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Streamlined Skyscale? Not cool.

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I am still failing to see the actual downsides for making a mount streamlined. I have heard no good arguments and only heard personal cries of:

'I spent x amount of time doing this'

This is like receiving the Sunday news and people are acting like it's the end of mankind itself. Lol, like seriously. And yes, I am nonchalant about this because I have gotten my QoL via Skyscale and Legendaries way before this, while actually knowing things that are actually WORTH prestige. Like PvP titles, Raid CM titles, Fractal CM titles, Strike CM title and so on.

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2 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

I am still failing to see the actual downsides for making a mount streamlined. I have heard no good arguments and only heard personal cries of:

'I spent x amount of time doing this'

This is like receiving the Sunday news and people are acting like it's the end of mankind itself. Lol, like seriously. And yes, I am nonchalant about this because I have gotten my QoL via Skyscale and Legendaries way before this, while actually knowing things that are actually WORTH prestige. Like PvP titles, Raid CM titles, Fractal CM titles, Strike CM title and so on.


> I have heard no good arguments and only heard personal cries of:

>>'I spent x amount of time doing this

Not really, there are other points. Besides, talking about prestige feels old already, it is as much straw man as it gets.

>This is like receiving the Sunday news and people are acting like it's the end of mankind itself.

You are engaged in this discussion just as well, even though you apparently "don't care". It's just people sharing their view on new details, why make fun of other party? No, it's not an end of mankind. Slippery slope? Maybe so.

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I have no problems with it getting more "streamlined". Certain group activities basically require access to it. Want to keep up as to not miss out out on events in Drizzlewood?...better have Skyscale.  As more content morphs into this model...players will need Skyscale more than ever (similar to WvW and Warclaw).

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3 minutes ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

I have no problems with it getting more "streamlined". Certain group activities basically require access to it. Want to keep up as to not miss out out on events in Drizzlewood?...better have Skyscale.  As more content morphs into this model...players will need Skyscale more than ever (similar to WvW and Warclaw).

>Want to keep up as to not miss out out on events in Drizzlewood?...better have Skyscale

Yes, good incentive to go and obtain it normal way as anything other of value. As everyone else up to this point did it for the purpose of having better navigation on map. Not something falling on you from the skies... Also, IMO gryphon is far superior on that map btw

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Don't see the issue of having more options for players to enjoy the game. You have used a Skyscale for a longer time already compared to other players. Plus the Skyscale will get more love as well by having both tracks involved :). 

Same goes for the Legendary Armor, this also opens it up for more people so they can play the game fully with having Legendary Armor and able to switch to any stat. 

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At some point, we're all just going to have to accept that this decision by ANet has, and will hurt a lot of players feelings. It's a polarizing topic, for sure, but sad that some can't live without the "me have dragon. you no have dragon. me better than you" perspective.

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22 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor. If you want to give casual players a flying mount, then make it something different, don't make it the same thing dedicated fans worked REALLY HARD to get. I'm not happy.

You're like the equivalent of "abuse begets abuse", you think because you had to endure hardships, others must also endure this hardship.
The collection track as it is a kitten poor collectathon time sink of either following a well written wiki guide or waiting days of time extra on trying to do it on your own, there's very little badge of honor about it either way. But kudos to anyone who did it the hard way.
Your badge of honor should not and will not hinge on whether or not others have gotten it the same or easier. Some are just afraid they no longer have the implied bragging rights because frankly no one is going to care that you did it the hard way, because they don't validate themselves based on what other people did like that.

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