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Idea of concept for rifle based Elite Spec for Ranger


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Ranger's baseline concept is that they rely on 'keen eye, steady hand, and the power of nature'. Using traps, nature spirits, and pets to adapt to any situation thrown at them. For that it's not hard to understand why they have not given rangers the specialization that can use firearms so far. Rifles and pistols are the only non-cold weapons in the game, and what's a better way to make a class more nature friendly than not using purely man-made force like gun powders?


That means an Elite Specialization that allows Ranger to use rifle or pistol would have to come up with an idea that will allow it to bypass that limitation. A justification that makes them decide that they must result to weapon they at one point shunned, and here is where my idea comes from;


I introduce you the Hunter Killer.

" The Hunter Killers are rebels of once nature-attuned Rangers. Mercy they chose at one point in their respect for life broken and trampled at the death of their companion and home. Now they pick up the very weapons that they despise. Infusing the spirit of nature into these hateful arms to deliver swift end to those who threaten the nature. The echo of gunfire their only mercy to warn the prey that they are no longer the predator. "


Having lost their companion or having watched destruction of nature to man, they turned their attention to weapons and fighting style they would have never bat an eye to before. I can see their utility skills being either Armament(Their affinity to the new combat style) or Punishment(From the vengeance in the concept). Their special mechanic, or trade off would be that their pets are no longer able to directly aid you in a combat. Instead they remain in their spirit form, applying boon effects to your kit based on their type rather than raw stat boost or active skills. For example, if you have a feline companion certain weapon skills or new utility skills will apply extra bleeding. If you have ursine pet selected you get access to protection or perhaps even aegis. Perhaps even give their specialization a trait that will alter these effect to be more offensive or defensive or make their effect boosted. Perhaps give the boons to allies as well rather than self. As for all the traits and skills that would affect the pet, make it a trade off that they either have no effect or apply to self at greatly reduced effect.


I imagine rifle will fit in better than pistol for this specialization. Unlike Deadeye they are not styled for skirmishing where they actively become invisible or travel quickly using Deception. Hunter Killers are in essence defender of nature and they will use the range and area control to deny their prey the ability to advance into their territory. Leading their prey into a position they want- teaching them what it's like to be the one hunted- before they deliver a killing blow from afar. Focusing their rifle skill kit to be around numerous ranged conditions and disables that leads into a massive single hit burst based on amount of condition inflicted or adds special effect based on what kind of condition the target is currently inflicted with.


On the topic of utility skills. I imagine, if it's an Armament utility it will be focused on placing various type of trap like disables from afar. Perhaps, to not make it overlap with Trap utility, make it more like timed explosive types of skills so timing is very important for full effect. If Punishment, I imagine it would be to deny the enemy of their ability to fight back by corrupting their boons and inflicting conditions that will hinder it further such as Blind, Cripple, or Confusion.


That is it for now from me. It's only an idea and I'm certain there have been ideas better or similiar before, but I wanted to share my own thoughts on what would be good idea to make a firearm weapons lore friendly for Rangers to use!

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I can't decide what I hate the most:
-Multiple instances of pet synergy being removed with not trade off.
-Being unsure what to do with some important parts of the espec.
-The weapon which guessing from the title, was supposed to be the selling point, is basically a ranged hammer.
-Traps 2.0
-Setting a goal for the part of the espec, but having nothing on how should it happen.
-The kitten name of the espec.

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6 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

I can't decide what I hate the most:
-Multiple instances of pet synergy being removed with not trade off.
-Being unsure what to do with some important parts of the espec.
-The weapon which guessing from the title, was supposed to be the selling point, is basically a ranged hammer.
-Traps 2.0
-Setting a goal for the part of the espec, but having nothing on how should it happen.
-The kitten name of the espec.

Well it's only an idea for concept, not a full on design. I didn't exactly mean to make a complete espec when I was just throwing out some thoughts I thought may work in place for people who wanted ranger espec with rifle. Plus, if I wanted to actually put that much extra details in I would have also gone and thought about entire trait line! It's supposed to be rough sketch, after all.

That said, to certain points you made I can try to counter argue.


- Trap 2.0

Well, aside from having two options there I did also add an idea of timed armament skills. Which can be considered similar but playstyle of it is entirely different in sense that you're not preemptively setting it up for where enemy will pass by.

Actually, on second thought it might be have more engaging play style if you had to activate it manually as well instead of how traps cannot be directly controlled. Imagine wells but takes longer for it's effect to hit, and have bigger trade off in return. Be it more damage or condi/disable duration. And additionally have arming time so you can trigger it early for weaker but quick effect instead of waiting.. say.. 5 seconds for any effect at all.

Or have the punishment which have more fluid shape but more set goal in mind of corrupting boons.


- Pet Synergy Loss.

I did feel like this is something to really think of. Beast mastery and Untamed already exists for ranger that puts extra strength to the pets. Soulbeast focuses on during merge with pet but does not make them particularly harder to access. Druid used to make pets weaker but not anymore.

