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Will people with less than a week left on their monthly Chest Of Loyalty recieve it when SotO launches? [Merged]

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I don't normally do this but today I logged in before work to get my last login reward - 3 laurels.

I'm fine with that being my last one from the old system and looking forward to seeing what I can get next. This evening I'm going to see how far through the daily and weekly achievements I can get.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't normally do this but today I logged in before work to get my last login reward - 3 laurels.

I'm fine with that being my last one from the old system and looking forward to seeing what I can get next. This evening I'm going to see how far through the daily and weekly achievements I can get.

Same, and I was happy to get a Black Lion Salvage Kit out of my day 4 "Chest of Black Lion Goods".

Nice way to end, and looking forward to the new objectives!

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On 8/21/2023 at 12:16 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

That's kind of my thinking. I've never kept track of it but I know I've missed a lot of days since login rewards were first introduced, sometimes 2 weeks in a row. (I'm also going to miss at least 3 days (potentially 5 or 6) in the first week after it comes out.) If I could add it all up I suspect I've missed at least a couple of full cycles I could have gotten if I'd been able to log in every single day.

I didn't worry about it at the time and I'm not going to worry about it now. Especially because the vast majority of the time I couldn't log in because I was away from home doing something at least as interesting as playing GW2. It's not all good, there's also at least 2 occasions my computer broke down, times I was too sick to even log in, days I should have been home but my travel plans were disrupted etc. But that's life, I still wouldn't trade it for being able to collect a login reward in a game every day.

Although if I've added it up correctly login rewards will have been available for 3,171 days when SotO launches so if you had logged in every day you'd have gotten 113.25 full cycles, so you still wouldn't be at the end of one.

Maths, if anyone cares:

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The system launched on 16th December 2014 and will end on 22nd August 2023.
15 days for the remainder of December.
8 x 365 for 2015 - 2022, plus 2 days for the leap years in 2016 and 2020.
212 days for January - July 2023 and 22 days for August.

15 + (8x365) + 2 + 212 + 22 = 3,171
3,171 / 28 = 113.25

Actually based on that, and knowing the final chest always includes a 2% increase to gold find, and factoring in how much of my Gold Find is from achievement rewards I can work out that I've done 101 complete cycles, so I've only missed 12 - 336 days. (I'm not counting the .25 or how far through the current cycle I am.)

ty for the math but did you count in

the one time players got 2% goldfind buff item

from achievment chest  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blessed_Coffer_of_the_Sun

in your own math

i don t know how much i "miss" probably around at least 7 months or more 

so that whould be 14%gold find i miss

i got also my last one today completing it like Ashantara.8731

so now i have 236% gold find i not have the one once from the achievment reward but everything else is from achievment points

so how much achievment points do i have?

xd sry i couldn t ressist its not a math test and not of intrest

and you could cheat by adding me to friendlist and look it up anyway lol

i gues you goldfind is probably higher

i whould be interested if some one is inded at maximum but its no a stat on gw2 efiiciency showen as far as i know

well anyway have nice day every one and fun on the release if you bought it

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Sorry But I honestly feel like they made a mess of this...., From what it looks like... is we will be getting less materials, By by laurels looks like we can only get 10 a month now 😞 I could be misreading it though... I am finding this as a new excused by them to push players to play the game they way that that they want them to play the game.... and I agree with some of the players I would not have bought the expansion if I had knowing they were going to do this..... and a lot of these Achievements don't tell you what needs to be done to do them... I see no clues as how to do them either..... do a story chapter ugh I have ran 9 charters through story why do you want to repeat this.... I never liked the story and I thought it was bad... and I got to say I have also ran more then 9 charters through map completion I don't want to view 12 vistas ugh.... It's just sad from my point of view.... and I am disappointed in it... They could have kept both of them. I'm not excited about these new rewards either.... My guild just flipped there lid on this what happened to the PvP and WvW Potions? what of those still working on there guild hall.... 😞

Edited by Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136
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