit of a seesaw between power and condi because of the exposed changes but most other fractals have more of a bias toward power damage. (less movement more phases) 

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