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Why Ranger and Warrior are jokes


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Guild Wars 2: Bad Design Professions for 11 Years+ immune to nerfs

1. Thief Profession- remain the most Toxic Profession since Guild Wars 2 beta testing with Anet Intentionally adding more Oppressive add-on to to keep it more Toxic to the players experiences and to the game environment

2. Mesmer Profession

3. Elementalist Profession

4. Warrior Profession


Let's begin with these Professions before talking about the other remaining Professions. 

(by the way--it is Anet, not the Professions who is at fault for turning Guild Wars 2 into a joke)

"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that is at fault" 

>>The Only One To Blame Is Anet<<


--I was always told not take the game seriously. I had to see it for myself They were right--

-It is for the reason why, the gaming industry makes fun of Guild Wars 2 because Anet treats the game like a Big Joke.

-Instant Kill-One Shot Are Defined As Game-Breaking, Exploits, Hack Tool in Healthy Competitive Fun Games-

For 11 Years, why hasn't PvP, WvW scenery and the players experiences hasn't been taken seriously? Because It Is Not!!

That Is The Joke


--This Is The Reason Why I Play Other Game Companies Games Who Treats Their Game Players Experiences Seriously Without Having Guild Wars 2 B.S Non-Sense--

Believe me, if you care about your time investment, learning experience, your appreciation of hard work and happiness without the years and years of constant B.S Lies and  Jokes....They Are Worth It

-Just give them a chance and it will be the best decisions that you ever made in a very long time-


"When People Treat You Like They Don't Care... Believe them!....They Don't!"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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@Burnfall.9573 yea no. I will stay in this Game as long as there is not a Game with the Same fight mechanic. The only game that might have this be real is ashes of creation but sadly it will take some years to get out so all in all GW2 to me is actually a better wait Simulator xd. But also my once most loved mmo. I would have rly loved If anet would have not claped Balance with e-specs into nothingness 

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16 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 I do understand that ele need a good knowledge of their skills and stuff. But as said the Moment you know what you need to do its just easy in higher tier to Play as an ele. How ever in higher tiers as for example a warr its harder..... ways harder simply cause its an easy to understand class but also its easy to evade its "need to hit" mechanics called burst skills.

So yes in low tier warr>ele 

But in high tier warr<ele

And the Moment ele is better in low tier than a warr you allready know the class is just too good. However as far as this goes. In a half decent balanced game this whole scenario would be something like this.

Low tier warr>ele

Mid tier warr<ele

high tier warr=ele 

Simply cause classes should still be able to somehow counter the other one in at least some way.

(All this is a scenario of 2 players on the same Skill lvl)

The moment you know what you are doing on ele, then it becomes ''usefull'', not ''easy''. To maintain that level of usefulness requires the continuation of utilitzing the ''knowing what you are doing''. Its again confusing effectiveness with difficulty and effort. You can have a low effort (low skill floor) spec, that is also highly effective; condi cata. You can have a spec that is low effort, and moderately effective; spellbreaker. After this, you then have the general design of specs, is it obnoxious to fight? regardless of effectiveness. In that catigory; 1: DH/ranger/thief/mesmer target drops, 2: SPB stunlocks, 3: Easy to play bunker specs that can face tank more hits than Rocky vs Appollo.


So as it stands, spellbreaker and soulbeast have a spec that are low effort, moderately effective for that low effort, and obnoxious to fight.


I would argue spellbreaker is not capped at moderately effective in this RNG matchmaking. I think 90% of spellbreakers use it in the complete wrong way, as its true strength is in peeling the enemys best player/s who jump your support/weaker sustain dps. Its only becuase of the lack of team coordination that we just don't see the true strength of SPB.. its an absolute beast of a support, if you can get out of the side node 1v1 wanne be god mentality. Healing means nothing in this game, its all about direct mitigation, like immunes, blocks and dodges. Stuns are a form of mitigation, and SPB has many.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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6 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I would argue spellbreaker is not capped at moderately effective in this RNG matchmaking. I think 90% of spellbreakers use it in the complete wrong way, as its true strength is in peeling the enemys best player/s who jump your support/weaker sustain dps. Its only becuase of the lack of team coordination that we just don't see the true strength of SPB.. 

💀 People act like a spellbreaker that is constantly putting teammate X under the hammer is immune to incoming damage or interruption.

If player X is in a midfight, player X is being constantly pinned by spellbreaker Y and nobody saves him, that isn't the shining pinnacle of gameplay of spellbreaker Y, that is player X's team actively despising him.

