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Bladesworn - Shield Master trait


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On 10/3/2023 at 4:05 AM, DownDrisis.4826 said:

To Zebulon:

The only Universe I which "fixing" shield master makes any sense at all is one where warrior either has more mobility, (think a teleport,) where any of the weapons have been updated after 2012, or War had an actual, real, ranged option, or an alternative viable way to force melee engagements. Rifle blows and Cal has said long is is a melee weapon. Good luck with that.

This is true. 

Yes, Bladesworn aegis making them a walking projectile hate field is annoying. It needs to get addressed. Howecer, shield master's interaction affords a shred of interaction to the numerous other warrior builds that aren't bladesworn, which up to this point were completely shut down by anyone with a ranged weapon that wasn't another warrior. For example, Savage leap now has some breathing room versus heavy ranged pressure as long as it doesn't block a melee hit midleap, which was sorely needed for squishy zerker builds.

bladesworn and condi zerk adjustments on;y, thanks~


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On 10/11/2023 at 1:11 PM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This is true. 

Yes, Bladesworn aegis making them a walking projectile hate field is annoying. It needs to get addressed. Howecer, shield master's interaction affords a shred of interaction to the numerous other warrior builds that aren't bladesworn, which up to this point were completely shut down by anyone with a ranged weapon that wasn't another warrior. For example, Savage leap now has some breathing room versus heavy ranged pressure as long as it doesn't block a melee hit midleap, which was sorely needed for squishy zerker builds.

bladesworn and condi zerk adjustments on;y, thanks~


This is why I think they need another layer of splits. As I said in my previous post the issues that arise with any given build really never come into play until one or two of the Elite Specs enters the equation, and we have visibly seen in the past that ANet makes adjustments to Core Specialization lines and it utterly guts other builds that aren't problems. We have seen it with Adrenal Health along with basically the entire Defense line, Might Makes Right, Healing Signet, Stances, Cleansing Ire getting pre-nerfed because Spellbreaker was entering the equation with PoF launch, so on and so on.

Some Core trait or skill creates an issue in the Elite Spec either providing too much damage, too much sustain, or some unhealthy interaction that needs addressing and when ANet goes to address it the end result is that overbearing build is somewhat toned down, but one of the other builds that does not include that Elite Spec gets eviscerated.

Also with Bladesworn it isn't the on demand Aegis that is an issue, or even just Adrenal Health, its that plus the literally everything else that is allowed to be stacked on top of each other which creates the problem. Aegis + Relic of the Defender + Adrenal Health + Combat Stim + Might Makes Right + Barrier. If they go and nerf Core traits or other things on Bladesworn its going to inadvertently ruin any other build that uses them simply because people can't help themselves in playing the "least effort required, most payoff" kinds of builds that we are seeing a lot of recently.

Granted there are plenty of other classes right now with wildly overtuned sustain that also still output a good deal of or a ton of damage. Perma dazing Mesmers being one since they also have way too many invulns, evades and blocks, Harbinger, just any Thief build perma stealthing, Revenant running Salvation (and in WvW they can have a perma 15% damage reduction if they just simply run Health Regen food) and yes Defense Bladesworn and Defense Condizerker just to name a few.

This stuff does not feel fun to fight against, though it will readily be "exploited" by a number of people because, and I have heard this directly from some, "If you can't beat em, join em" which is a horrid situation for this games balance to be in because it means that when people try to play and enjoy the class they actually want to play they are not enjoying it because they are getting absolutely run over by the people playing the above mentioned nonsense.

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On 6/24/2023 at 11:45 PM, Zebulon.1850 said:

I think it's high time the shield master trait gets looked at, specifically for bladesworn.

Just like the multitude of guardian traits that are significantly nerfed for firebrand or willbender, shield master is in desperate need of a change when picked with bladesworn.

For those who don't know, when this trait is picked, it makes aegis reflect an unlimited amount of attacks. (That's why almost every bladesworn now is running that traitline now.)

With a bit of boon duration, bladesworn can easily have 50%+ uptime, making them quite literally the most annoying class to fight as any class using a ranged weapon. If you're roaming with a ranged weapon on and you see a bladesworn, it's not even worth trying to attack.

I suggest updating it so that when slotted with bladesworn, aegis gets removed after it reflects 1 attack, like it was intended to do normally.

Given the track record of the devs, I hard to believe that this was even an intended or considered interaction.

yea that's how it's supposed to be, if it's bettering the class as everyone wants it's within projectile reflection to sustain it! ...not sure where the problem is other than other specs not offering the same synergy to give warrior a fighting chance?

people just need to learn warrior maybe back to the future 2011 and start over. Warrior has no outside utility of aversion /diversion except passive damage mitigation, a shield,  & endure pain why should it ? tanks are tanks not wizards for a reason.  put endure pain on a 20sec cooldown or ammo it. call it a day . 

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