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Arc Divider feels bad now, and has killed my enjoyment of the game.


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Probably just a swan song shouting into the void and gonna be ignored by anybody who should see this as I was shown by the complete disregard of the community's feedback the devs hold a "we know what best for the pleb" mindset.
Anyway I'm done with this game now and probably forever if the patch on the 18th doesn't revert this change, I played GW2 for Berserker, I play Berserker for Arc Divider I'm a very one track person I find my vibe and I stick with it and pour my heart and soul into it. No reason to sick around for arcing slice but worse. I started playing and was handed Berserker as a recommendation from a GW2 veteran who knew me well in other games, spot on loved it he got me in 1 and the feel and dominance of Arc Divider was a huge part of that(like 60% just like my dps chart) I've been having a blast as a WvW pure melee berserker for the last year and got kitten good at it. GS Berserker now feels like kitten to play and the cherry on top is by front loading all the damage they make signet of might mandatory meaning a class that already has 1/3 utility slots being mandatory for the smooth function of the class and was hurting really bad for stun breaks now has 2/3 slots mandatory as non stun breaks in a still really cc heavy game. They've made the move clunkier and the class clunkier, it just feels bad, all to kill a problem that didn't exist. All this compounded by the fact that other much longer playing members in my guild have granted me this nugget of info:
"It's particularly dumb because this is what arc divide originally was
Everyone hated it so they reworked it and made it awesome
It was much loved and appreciated"
So they reverted a change from way back that had positive feed back to solve a problem that didn't exist despite 99% of the people who gave feedback(forums and reddit I looked at it all just to see if I was the outlier, I wasn't) to the preview around arc divider being against it or holding negative views on it.
If you like the feel of this change then I have news for you, you had arcing slice this whole time, you like arcing slice if you wanted to cast 2 arcing slices back to back you had Spell Breaker, now every body who didn't like arcing slice doesn't have arc divider they have arcing slice but orange. I hope you can at least see that 2 unique move identities is better than 1 and removing player's options just for the sake of removing them is a terrible design choice.

Also for the record this is technically a buff for how me and my guild played as it drastically increased my burst damage in the window we had to hit, which is what we focused on heavily (create 5-10 down as fast as possible convert them to kills and bounce as a 10-15 man to punch up into larger groups) but I don't give 2 kittens about damage or effectiveness if it comes at the cost of feel and enjoyment.

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9 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

The numbers are there, but the soul is gone.

unsatisfying execution has always been a major problem with 90% of warrior skills😭

functionality is improved, but the skill is definitely super boring now.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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This company really know how to ruin my game play as a Warrior. Like, why would you change this now? Crap don't work with Blood Reckoning no more. You get use to playing a style, then Anet just pull the rug from under you. I just got money for the exp pack and they just slapped me in the face. That's some pimp ish.

Edited by TheBlakeNorn.5732
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2 hours ago, Geats.6079 said:

I played GW2 for Berserker, I play Berserker for Arc Divider

I am with you my friend. This skill was for me just the best on the whole warrior.

I just deletet the game after this change, i am so sad and mad. Play berserker is now just borring. It feels wrong now, boring gameplay, no dmg.

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I saw it in patch notes, went and checked it out for about and hour and it feels so vanilla now, it's so boring, may as well just be playing base warrior, it's basically Arc slice anyway now, sure the damage is there but the soul is completely gone.
I am also the same where arc divider was one of my main enjoyments of the game, this has ruined it. 
I'm honestly very upset, would definitely like this to be reverted.

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I made a thread like a week ago called Arc Divider is the Soul of Berserker. Got so many confused emoji's but glad to know I was right.

It pains me that Arc Divider got gutted this way, but I am glad so many berserkers are out in force and up in arms over this disastrous change.


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The question is what we can do to get back the old Arc Divider.

I was not able to find a way to make the new one attractive and useful so i deletet the game.

This destroyed the entire class warrior for me.

I don't want to wait a month now to read in the patch notes something like "casting time is now only 0.67 sec and not 0.68 anymore anf the dmg is now +0.01 more."


What i want is the 3 hit Arc Divider back as it was.

What can we do to get this back?


