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June 27 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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1 hour ago, Rose.2593 said:

I notice how quite a few changes to the scourge were left out of the preview! especially the sand shade nerf! 

Kind of, they did actually have it listed on the livestream preview. It was one of the things i was hoping was not just their usual missed entry and that they had actually back tracked on it because it's by far the worst part of this garbage for pve scourge.

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14 hours ago, ericpeggy.8206 said:

Pressing all skills can make sure you have more time to stay in Jalis or Ventari.

Swapping legends is an old problem, you still be struggling to swap to glint if you need to maintain quick but still need stab or bubble.

I understand why you hate this change so much now.

But our best friend still keeps silent...what can we expect?

Idk, before this change I never experienced problems swapping legends because if you played quickheal herald you could camp glint because there is no need to change unless you specifically need ventari or jalis -> reactive playstyle. 

Only problem that could happen was quickdps herald because you were bound to shiro for dps, which made it a forced legend swap. But they took that shiro problem and put it in all scenarios, literally making everything worse. It's like they took the one problem and spilled it to everything else instead of trying to fix that one problem, they just made the whole class the problem now. Camping Glint was never the issue because it gave you the boons and the quickness, which made it that the other legends could be used reactively. The problem is the upkeep skills that drain the energy which force you out of stuff. Instead of fixing glint, they should better fix upkeep skill such as impossible odds, the bubble, the hammers etc. 

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3 hours ago, Pie.2167 said:

I'm curious, are you all having more, less, or about the same amount of fun playing GW2 after this patch?

I have barely played since the patch. I'm soured on the whole thing and would have to gear up and learn different characters if I want to do group content as more than "hi DPS". Could I force myself to? Sure, but it's about what the company has done and said (and not said) as well as my personal preferences so there's zero desire to play and I'm not about to force myself to find fun in something I find unfun and physically painful as I have RSI and have to be mindful of what I do unless I want to be in pain for days.

I went on hiatus after last year's June patch and only recently came back and it looks like I'll go on hiatus again.

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Gun Flame: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.54 to 1.4 in WvW only.

Put it back pls
Gunflame warrior sacrifices a lot of survivability just to fire off that big shot.   Which we usually double tap (because the first shot doesn't always do it)

The shot takes a lot of timing.  And needs the right target.  These targets will dip in and out of range.  Sometimes we shoot em in time.  Sometimes the shot gets nulled when the target leaves range

Point is.  We live for that well landed shot.  Which is not as easy as it looks.   Why make it even harder for us to get it?

Tweaking it down makes it a little less accessible to players that aren't fully infused with wvw infusions or full ascended
Tweaking it down (as a step: because maybe the damage is still enough) is unfun and discourages playstyles that are outside the meta.

I'm not sure if this was undone
but I hope it was

I didnt read the patch notes before going into wvw but while fighting a mag zerg I noticed my damage was a lil different.
Maybe it was still 1.54
and maybe I was hungover

The volley buff is great.

Now as a gunflame nut
A little buff to the aoe would be nice
and maybe instead of another evade that would put us out of range

Maybe add a stunbreak or cleanse to that evade?

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I am still never going to play tempest.

Stop being hard headed and put alacrity on Temp Aria already.

I am still not going to play WvW. Stop making it worse every patch to play by buffing boon balls.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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Professional lurker here.

I am so disappointed by this patch that I feel the need to express it.

Pet mechanics: as a Druid or as a Mech, I like to use my pet to be at 2 places at the same time and confuse my enemies, in PVE and PVP. That is, for me, the essential part of being a pet class.

Mech => You have to ALWAYS be RIGHT next to your mech. The Mech part of Mechanist feels ruined and that is an important part.... At this point you might as well play merged Untamed...

Druid => Ruined. You have to pet swap and use pet ability on cooldown. You have to be on a constant brainless cycle of your core abilities. Since there is no thinking involved in the order you press buttons now as long as you follow your cycle, might as we use a macro and run around as a glorified bot at this point.

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On 6/28/2023 at 10:09 AM, TheJmandude.1548 said:

Lizzard actually listens to their players? Last time I checked class balance is still plagued with FOTM BS. They can't even retain new players and their default UI is godawful.

Surprisingly, lizzard does and its better in DF, compared to previous expac shenanigans BS. Even though its lizzard, the parameter of "better" isn't tremendous, but at least they do listen PTR feedbacks and actively monitor classes performance in PVE (atleast) throughout Dragonflight. FOTM BS is something that WoW players live with, albeit most of them condemn it (including me). But as I experienced SL and DF, the FOTM BS in DF isn't that bad compared to previous expac, unless like you do super high-end contents like +23 mythic keys or mythic raiding. Can't say about players count but I 100% agree about the UI . The only redeemable thing about the UI is that you can resize and reposition it, which most players already did with addon, soooooo yea almost useless changes. 