90% of spellbreakers understand that standing on a point they already capped and constantly making one player unable to play the game until they get helped is better than yolo'ing into mid and getting dogpiled by everyone at mid for even daring to lock down one person in the middle of a teamfight. 



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21 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 so you wana say every single player Play warr the wrong way? Lol xD

Yes. For multiple reasons.


Firstly, this playerbase is obessed with 1v1s, which I think is a product of the 3 point system in sPVP, and the fact that any given dps does so much damage.


Secondly, becuase of the above, not many people play support. Despite popular beleif, it is not possible to carry as support in this matchmaking system, as you get given newb or less skilled dps than the enemys, every other game. There are only 2 viable support, due to healing being almost redundent (rev support is massively underated but put that aside). Becuase of these issues, their is a far greater tendency for players to go onto a DPS spec in order to rise through the ranks.. or to just not sit there on support getting 3v1 killed while your team do nothing to help.


Lastly, warrior is traditionally a ''melee dps''. It seems backwards for me to suggest that SPB is actually a better support than most of the supports in this game if used right. The issue is, team communication and team composition is none existant given the non-premade que system. If ranked was pre-made, and people begane to use SPB alongside something like rev support to peel and mitigate with 3x dps, it would be very effective. Would it be the meta to end all meta, ofc not, but it would be very effective. It boggles my mind how people don't see the power of chained CC with no deminished returns. It is rediculously strong, especially in a game where the avg dps can put out 30k dps in 10 seconds. You CANNOT outheal the damage in this game, so if a person loses the attrition fight of stunbreaks/stuns, its a death sentence for most specs, unless you have some form of immunity that can be popped while stunned. The one thing SPBS keep complaining about is lack of damage, well, stun people near a friendly chrono, mark a target, and tell me all about your lack of damge?



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4 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

💀 People act like a spellbreaker that is constantly putting teammate X under the hammer is immune to incoming damage or interruption.

If player X is in a midfight, player X is being constantly pinned by spellbreaker Y and nobody saves him, that isn't the shining pinnacle of gameplay of spellbreaker Y, that is player X's team actively despising him.

90% of spellbreakers understand that standing on a point they already capped and constantly making one player unable to play the game until they get helped is better than yolo'ing into mid and getting dogpiled by everyone at mid for even daring to lock down one person in the middle of a teamfight. 



If you yolo into mid thats L2p issues. If you time your entry, say around the harbringer/power necro CC, thats another thing. From all the times I played SPB, I played it with the mentality of power ele, or even scrapper, know when you need to go in, know when you need to get out. Its obviously more helpful if your team has a support, as you can play around the support, and then mostly the enemy come right to you.. who attacks and SPB over a temepst? and even if they do attack you, thats good for the tempest, and your other dps. SPB can line of sight abuse too... its litterally a case of mentallity.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 8/4/2023 at 12:44 PM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Gold 2-3 being on the leaderboard and queue times getting longer are because:

  • people wintrade and nobody wants to deal with that
  • people that won't learn matchups successfully got the devs to suck a lot of the variety out of the game with a merry go round of nerf brigading.
  • Arenanet often adjusts specs that need assistance with a scalpel, and specs that don't with a club. 

@GeneralBM.5781 is pointing out the irony of people perpetuating the bolded without understanding that it's part of why the problem exists in the first place.

Nobody but the most spiteful of us here wants the gamemode to die, but for it to be healthy we need to be willing to learn how to fight things that have very obvious ways of dealing with them instead of trying to arbitrate how much damage they should or shouldn't do, especially if that arbitration would very easily cripple other classes (perhaps the class the person with the hangup mains) if they were applied across the board.

Because if people get their way, the nerf train doesnt stop. The people recently de-powered will put the people who cried about them on the chopping block next, until we all have sticks to hit each other with.

And nobody likes the stick game.

The megapatch was an example of that balancing philosophy people tried to laser focus onto classes they don't like being applied to their pet class as well. Nobody liked it. Nobody learned anything with the increased TTK.

Learn your lesson.

I know that reason, personally, but when it comes to the previous guy there is no point mentioning that. Dude is insulting people that probably, loved this game and tried everything in their power to make people open their eyes and then feels like he did something telling people to get out, without actually seeing that giving people that open invite that they actually did, in droves.

Amazing players walked out and haven't looked back. And given while there are a few diamonds in the rust are still here, for the most part this community is in absolute shambles due to the lack of respect, care, or downright delusional mindset that things are a-okay when we have people openly doing stuff that has made the scene so unbearable that people would rather go to WvW and deal with cele meta than ever deal with these chuckleheads. 