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On 6/28/2023 at 1:16 AM, Viper.2436 said:


What i want is the 3 hit Arc Divider back as it was.

What can we do to get this back?



I don't have any real stake in the game because I haven't played zerker in forever, but as a Mirage who has been suffering with only one dodge in pvp for the past 3 years I can say three things;

- Patience

- Be disruptive, but within the rules. There is a 31 page thread on Mes forums that was made specifically for second dodge back in pvp.

Started in 2022 and until recently it was always on the first page, and always one of the top threads. That is the disruption I am talking about. Make notice of it every day.


- Hit Anet financially. Stop buying gems, don't buy the xpac, etc. I haven't bought gems in a very long time, and have been casually farming gold and converting to get any store items I want. I haven't pre-ordered the expansion either, which, I'll readily admit I will still most likely buy, but it definitely won't be a pre-order and it won't be any deluxe or ultimate edition, and if I can buy it with gems I converted from gold, I will do that.


Even tho I am only one person I made a choice awhile back to not give Anet anymore of my money. One dodge mirage = no money from me! I still feel this way even tho mirage now has 2 dodges.

If enough people stop buying gems/xpacs/whatever, Anet will be forced to listen or die. In essence that is how it works every time, but the trick is getting enough people, whom most are strangers with each other, to all commit for the long haul.


Lastly I will say, take breaks, play other games, take walks outside, spend time with friends and family because that is what is most important anyways and at the end of the day the moments u make with those people is what will ultimately matter, not whether or not arc divider has 3 spins or mirage has 2 dodges.


Hope this helps! I really feel for you guys because it's mirage all over again but this time with berserkers, and that class was my first true love in this game, solely because of Arc Divider. I LOVED the spins.


Edited by Waffles.5632
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1 hour ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I shall for ever miss the powerful swings of the strongest greatsword ability to ever exist

I still hope that the balance team will give us back the powerful 3 swings. 1:1 as it was. Nothing was wrong with it but now everything is wrong.

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11 minutes ago, Viper.2436 said:

I don't quite understand.

Before, the first spin was out faster than it currently is and did more damage.

Before, if you managed to land AD on anyone with the first hit, you can be absolutely sure they’ll dodge to avoid the other two hits. 

And the new version definitely hits harder than the previous versions initial hit.

It hits harder. It’s more rewarding to land. 

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3 minutes ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Before, if you managed to land AD on anyone with the first hit, you can be absolutely sure they’ll dodge to avoid the other two hits. 

And the new version definitely hits harder than the previous versions initial hit.

It hits harder. It’s more rewarding to land. 

I understand but i am not agree with this.

Yes, it was easy to dodge the spin 2 and 3, definitely. But i am still sure that the first spin hits harder.

If i play pve, before, the first spin did 15-25k dmg. The spin yet is doing 9-15k dmg....

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4 minutes ago, Viper.2436 said:

I understand but i am not agree with this.

Yes, it was easy to dodge the spin 2 and 3, definitely. But i am still sure that the first spin hits harder.

If i play pve, before, the first spin did 15-25k dmg. The spin yet is doing 9-15k dmg....

Ah yeah. That’s why I said they can revert it for PvE and WvW. It does do less damage in PvE now, you’re correct.

But I play only PvP, and the skill is decidedly improved here.

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1 hour ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

They can revert the 3 hits in PvE or even WvW for all I care, whatever guys. But I want to keep the nice singular clean spin in PvP.

Surely a better option is to use Arcing Slice or advocate for Arcing Slice to get a boost in sPvP, seems a bit daft to want Arc Divider to function, preform, and feel exactly like another skill already does and spite anyone who want's diversity? Or maybe Arc Divider in Spvp should be over tuned to compensate if it's as you say, always going to be dodged 100% of the time after the first wave then it should be tuned accordingly, tho I suspect that isn't really the case. While I haven't played Spvp I do know WvW pretty well and I do know other small scale melee combat games really well and it probably can be used in it's old form to great effect if approached like a wrench and not a hammer, which is to say situationally and with the goal to shape the fight to fit the skill not just throw the skill in the fight(and there's probably someone out there that got really good with old Arc Divider in Spvp that now how a bunch of thought effort and skill pretty much erased). As someone who regularly uses "bad" and off meta things in other games both to spite the meta and/or because I simply enjoy their feel better, having options even if they're sub par is never a bad thing in a game and effectively removing them is never the right approach.