I know that comparing lizzard and anet products (WoW and GW2) is like comparing orange to apple. There are different variables that factors into balance, but having a Public Test Server like WoW did, is going to improve GW2 balance alot. Economically, it could cost ANET's resource in maintaining Public Test Server, but they also have a choice to only activating it like whenever the Devs try to propose changes that will tremendously affecting a certain profession / e-spec (like scourge right now). 

Players can test the changes and give accurate feedback about the changes, then throughout the testing duration (1 or 2 weeks before the changes go live), devs can adjust numbers accordingly. I don't see how having this kind of Public Test Server whenever there will be major changes in profession / e-spec, outside major expansion release (like we had when EoD about to be released or the upcoming SoO) is going to negatively impact the game or ANET resources. However, I do believe that by not having Public Test Server for a huge changes like we have right now, is affecting the game negatively and could potentially economically, judging by how much people give negative feedback about the recent balance patch and even the followup CmC post is received negatively by the community. 

However, when majority of people were and still are against (my impression of this balance patch) the changes in this balance patch without a Public Test Server but there were no changes at all like immediately, I doubt having one will change anything. If Devs won't listen at all, even having an accurate players feedback from Public Test Server will only lose them money. 

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Here is an simple idea, which completely fixes scourge, balances the class, and does so with minimal work on the part of the balance/design team.

The shade is now a mobile minion summon

The UI can be the minion AI, the shade is just a shade-y little boo. All damage from the shade traits can still emanate from the summons.

Minion mancer is now a thing too.

The big shade trait can be a HUGE boo too.

The scourge player now pulses boons when maintaining shade summons

This completely resolves the over-targeting and quick fix nonsense that is there right now. You could even extend the duration/radius of the boon application based upon the number of shades maintained. No boons pulse from shades, so this incentivizes maintenance of shades AND gives some of the immersive qualities of the old system.

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On 6/29/2023 at 1:20 PM, ericpeggy.8206 said:

Pressing all skills can make sure you have more time to stay in Jalis or Ventari.

Swapping legends is an old problem, you still be struggling to swap to glint if you need to maintain quick but still need stab or bubble.

I understand why you hate this change so much now.

But our best friend still keeps silent...what can we expect?

Seems like they want you to macro!!! 

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On 6/29/2023 at 4:28 PM, Zephire.8049 said:

At this point if they say anything, it's going to be a retroactive justification. I can't remember if it was last year's June patch or another one where they did similar: Put out a preview and then after it went live released a statement that didn't actually say anything or explain anything new. Just some verbosity and to trust them they'll change things in a future balance patch.

Wasn't impressed then, not impressed now.

Was that Christmas where they screwed up WvW with 3 on 1 and left for break and laughed in redit?

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Here is the rotation for Bladesworn and By God do not use a MACRO!!! BE WARNED LOL





  1.  x 2

First Loop

  1.   Dragon Slash—Force
  2.   Dragon Slash—Force
  3. Artillery Slash
  6.   Dragon Slash—Force
  7. Blooming Fire  Cyclone Trigger
  8. Swift Cut  Steel Divide  Explosive Thrust
  9. Cyclone Trigger

Second Loop

  1.   Dragon Slash—Force
  2.   Dragon Slash—Force
  3. Blooming Fire
  6.   Dragon Slash—Force
  7. Blooming Fire  Cyclone Trigger
  8. Swift Cut  Steel Divide  Explosive Thrust
  9. Cyclone Trigger



 off Cooldown. The timing will be different everytime but don't delay   due to it.

Move forward during 

 to prevent the movement from  . You lose time waiting for the movement portion of this skill.

Use one charge of Triggerguard during Dragon Slash—Force to better maintain 


Keep one charge of Flicker Step for when you charge Dragon Slash—Force after 

 to close the gap.

It is highly advised to turn off Auto Attack on Gunsabe. This is due to Dragon Slash otherwise being a low priority skill that can easily be interrupted by other skills. With autos off, nothing can interrupt Dragon Slash apart from moving your character or other higher priority actions.

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1 hour ago, Areoh.7495 said:

Was that Christmas where they screwed up WvW with 3 on 1 and left for break and laughed in redit?

I don't think so because I apparently forgot about that and just got slapped in the face by the memory of them pulling that stunt. They have a bad habit of pushing patches before holidays and leaving them for 3+ weeks even if something is horribly broken instead of calling people in for an emergency bandaid or even getting someone to say they're aware of the issue and leaving it until they get back.

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