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Rifle is finally good! (in PvP)


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  • Ovark.2514 changed the title to Rifle is finally good! (in PvP)

Think I’ll be the minority on this, but I don’t like the new Brutal Shot.

Previously, you could use BS at 1200 range, it would roll you back 300 units, proc combat to prevent adrenaline decay, at which point you’d be primed and ready to blast people at 1500 range with burst skill.

Now, to use the skill and for the immob to actually land, you need to use the skill at about 850 range. 

The other stuff is fine. The 1 second ammo charges aren’t super impactful, rifle is not a weapon that you spam, it’s very timing based. Explosive Shell damage is appreciated though, probably my favourite change.

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The biggest issue with rifle is that it is SO...DANG...CLUNKY. Long cast times on many of it's skills (kill shot, brutal shot, explosive shell especially; rifle butt is also somewhat difficult to land) make them difficult to use well.

You also get out-damaged by most other ranged specs (esp harbingers, deadeyes, most ranger builds--all of which have ways of CCing you from range which you have no answer for), so it's hard to trade with them and you end up having to close the distance to engage in melee (so what's the point of rifle then?) or retreating/LOS'ing.

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