  If Arcing Slice got reworked to preform just like Arc Divider I'd have the same issues(tho more just vocal not actively quiting the game) even though this would open up personal enjoyment on Spell Breaker for me, you would be spiting every Spell Breaker that likes, enjoys, and has main'd GS SpB by effectively deleting it and replacing it with something that is already an option in the game.

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10 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

The numbers are there, but the soul is gone.

What do you mean the numbers are there? I did 30 to 50K dmg with it before on one cast now it does like 6k ? 
As someone who plays the game VERY casually the majority of mobs I kill are just regular non- veteran/elite/boss. This just destroys my clear speed wtf. 

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2 hours ago, Geats.6079 said:

Surely a better option is to use Arcing Slice or advocate for Arcing Slice to get a boost in sPvP, seems a bit daft to want Arc Divider to function, preform, and feel exactly like another skill already does and spite anyone who want's diversity? Or maybe Arc Divider in Spvp should be over tuned to compensate if it's as you say, always going to be dodged 100% of the time after the first wave then it should be tuned accordingly, tho I suspect that isn't really the case. While I haven't played Spvp I do know WvW pretty well and I do know other small scale melee combat games really well and it probably can be used in it's old form to great effect if approached like a wrench and not a hammer, which is to say situationally and with the goal to shape the fight to fit the skill not just throw the skill in the fight(and there's probably someone out there that got really good with old Arc Divider in Spvp that now how a bunch of thought effort and skill pretty much erased). As someone who regularly uses "bad" and off meta things in other games both to spite the meta and/or because I simply enjoy their feel better, having options even if they're sub par is never a bad thing in a game and effectively removing them is never the right approach.

  If Arcing Slice got reworked to preform just like Arc Divider I'd have the same issues(tho more just vocal not actively quiting the game) even though this would open up personal enjoyment on Spell Breaker for me, you would be spiting every Spell Breaker that likes, enjoys, and has main'd GS SpB by effectively deleting it and replacing it with something that is already an option in the game.

Arc Slice does not perform the same function as Divider. Divider does more damage on targets above 50%. It has 360 range. 

I play power berserker in EU sPvP. I have 6000+ games as warrior. I am literally the one and one of the only ones who might have been using this skill, and I’m telling you, it’s better now in sPVP.

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On 6/28/2023 at 7:36 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

If only. Unfortunately the numbers do not add up as well.


On 6/28/2023 at 9:00 AM, Alphatox.9821 said:

What do you mean the numbers are there? I did 30 to 50K dmg with it before on one cast now it does like 6k ? 
As someone who plays the game VERY casually the majority of mobs I kill are just regular non- veteran/elite/boss. This just destroys my clear speed wtf. 

I was speaking more in line with pvp, since that is why it was changed to begin with. So in pvp context, Orange Slice is -technically- better because it's more bursty now, but even that's a thin argument... HOWEVER, I fully agree with you guys.

Overall, when factoring in all game modes, Orange Slice sucks, bring back ARC DIVIDER!!!

I hate that they made this change for pvp without considering anything else. It's like CMC was blinded or something because even in pvp there's many solid points on why Orange Slice is worse because it's all on one hit now. I can think of many scenarios where Orange Slice will now miss versus Arc Divider would have landed at least one of it's hits, which again, technically if you land Orange Slice versus one hit of Arc Divider, Orange Slice wins, but landing Orange Slice is so unrealistic in today's pvp meta I feel. SO many blocks/invuls/evades compared to before.

But that's all w/e anyways because Orange Slice could do 1million damage and I'd still hate it. There is only one primal burst for me and that is ARC. DIVIDER. ❤️‍🔥

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The title is just perfect, after the update I've lost all my hype to the xpac and just don't feel like playing at all. I really hope they fix this somehow. It's not just about the numbers, it's pure gameplay, the skill doesn't feel good and rewarding.

Edited by AlejoBF.4395
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