On that idea I imagine an espec which is based off a rangers who lost their pet was a good middle ground between not entirely losing their connection to nature so they have reason to continue using all their other utility skills but also no longer having direct use of their pets which gave them the reason to use firearm in the first place.

Which was where I had thought of the idea of 'pet spirit' which doesn't grant F1~3 skills but instead add condi or boon to attacks based on pet spirit type determined by your currently equipped pet. I think it'd be more interesting if they added some special effects that procs on number of hits dealt or based on if they have leap finisher, blast finisher, field effects, etc so each pet spirit gives more play style and recommended weapon choices. It does still overlap a little with soulbeast on the concept, yes, but difference is you're more focused on using your base kit instead. So you get those bonus of having extra skills by using something you already have among your weapon/utility skills.


- Name for espec

What can I say? I thought of that in like 2 seconds xD If you've got better ideas feel free to share it!


- Rifle being ranged hammer?

Well, in my head I thought of it more like what if Deadeye but with more control and less damage, or condi focused? Ranger already have ranged power weapon(longbow) and condi mid ranged weapons(shortbow, axe) as well as support(staff) so my thoughts naturally went to long ranged control/condi weapon.

Think of.. shooting entangle at 1200 range or something. Against single target, of course. Or fire a seed that is like Sylvari plant turret... actually that one may be better off in utility skill.



That said.. if there's not enough description still, it's probably because it's still basically an idea. A sketch of a picture that one could spend more time to turn into an actual piece of art. That is why this is here in the forum, not on a table with actual people who determine what espec to make.

And who knows if someone in Anet does like the idea and take a thing or two off it? Not that's what I'm aiming for!

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10 hours ago, Lightsbane.9012 said:

i think if you giver ranger a rifle it should be a shotgun.  quick bursts and some mobility and gap closers.

I thought that would be more pistol position.. but on second thought there is a case like engi rifle. My only concern is it may overlap in role with shortbow... though of course shortbow is a heavily condi focused weapon and if it's a shot gun with strong short ranged shory term burst power weapon it could pair well with axe in power builds.


I do like the thought though. Mid ranged weapon that performs better at closer to the target for main dps but also have plenty of mobility and CC to control your spacing with the target.. is the first thing I get in my mind when I think of this with rifle with shotgun type of weapon skills.

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On 7/12/2023 at 1:45 AM, Yvern.7608 said:

- Name for espec

What can I say? I thought of that in like 2 seconds xD If you've got better ideas feel free to share it!

I gotta say, I'm not on team rifle, but I think there's some potential here.  As for a potential new name, maybe something that fits with the theme of loss and vengeance, like Avenger or Griever

Edited by Mediahead.3542
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On 7/12/2023 at 1:54 AM, Yvern.7608 said:

I do like the thought though. Mid ranged weapon that performs better at closer to the target for main dps but also have plenty of mobility and CC to control your spacing with the target.. is the first thing I get in my mind when I think of this with rifle with shotgun type of weapon skills.

Or they make shortbow 1200 again.  As it has everything you describe.  

Axe would be your short range at 900, Shortbow mid-range at 1200, and longbow long range at 1500--this used to be balanced perfectly but somehow has eluded the future devs for all this time.

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On 7/14/2023 at 3:06 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Or they make shortbow 1200 again.  As it has everything you describe.  

Axe would be your short range at 900, Shortbow mid-range at 1200, and longbow long range at 1500--this used to be balanced perfectly but somehow has eluded the future devs for all this time.

Well, the point is to use a firearm instead of cold arm so let's try not to make existing weapon change xD but you have a point.. including that both axe and shortbow are stronger short ranged due to their fanning projectiles skills. But on that note it maybe pointless to have their range increased?

Maybe the difference could be that it doesn't actually need to be right in the face but have fan shaped aoe on all it's attacks. Even the auto attack chain, so it's got strongest dps in enemy's face unlike shortbow/axe which have a burst.


On 7/14/2023 at 2:48 AM, Mediahead.3542 said:

I gotta say, I'm not on team rifle, but I think there's some potential here.  As for a potential new name, maybe something that fits with the theme of loss and vengeance, like Avenger or Griever

Those are fitting name. Between the suggested idea I think Griever is better as concept is less about actively trying to get vengeance but using it as a reason of their new proficiency. Definitely not because of copy right xD Anguished, Harrowing.. whatelse?

Could also make it an adjective like how they have been naming especs like Spellweaver or Soulbeast. An immeidate idea I got was with that in mind is Griefshot.

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Anet deliberately never gave ranger rifle, because it is an unfitting weapon for the fantasy they have for this class.

Ranger is the "nature class". Themes are nature, plants, animals, etc. They aim to be one with nature. And they don't want to give ranger technology themed weapons like pistol or rifle because this would contradict this idea they had.

Rifles are a symbol of technology, industrial revolution and exploitation of nature. Just watch the movie Princess Mononoke, it represents this concept perfectly.
So I think rifle will be the dead last they ever add to ranger, if ever.

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