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So what other features would yall have liked, in this expansion?

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10 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Sometimes when I read posts like this, I'm asking myself what people even do ingame. 

Like, I have no idea whats even the problem. 

I do a around 4 hour long meta train each day with the main focus of talking with other players.  Add 3 to 5 strikes each day. 

With my personal main complain being Anet killing my builds every balance patch. 😡

All I want from SotO is new Meta events that I can add to my train. New strike missions that the average Joe wants to do. 

And a decent story to play once. 

If I get that, I'm happy. 

There are two things that I think GW2 did exceptionally in the past. Map exploration/metas and the profession/spec/espec system.

EoD maps were not to the same level of HoT/PoF imo. Kind of poor theming, not the same amount of crannies/JPs/achievements/flavorful niches, less interesting metas, and overall a very unidimensional incentive system. It felt palpably thinner.

And the same could be said for the EoD especs. Combine that with how this weaponsmastery is just breaking down the game's crown jewel...

I had made peace with the fact that as long as HoT/PoF, especially the combat, remained mostly preserved, I was okay with EoD being shallower, a victory lap if you will. But now SotO will be messing with my ability to enjoy the espec system and I think at that point it is reasonable to part ways.

With respect to "killing builds", I just see SotO and all this desperate patching as an attempt to normalize the EoD builds. But none of these patches have been well-considered and mostly amount to flailing around, trying to whataboutism every other espec except the EoD especs. It is aimless, it is reckless, and I don't really care to play a game that is so delusional and unsure of what to do.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

Golden era to me was heart of thorns in hindsight.

Even to they said it was the feature expansion were they built the infrastructure for further expansions.

It seems to me it had more content then either of the expansions we got after it.

And I count the living story seasons as stand alone.

I think you quote the wrong post. Anyway. 

For me it was Pre HoT. Spending countless hours in the Silverwaste with the boys and girls. Being hyped about the Expack. 

HoT Was my Wvw years. It was.... A struggle. 

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1 minute ago, Batalix.2873 said:

There are two things that I think GW2 did exceptionally in the past. Map exploration/metas and the profession/spec/espec system.

EoD maps were not to the same level of HoT/PoF imo. Kind of poor theming, not the same amount of crannies/JPs/achievements/flavorful niches, less interesting metas, and overall a very unidimensional incentive system. It felt palpably thinner.

And the same could be said for the EoD especs. Combine that with how this weaponsmastery is just breaking down the game's crown jewel...

I had made peace with the fact that as long as HoT/PoF, especially the combat, remained mostly preserved, I was okay with EoD being shallower, a victory lap if you will. But now SotO will be messing with my ability to enjoy the espec system and I think at that point it is reasonable to part ways.

The only meta in EoD I see as playable are Seitung and Dragons End. 

You won't catch me in Kaineng and Echo Wald. 

And Seitung mostly because it had a absolutely grade timeslot. 

The EoD Especs are....... Ohh boy. 

The new weapon mastery doesn't change much in my opinion but I play Warrior. We get basically nothing from it. 

Map exploration is just like the story a one and done thing. Atleast for me. Not replay value. So if it's good or not doesn't really matter to me. 

Combat and balance is only a problem for me when Anet decide to kill build again. What they loooooooooove to do. 

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Less reinventing the wheel and more using the wheels they have. Relics are a silly idea and set a precedent for making previously worked for items redundant as you work for them again. I guess skyships could have been an exciting feature

All I really wanted was less walking simulator story and more content for all - maps full of things to do and find with accessible instanced content and guild content. The best of PoF, HoT and Eye of the North.

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