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Dead part of GW2: PVP

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2 hours ago, Ultima.5280 said:


I talk to some people in pve that play sPvP, they just say "When my legendary armor is done, I will never play pvp again"

Or during a game, I ask "why do you don’t even try ?" -> "I just here for transmog reward"

These are just exemples.

5 times longer is an exageration  but it’s an obvious thing, with a lower playerbase, some people will just stop to queue.



They quit anyway while they already have the option to get paid and rewarded for doing nothing. If you think making them try to get what they want; even the slightest bit of effort, will cause a mass exodus, you are sorely mistaken. The exodus is already here and a big part of the reason that is, is because you can queue for ranked, chill in spawn the entire game, and exit the match having deranked your entire team by -20 points while you get to skip away with leggy armour.

Sure, its beneficial to the people that intend to get in, get the leggies, and get out, but for the people that actually want to play PvP, its hopeless. That's why I say the freebie rewards belong in unranked.

That's not even mentioning that the matchmaker will put you into a game as quickly as possible, versus a game that is evenly matched. Even with the population at its absolute lowest point(and it is) a queue usually only takes like 2-5 mins tops. Spend that time interrupting the wintrader's duels in the FFA and you won't even notice it.

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