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Bug, no Cooldown Reduction: Resounding Timbre → Allie's Aid (Search and Rescue) Trait-Skill


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On 8/4/2023 at 5:38 PM, Xanhawk.3806 said:

They changed the effect to not give cooldown reduction back in June, but the Wiki states that the tooltip was not updated.




Ok. So they just forgot to reduce the cd on trait-skills?

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Yes and no ,  some skills got the -20% and others not , like fb got his stab shout on 24 cd instead off 30 now , but search and rescue has not , why ? even anet cannot respond to that .

Franckly this new thing about getting rid off all -20% cd reduction on X or Y is great , but only if ALL concerned skills have this cd reduction implemented baseline .

Also need to rework those trait now , because they are ridiculously weak without the -20%.

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As far as I know, most revival skills didn't get to enjoy the baked in CD reduction (No CD reduction for: Signet of mercy, Glyph of renewal or signet of undeath). So most likely it's not that the devs "forgot" about the trait, it's that they chose to reduce the rallying power of the ranger in a soft way by not applying the baked in CD reduction to the trait. I'd say that the ranger is already lucky with "Search and rescue" getting the baked in CD reduction.

It could have been worse, the devs could have halved the rallying power of nature's renewal in order to compensate for the double slam of nature's vengeance, indirectly forcing players to get nature vengeance in order to have a proper rally on the elite spirit.

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Although it is underutilised Search and Rescue is one of the better Resurrection utilities. I mean only Necromancer shares the ability to pull the downed players to them so even if this doesn't have a reduced cooldown it is still very strong in all gamemodes. 

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12 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Although it is underutilised Search and Rescue is one of the better Resurrection utilities. I mean only Necromancer shares the ability to pull the downed players to them so even if this doesn't have a reduced cooldown it is still very strong in all gamemodes. 

He is referring to the trait "allie aid" not the actual search and rescue utility who has his cd reduced by 20% from previous 60 to 48 , anyway allie aid is still even a crappy passiv (even if the -20% was applied) it just make you rez 1 ppl faster every 60 sec.... while search and rescue can be a solid tool , but i dislike that you have to be in range to not activate the skill for nothing , should leave the choice to target and specify out of range when you are more than 600 away.

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