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Noob question: is newer story content harder?


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I recently came back to Guild Wars after a five year break, and I’m having a progressively harder time doing the stories. I had finished HoT story before, but the last part was really hard for me. And the Season 4 story today was even harder for me in two of the fights. (I haven’t done much of Season 3 or PoF yet)

So, is it supposed to be getting harder?Is it something I’m doing wrong? I feel like I run out of dodges, get stunned, then stunned while stunned until I did, etc.Is the elementalist I’ve been using the exception, and I’ll find it easier on other characters?Am I supposed to do some of this with a group?

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Sadly, ANet has been progressively more and more obsessed with shoving CC spam into everything, which makes the disparity between professions with easy access to stability and those without much more striking. It's still not extremely difficult (source: if I can do it, almost anyone can), but a lot more annoying.

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Indeed, I think they are pushing things too far with difficulty now. I'm not expecting faceroll content, but those of us not skilled enough for raids or T4 fractals are meant to rely on open world and story for our content and we seem to be slowly losing that as the skill ceiling continues to be raised without thought for us.

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I personal dont have issues with the cc from the boss but why has it unlockable attacks? I mean I use block and the waves kill me anyway?And can we get rid of HP sponge bosses? In the new episodes some bosses had nice and interesting figths and other ones like the one in the first instance do nothing except taking ages to kill, but some from PoF were even bigger HP bags.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Indeed, I think they are pushing things too far with difficulty now. I'm not expecting faceroll content, but those of us not skilled enough for raids or T4 fractals are meant to rely on open world and story for our content and we seem to be slowly losing that as the skill ceiling continues to be raised without thought for us.

Not trying to say this in a sarcastic or degrading way but unless your a new player whose just come into the game shouldn't it make sense that if the difficulty is on a slow rise over long periods of time that your skill should be at least improving slowly as well? And if you are a new player i'd imagine you'd play through personal story, hit level 80, and get more familiar with your class through other things before diving straight into the new story anyways. I'm by no means a PvE hero, spending most of my time in PvP/WvW unless I need something like skins, runes, stats, etc from PvE but I've done literally 2 fractals and 1 raid boss in my time since launch in this game and I've never had any problems with beating any of the story bosses so I really don't think they're that bad but once again thats just my opinion.

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@Ariurotl.3718 said:Sadly, ANet has been progressively more and more obsessed with shoving CC spam into everything, which makes the disparity between professions with easy access to stability and those without much more striking. It's still not extremely difficult (source: if I can do it, almost anyone can), but a lot more annoying.

RIP dardevil. Am I right?

But... yeah it depends> @Richard.1079 said:

I recently came back to Guild Wars after a five year break, and I’m having a progressively harder time doing the stories. I had finished HoT story before, but the last part was really hard for me. And the Season 4 story today was even harder for me in two of the fights. (I haven’t done much of Season 3 or PoF yet)

So, is it supposed to be getting harder?Is it something I’m doing wrong? I feel like I run out of dodges, get stunned, then stunned while stunned until I did, etc.Is the elementalist I’ve been using the exception, and I’ll find it easier on other characters?Am I supposed to do some of this with a group?

It depends on what you call difficult to be honest. Some of the encounters are just god damn annoying for some professions and specs. The opening episode in particular is SUUUUUPER annoying on Deadeye and Daredevil. There's a fuck load of 5second long stuns, and sometimes you'll only get to move three steps before being stunned again. There's a crap load of mobs that will jump on your face and cripple you. And for Daredevil, this is pretty damned bad as one of the traits has been spontaneously transformed into driving thirty fucking nails through your foot and using your pure leg muscles to rip the pinned foot out of the ground - then you walk on it. That trait is responsible for Daredevil's escape by the way! So... yeah... I died a number of times in that fucking episode. Eventually I swapped to some tanky traits and just soaked up damage :/

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Thank you for the responses. It’s good to know the content is getting harder, and I’m not just developing bad habits or something. As I haven’t done dungeons or other group content yet, it’s hard to tell as I don’t know if anyone else is finding it more difficult.

And maybe I wasn’t supposed to do the new stuff yet, but it seemed exciting to do the newest thing alongside everyone else rushing to do it as well. Other than the lag, I’d even say it was fun. And that’s really my only goal, so mission accomplished.

Thanks again, everyone.

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:It depends on what you call difficult to be honest. Some of the encounters are just god kitten annoying for some professions and specs.

For the newly released story episode, I’m calling dying without knowing a way I could have prevented it difficult. I might even be tempted to say it is too difficult for me, as death wasn’t even a teachable moment any more. When I die because I mistimed a jump over a wave of stun, I get it. But multiple times in the newest mission, I died after periods where I perfectly executed my plan. I dodged X move, and Y move, and even Z move (roll backwards), but X came again before I had another dodge. That happened quite often.

For the last mission of HoT, it was difficult because it took forever, and I don’t know how I could have improved. I had to run away from a dog for quite a while, and only had major attack opportunities on my longer cooldown abilities (elemental tanking for me, storm and roll backwards to get a couple shots in as the dog turned around, etc). And one of the people fought during the last fight was similarly hard to get attack opportunities, although nowhere near as bad. I don’t think I died, but still the same concept of knowing I obviously wasn’t doing great, but had no clue how I could improve.

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