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PLEASE remove the FORCED Ctrl+Click target feature. There is already a keybinding for it.

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I have been asking for it for years, and I am going to keep asking for it till the servers shut down.

There is already a keybinding for calling a target. There is zero reason to have it also forcibly bound to ctrl+click. Its redundant. Absolutely no one in this game needs a primary, secondary, AND forced keybinding for calling a target. Anyone who uses Ctrl for combat purposes knows how incredibly annoying it is to constantly call targets on random enemies when you don't intend to. Please, just remove it and default it to what people set the keybinding to. Its nonsensical to have a keybinding option for it that if it doesn't remove the one you DON'T want to use.

It effects absolutely no one in a negative way, to do so, and removes a massive headache for anyone using CTRL for skill keybindings.

Edited by SatyricL.2784
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1 hour ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

i'm using it, it's ok in my opinion

I find these types of replies really bizarre. As if  you are confused on the point of the post.

What does your liking of Ctrl+Click for target have to do with the pointing out of its redundancy?
Do you think fixing the redundancy would effect you in some way? Are you some kind of fringe player who uses THREE keybindings for calling targets?

I want to know your thought process behind this reply so I know how to respond to it, but right now I am assuming its just confusion.

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2 minutes ago, SatyricL.2784 said:

I find these types of replies really bizarre. As if  you are confused on the point of the post.

What does your liking of Ctrl+Click for target have to do with the pointing out of its redundancy?
Do you think fixing the redundancy would effect you in some way? Are you some kind of fringe player who uses THREE keybindings for calling targets?

I want to know your thought process behind this reply so I know how to respond to it, but right now I am assuming its just confusion.

how is it redunant, if so 1 could argue that the keybind is the redunant one since ctrl+click already exist.

It is easier to hold down ctrl and click target then strech fingers for yet another keybind somewere on your keyboard.

Since ppl usualy hold their hand in wsad so the pinky is on ctrl anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

how is it redunant, if so 1 could argue that the keybind is the redunant one since ctrl+click already exist.

It is easier to hold down ctrl and click target then strech fingers for yet another keybind somewere on your keyboard.

Since ppl usualy hold their hand in wsad so the pinky is on ctrl anyway.

Im going to try real hard to explain this clearly. Trying to have more patience with people these days.

Its redundant because they can simply bind Call Target to the keybinding as Ctrl+Click in the settings by default, instead of having the keybinding AND a forcibly bound setting.

You seem to be under the illusion that removing the redundancy suddenly means you arent allowed to have it bound to Ctrl+Click anymore.

No friend. It just means that people like me dont HAVE to have it bound to that anymore. It quite literally changes NOTHING for someone already using Ctrl+Click.

Edited by SatyricL.2784
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24 minutes ago, SatyricL.2784 said:

Im going to try real hard to explain this clearly. Trying to have more patience with people these days.

Its redundant because they can simply bind Call Target to the keybinding as Ctrl+Click in the settings by default, instead of having the keybinding AND a forcibly bound setting.

You seem to be under the illusion that removing the redundancy suddenly means you arent allowed to have it bound to Ctrl+Click anymore.

No friend. It just means that people like me dont HAVE to have it bound to that anymore. It quite literally changes NOTHING for someone already using Ctrl+Click.

Are you sure about that have you tried binding anything to mouse button 1 and 2 aka left and right click?


Abit old threads but have it changed recently?


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28 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Are you sure about that have you tried binding anything to mouse button 1 and 2 aka left and right click?


Abit old threads but have it changed recently?


Yes, they don't currently allow you to bind/unbind Mouse button clicks, probably because of the functions of the game that are tied to them.

That's a design choice they chose to go with early on, for what can be assumed like most things, to avoid silly players from choosing settings that make their game unplayable. Many of the settings they had by default for what ever reason or another have been changed. There is nothing stopping them from making this aspect of the settings better aside from demand to do so. Its not a technical limitation as much as it is a "is it worth our time" limitation.

But lets say worst case, it was a technical limitation. They could also choose to simply add a toggle box in settings that disables Ctrl+Click from targeting for players who do not wish to use it. Another option is that they don't actually allow you to manually bind the Ctrl+Click in the keybinding, but instead make it the default, so that you can always default back to it, should you prefer it.

Edited by SatyricL.2784
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  • 1 year later...

Necro'ing this topic because this is still an issue. I'm new to the game and my mmo interface/keybinds use ctrl + numbers or number pad or the F-keys by themselves. The fact this is a "feature" is so short sighted and will probably get me kicked from raids/endgame or whatever when I get there. There are dozens of threads on here and reddit about this annoying feature asking you to get rid of it or at least make it can be disabled.

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I mean, I could just make another thread with the exact some issue to discuss, but that would just add to the dozens of other threads I have found on this topic. So what would be the point? Its an issue that no small amount of players want to handled and here you are adding nothing to the topic in regards to maybe a work-around, etc.

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It is one of the great forum mysteries. Exactly how late is continuing a discussion the wrong thing to do, and how early is starting a new thread the wrong thing to do? I'm assuming there would be no overlap there, but idk maybe there is? Anyway, I'm pretty sure a year is stretching it ; p

EDIT: I haven't seen this one before tho, so either way I'm glad you brought it up ; )

Edited by Gop.8713
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