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Uh...didn't this patch unwillingly kinda broke Terrormancer?


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Title. I feel like Terrormancer has terrible direct Fear application ( most of it is pretty wonky to hit ) and thus, they rely on corrupting Stability to get their Fear procs. Now that Necros don't have a majority of their corruption skills, wouldn't Terrormancer get a pretty hefty nerf? Like, just the idea of having to boonstrip to then hit your Staff 5 instead of just corrupting into fear and then chaining Fear into Staff 5 is giving me the chills ( pun not intended ).

I'm a pretty minor student of Necro, so anyone with more experience enlight me please. How would you build, going forward?

Edited by Shadowpeixera.2918
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My thoughts on this are as follows, it's ok if they remove the corruption from spite and axe 3, not ok if they remove it from curses gm and dagger 5. CD increase on Devouring Darkness in wvw should not include Feast of corruption. Signet changes are eh, I liked the passives in shroud.

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Objectively, you don't lose that much. Boon corruption don't garantee you to proc fear so the loss of boon corruption on weapons is, at best, a minor set back for fearmancer. You can still have access to 4 sure sources of fear on most necromancer spec (Wh, Shroud, Staff and Spectral ring. It's also worth acknowledging that the base CD of both Staff and WH have been reduced recently)

That said, It's a big setback for gamblemancer but I wouldn't say that it's especially wise to bet on rng and the willingness of your opponent to provide you with the exact boon you need to make your build work.

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On 6/12/2023 at 3:29 PM, Dadnir.5038 said:

Objectively, you don't lose that much. Boon corruption don't garantee you to proc fear so the loss of boon corruption on weapons is, at best, a minor set back for fearmancer. You can still have access to 4 sure sources of fear on most necromancer spec (Wh, Shroud, Staff and Spectral ring. It's also worth acknowledging that the base CD of both Staff and WH have been reduced recently)

That said, It's a big setback for gamblemancer but I wouldn't say that it's especially wise to bet on rng and the willingness of your opponent to provide you with the exact boon you need to make your build work.

I get that but isn't the point of Terrormancer to counter pressure from stab-boons? A lot of other classes have to eat bursts when the enemy applies Stab since it means they're starting a combo, Terrormancer makes use of that by baiting them.

The way i'm seeing it, you lose a lot of the opportunities you had to counter the bursts. Of course, again, i'm not really that knowledgeable about Necro, so there's that.

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