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Ele destroys PvP please for the shake of Love turn down this class


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2 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Morwath.9817necro got nerfed so no boon corrupts anymore

also "ele unplayable" crusade was before the scepter rework and cata buffs, 90% of the entire community I think would agree that after these buffs ele was waay too overpowered

Don't sleep on scourge right now! It only corrupt everything to torment, but it's all AoE corrupt while contributing mass cleanse and alacrity via barrier to allies. It's not OP, but it feels better than condi reaper in teamfights, although it has 0 mobility. 

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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11 hours ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

Catalyst is busted, but weaver is also completely broken and HAS BEEN. The spec is able to completely ignore damage if it wants to while chain CCing and spamming burns bleeds and having 50% barrier at a moments notice. The excuse of “Well yeah, but they’re slow!” Doesn’t hold any water, they can move fast enough to keep up with the majority of them and are just unkillabke but you cannot face tank their DPS. The reason this game is dead is classes like this get to exist in perpetuity and the squeakiest wheels always get their way… Gwim hack?

when you stop playing by pressing 1, you will kill all weavers

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7 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Eeeeeeeh nah man.

For boon removes to work you need to be able to hit something with the boon removes. Ele in general has way too much invulnerable or invuln-like status. It just needs hard still large nerfs at this point to bring it back to reality.

And that's only to mention the defensive aspects that are wrong with it. The entire class is insanely overbuffed.

Yeah it’s generally just not going with the whole balance philosophy of “holes and roles” right now. It does good damage, great sustain, good heal, just everything. Needs nerfs for sure so it can be good at one job as a brawling fighter, not everything at once.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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Hello guys!
So let's start saying i'm new to the game (50 hours more or less) and i would love to get in to builds, pvp and WvW later on, so i still have 0 idea of what's "broken" and what is "too Nerfed", each day i roam the forums just to read people opinions and give me an idea.
But, as a Game Dev in life, what i want to say is, Stop making useless comments.
Balancing a game (after a patch, a release of new content or an expansion even more) is difficult, and it is really really important (even more in a MMO) the community feedbacks.
I agree with @Morwath.9817 and @Trevor Boyer.6524, feedbacks need to be more precise, if someone can't address the problem, there is no shame working as a group to understand what the problem may (if it's not only a frustrated player impression and it is a real problem) be and then reach for the Develepores to expose your argomentation and reasoning, but still, comments like the one by @Jeyy.5028 are completely dumb and not usefull.
I've seen this kind of comments all around, and sorry if i'm not truly being usefull too, but for what i saw, it seems that the Developers are not predatory people not listening the communtiy and just wanting pure money with no content.
I've seen the comment of one guy here (maybe got deleted) that said that the game is dead ( i've played MMOs for all my life, and i can tell you, here is quite Alive, more than WoW for example, where, as now, not only Blizzard is kittening up, but the 40% of account are bots) and the thing couldn't be more far away than being true, just stop hating for no reason.
it's ok to be frustrated by bad balacing, but it's all about the community, if something is wrong, is up to us to address the problem, because, in the end, we are the ones playing, and, if something may be out of balance, we are the ones that can truly see it.


Sorry for this comment, but just like you for this thing about classes, i was getting frustrated by seeing useless and dumb comments all around, that doesn't address the problem or try to at least.

We could even argue in the end about some Design Principles (some player may be less skilled then others, so "easy" class to play are needed, so even less skilled players can actually have a chance on doing things).

But in the end, after looking a bit deep in this forums, yeah, it seems that The Elementalist may have some balancing problems.

Sorry for the "rant", i hope in the future to be able to help the community more, and WP to the ones that are really delving in to this in post trying to understand.


Edited by Reverdek Greyashe.5246
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On 7/2/2023 at 3:46 AM, rodrigo.5608 said:

when you stop playing by pressing 1, you will kill all weavers

When I stop being blinded

When I stop being CCed by unblockable kitten

When I stop seeing "invulnerable" above ele's head

After that I will definitely kill all weavers... oh wait, they are on another side of a map because of superspeed.

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