There's ALOT of factors here when it comes to PvP, a lot of factors. There's a lot of factors that are on Anet's part AND the player's part, but players that may have stepped in a few years ago? Two years ago? Three years ago? They are clearly horribly vindictive and do not care about the integrity and the things that you pointed out compared to people that have been here for a decade trying every which way of communication to get Anet to STOP listening to these people. 

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On 8/6/2023 at 7:12 PM, Dreams.3128 said:

I know that reason, personally, but when it comes to the previous guy there is no point mentioning that. Dude is insulting people that probably, loved this game and tried everything in their power to make people open their eyes and then feels like he did something telling people to get out, without actually seeing that giving people that open invite that they actually did, in droves.

Amazing players walked out and haven't looked back. And given while there are a few diamonds in the rust are still here, for the most part this community is in absolute shambles due to the lack of respect, care, or downright delusional mindset that things are a-okay when we have people openly doing stuff that has made the scene so unbearable that people would rather go to WvW and deal with cele meta than ever deal with these chuckleheads. 

There's ALOT of factors here when it comes to PvP, a lot of factors. There's a lot of factors that are on Anet's part AND the player's part, but players that may have stepped in a few years ago? Two years ago? Three years ago? They are clearly horribly vindictive and do not care about the integrity and the things that you pointed out compared to people that have been here for a decade trying every which way of communication to get Anet to STOP listening to these people. 

I think the problem we are looking at now is actually generational. The internet has made people far more impulsive, and the general western culture is becomeing more and more selfish ''I can do what I want, becuase its MY life" oblivious to the fact they are only here becuase of altrustic generations that came before, and are still here. Ranked is a litteral microcosm of that, 90% of players are selfish single minded DPS who do as they please, thinking the whole game is won or lost based on their awesome plays, calling anybody toxic who even suggests a tactic that may foster some actual concious team play.


I have seen this trend in all games over the past 5 year, the industry has completely changed in order to cator for casual gamers, at any cost to gameplay.. becuase they net more money from skins or w/e bs. In GW2 they do it with expantions, lure you into the game thinking its free, but you are at a serious disadvantedge unless you pay. This simply means the company has to keep dropping expantions as the carrot on a stick, which works.. but in terms of pvp game balance? horrendous.


In the short time I have played this game (comming upto a year or so) I have seen specs with such low skill floors get buffed, and I see a graveyard of more complicated specs that are simply no longer viable. I then see some horrendous concepts, like willbender tp with stability 12345 face roll damage.. like chrono, garunteed to get the jump, and garunteed to kill you if you mess up in the first 10 seconds, while you can't return that same favour on most specs thanks to chrono evades/invuln target drops, which is justified by it being ''hard to play and glass''. I can handle hard to play.. and I have no issue playing as glass (played power cata with 13k hp), but when the person I attack is dead in 10 seconds for a mistake, while I don't suffer the same fate for a mistake, thats not glass. Well, I could go on, but a well balanced spec in this game? with a high skill floor and not with obnoxious mechanics? I can't seem to see one. The game is rife with toxic mechanics and low skillfloors, the very definition of a casual mess. However, the dodge system and damage... creates a high skillceiling, so essentially this game is basically vets on high dmg specs, farming newer players. If you are somewhere in the middle, its hell.. harder to counter low skill floor specs, impossible to kill vets. I just don't understand what is in it for vets at this point? their is very little compitition here as a vet, which leads me to wonder if most of the vets that are left just simply love the powerful position they are in, to kitten all over less skilled players in the broken MMS?



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On 7/29/2023 at 6:34 PM, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Fair enough with Soulbeast, it's pretty ridiculous. But Bladesworn?

War is not that op, just hammer got too much combined with utils.

On 7/29/2023 at 10:37 PM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Nah, these builds are far less kittenous than cata was and you will find few people who disagree.

Nah, ranger is atm way more OP with all that dmg.

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On 8/11/2023 at 4:59 AM, zyra.7860 said:

War is not that op, just hammer got too much combined with utils.

We're talking about bladesworn here, which has a lot of sustain, and bladesworn doesn't even uses hammer...

Hammer isn't even op or overloaded.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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7 hours ago, Alternatex.5734 said:

this game is casual is why, and vet players will just use builds to meme because thats what game is now. if you cant beat them join them. there are lot meme builds that will help you meme back at them. (meme/meta) 

Yeah thats about it give or take. Spam 25k damage, if they don't dodge they die. If they do dodge, they then spam 25k dmg back, if you don't dodge you die. Pretty much an fps withought the actual skill of aiming. Only real difference between a vet and an avg player is dodge, which is pretty sad when you think about it.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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