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after a close game

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I gg every match in recognition for my adversaries & teammates efforts. Don't be a spoiled sport. Even if there are one to two bad apples in a match, don't disrespect everyone who is trying their best.


Ps: This is how I was trained in sports. And I agree with the sentiment. When the game ends, both teams thank and congratulate the other. They both tried, and only one won. But without the spirit of competition, then it's more similar to conflict than sport.

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Looking up raging in video games, an article I read suggested that there are two reasons people rage: they feel that they are not good enough, or they are being mistreated. In GW2 pvp which isn't balanced in any way shape or form, it's easy to feel mistreated and mistreated on such a frequent basis that the game mode is undeniably bad.

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If I have a close game i dont care if i win or lose  its always gg, players should appreciate those games even at a lose considering how most game go....here's example.

1- 2 players run home to stand on node leaving mid outnumbered so enemy team caps far and mid.

2- guy runs far and immediately gets stomped by the one enemy capping his home node, enemy team gets far and mid cuz mid was 4v3, than they go far and take ur home node.

3- teamfight and more times than not team gets stomped and ur left to run lol.

4- u take home at start to rush mid after to help to just find all ur team is already dead.

Gw2 is a game where u can stomp the other team in all ur personal engagements, not die once, be there to help ur teamates when pressured only for them to die in secs, and can cap nodes like a champ and still get stomped hard in a massive loss lol.so when games are close, even losses should be appreciated.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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On 6/8/2023 at 2:02 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Yeah I do to look at my stats

To be honest I do too but I willfully ignore what's being said or done on the podium at the end of the match; 95% of the time the matches are so awfully balanced one team ends up destroying the other and only the winning team actually thinks it was a gg. Even when I win I feel enough empathy for the losing team to simply check my stats and leave w/o piling on.

Edited by Ronin.4501
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