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Idea: Reworking Conjured Weapons


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As someone whose main character is an Engineer, and really likes Elementalist as a secondary, there's one big awkward thing both of them share: weapon kits.

Conjured Weapons have some great uses, but they become very awkward to use in more difficult content, since they can easily be placed in a bad spot and prevent easy interaction with some mechanics during tense sequences.

As such, an idea occurred to me on how to make better use of them: making them the Elementalist's version of a weapon swap, similar to how Engineering Kits are active until put away.

Since Ele can't use Weapon Swap in combat, assigning the Conjured weapons to that function would be a sleeker way to integrate it into the standard kit. Swap to "Conjured Weapon" mode, use Attunements to swap weapons, change out Fiery Greatsword for a temporary buff Elite Skill that empowers all Conjured weapons. Mechanically, it leaves them all accessible in an intuitive way that plays off of the Attunement class mechanic. It can also present interesting new mechanics for Weaver in particular (not that it needed to be any more complex but shush) and provide more reliable access to healing and defensive options regardless of primary weapon set. It would also help eliminate the awkward interaction prompt hanging around the battlefield to remove the duration and instead have it function more like an engineer kit, as something that is put on and taken off as needed, rather than having to quickly grab the second copy before the first wears off. Furthermore, it would pack a little more value into Core Ele, keeping them very versatile as the Attunement mechanic feels representative of. The existing skills could be rebranded into a new set of skills for further utility, a one-off useful ability like a projectile shield, or more boon access.

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personally i think it would be ideal to rework the conjured weapons to be like guardian spirit weapons. while it would reduce the number of skills they bring to the table, the devs can focus on making the reworked conjures have a very specific purpose. for example making earth shield provide barrier and stability to allies around it, intending it to be a supportive conjure.

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On 8/10/2023 at 9:09 PM, crosknight.3041 said:

personally i think it would be ideal to rework the conjured weapons to be like guardian spirit weapons. while it would reduce the number of skills they bring to the table, the devs can focus on making the reworked conjures have a very specific purpose. for example making earth shield provide barrier and stability to allies around it, intending it to be a supportive conjure.

I'm inclined to disagree there. Conjured weapons could be doing something very important for elementalist: providing a ranged option for an otherwise melee build and vice versa. They don't, however, partly because they've been left behind by power creep, and partly because they're just so clunky to use.

At this stage, I'd be inclined to dump the 'create a weapon for someone else to use' functionality in exchange for making them stronger for and easier to use by the elementalist. Kit flexibility is probably too much for elementalist, but I think a good spot would be to give them something like a 30s duration and recharge. This way, it would be possible to remain in the weapon indefinitely if you want to, but if you drop the conjure early there'll be up to thirty seconds where it's not available.

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I think I'd quite enjoy them if they worked like engi kits, that you just equip the weapon's skill set on utility use. So that you can just hop into the weapon, use the skills you need, and swap back out again - without the awkward extra conjure or being limited by a timer or charges. That would also allow that you can just stay on a conjured weapon if you want to, like if you need the sustained healing of frost bow for a longer time or simply wanna fool around with playing a conjured weapon constantly in open world where optimization doesn't matter much. Might need some minor balance adjustments if some weapons offer too much in terms of dps increase if they did this change, but overall I feel the flexibility would fit well with elementalist's 'jack of all trades' feel.

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I am still for just making conja weapons cast charge base so you can chose to have an support with an doable cast or have it as an selfish weapon. I would love to see something like the frost bow become more dps aimed and an healing conja skill added in to cover.

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In addition to giving them kit behavior, think giving charges to conjured weapons would be neat. Then, you can freely swap to it, but it will behave like fb pages. A healing skill conjure would really help healer consistency. The charge count could be treated like current ammo skills. 

Without charges, it may end up being too complicated, like Engineer to the extreme. It's already complicated working gs into rotations, but that may be due to picking up the 2nd gs.

If they could make it less cumbersome to pick up environmental objects, then conjures in their current form and porcine pet pickups could be more popular. I don't envy high ping players.

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This rework has been asked for years now , this one of the many reason i completely left the ele , 75% of the dps build seems to have a conjured weapon in it , requiring high checks on hidden cd from the weapon itself and also no trolls picking your dropped weapon just to weeeeeeee fiery Gs 3 , 4 trough the map (i am one of those trolls).

All ideas i see here have been mentionned somewhere , making it ammo like virtues tomes , making it like spirit weapons , like engi kits , more oriented in a specific purpose (whats the purpose of conjured axe ? being useless ?) , you all have great ideas and as you i would like those ideas to come to live , but can't help to feel like ranting about it is throwing a rock in the river.

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