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Guardian Hammer Follow-Up (PvP)


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Hi all!

I've always been a huge fan of the whole Hammer wombo combo from the old days of Hammer Mediguard. The most recent changes to Hammer 'improving functionality' feel kinda hit and miss.

Biggest changes we got were Hammer 1 end-chain aftercast got sped up, meaning you can meme some sorta symbol madness (not good, but funny).  Hammer 3 now gives some barrier, and scales based on the number of targets hit. Hammer 4 (the iconic Banish) now causes your next Mighty/Glacial Blow to teleport to your target.

Here are some changes I'd recommend to clean up Hammer a bit more.

Hammer 1: Remove the symbol on the end-chain, make it give Protection in radius around the Guardian. 240 radius for 2s.

  • Having a symbol on your auto attack just feels morally wrong. Still rewards landing the end-chain with Protection, probably needs a damage increase to compensate the loss of the symbol.

Hammer 2: Change the order of Glacial Blow from inflicting Chilled after to inflicting Chilled first. Consuming Banish to teleport now grants Resistance for 2 seconds.

  • Glacial Blow not benefiting from Sigil of Opportunity feels like a missed opportunity. 😉
  • Resistance to prevent being blinded last second or from Weakness ruining the fun of landing Hammer 4 into Hammer 2.

Hammer 3: Add Vulnerability to the skill and cause it to reduce the recharge of Hammer 4 if it lands in addition to its previous effects. (5 second reduction).

  • Reducing the downtime of Hammer to keep up some tempo, if you will. Vulnerability to increase the damage of follow-up skills some more.

Hammer 4: Now resets the recharge of Hammer 2 if it successfully lands in addition to its previous effects. The Banish effect also tracks in stealth now. Banish now also affects Hammer 5.

  • It's awkward landing Banish and not being able to capitalize on the opportunity due to Hammer 2 being on cool down. Resetting the cool down should help with this.
  • Banish not tracking in stealth feels like such a missed opportunity. Especially considering things like Dragon Tooth can track in stealth.

Hammer 5: Now places Symbol of Protection in the area, lasting 4 seconds. Ring is reduced to 4 seconds and now is increased by Writ of Persistence. Banish can now be consumed to teleport to your target. (800 range teleport).

  • Punishing people for being trapped inside the Ring of Warding via the Symbol and provides some defense aside from the fact you can prevent melee engagement.
  • The slight reduction to the duration is compensated by the fact it works with Writ of Persistence, plus the fact it now deals damage.


I definitely don't think these will make Hammer some META competitor but it will at least feel a lot more threatening. Hammer 5 can now set up Hammer 2 since it can consume Banish to teleport, Hammer 3 can reduce the cool down of Hammer 4, Hammer 4 can reset Hammer 2. Feels like it would increase the fluidity on paper. Giving the Banish effect options instead of just ONE choice to follow up feels like a much more fun from a game mechanic PoV. 

Basically it can open up a combo of: Judge's Intervention -> Hammer 4 -> Hammer 5 -> Hammer 2/3 -> Hammer 3/2 -> They disengage.

It also would increase the synergy with Willbender with Vanguard Tactic.

What would you all do? 😄

Edited by Vinny.7260
Oops, forgot about the distance of Banish
  • Confused 2
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Banish shouldn't have such a long cast time and could use a slight increase in range and possibly made un-blockable.  It's basically just a neutered overcharged shot.  (A an engineer weapon skill which is just better than banish in every single way.)

Edited by Sonork.2916
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On 7/11/2023 at 12:15 AM, Vinny.7260 said:

Hammer 1: Remove the symbol on the end-chain, make it give Protection in radius around the Guardian. 240 radius for 2s.

  • Having a symbol on your auto attack just feels morally wrong. Still rewards landing the end-chain with Protection, probably needs a damage increase to compensate the loss of the symbol.


No. That's going to destroy the symbolic avenger build which is a moderately strong build to enter raids/strikes blind. It's very strong even though it's not meta doing almost 30k with just 1111, 2 aoe breakstuns and stab, 25 stacks vuln and perma protection. This allows other alt healers that don't have protection to be played as well. 

  • Thanks 1
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On 7/10/2023 at 12:15 PM, Vinny.7260 said:

Hammer 1: Remove the symbol on the end-chain, make it give Protection in radius around the Guardian. 240 radius for 2s.

  • Having a symbol on your auto attack just feels morally wrong. Still rewards landing the end-chain with Protection, probably needs a damage increase to compensate the loss of the symbol.

🤣🤣🤣 Hahaha! Morally wrong? Really? Is there Satanic imagery in the symbol of something? Does it slaughter children in their sleep if they see it? 

I mean, it's fun pounding a symbol down after landing the chain, but if it's gonna tear good families apart apart or corrupt young minds, I guess I have to agree with you. Shame. It was a cool mechanic. 

  • Haha 4
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5 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

🤣🤣🤣 Hahaha! Morally wrong? Really? Is there Satanic imagery in the symbol of something? Does it slaughter children in their sleep if they see it? 

I mean, it's fun pounding a symbol down after landing the chain, but if it's gonna tear good families apart apart or corrupt young minds, I guess I have to agree with you. Shame. It was a cool mechanic. 

LOL! Idk, I wanted to add some pizzazz. And as the other person mentioned, it works great with that started build for perma prot. Mostly just PvP centric cuz I wanna get my rewards immediately and free! 😡

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4 hours ago, Vinny.7260 said:

LOL! Idk, I wanted to add some pizzazz. And as the other person mentioned, it works great with that started build for perma prot. Mostly just PvP centric cuz I wanna get my rewards immediately and free! 😡

No worries. I just had some fun with it cuz I thought it was funny. Guardians and ex-monks are pretty much the closest thing the game has to priests anyway. 😉

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