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I will not spend another cent on this game....

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1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

You made it seem like everyone hates the new expansion, but I suppose if I mention how most of the complaints are just echoing "Soto bad" such arguments mean nothing.

Argue the points, you don't so you go to an argument that it is just a few players, like the other guy argued.  You can't argue the points, so you go to an argument that doesn't have an answer yet.  But like I said, I am confident in my theory that this expansion isn't going to do well, I wonder how confident you are?

2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

The problem with your analogy with abusive relationships is that such realitionships are abusing because, as their name implies there is abuse going on, you know, one hurts the others. Anet changing how systems work is not causing you harm

Uhh yeah that is precisely what is going on, Anet is causing people harm from poor quality expansions, systems, designs, balance patches etc. etc. etc.  They are ruining my gaming experience.

3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Anet also won't have issues with you leaving, something you are free to do whenever you want without consquences.

Anet is definitely going to have issues with people leaving.  I am telling you man, as the Japanese say "read the air", the game is NOT going in a good direction and I would advise Anet to start correcting course.

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4 minutes ago, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

Argue the points, you don't so you go to an argument that it is just a few players, like the other guy argued.  You can't argue the points, so you go to an argument that doesn't have an answer yet.  But like I said, I am confident in my theory that this expansion isn't going to do well, I wonder how confident you are?

I'm still 100% confident that the state of Soto's release will mean nothing for their next expansion. I'm not downplaying the issues, I'm pointing out that your way of making it seem like that everybody hates it is wrong.

4 minutes ago, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

Uhh yeah that is precisely what is going on, Anet is causing people harm from poor quality expansions, systems, designs, balance patches etc. etc. etc.  They are ruining my gaming experience.

Poor expansions are not like being in an abusive relationship. You'd tell someone that their relationship is exactly like the devs of a game you play releasing awful expansions you'd be happy to walk away with only a spit to the face.

6 minutes ago, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

Anet is definitely going to have issues with people leaving.  I am telling you man, as the Japanese say "read the air", the game is NOT going in a good direction and I would advise Anet to start correcting course.

Champions caused them no issues with sales, neither did them throwing EoD's line away abruptly. I don't care about what the Japanese say. The Hungarian says that the community will largely forget the state SoTO released in because by the time the next preorder comes the issues will be solved, trash system fixed and the players will be fine with it, just like with EoD, just like with Champions. 
You are way too optimistic that an expansion being in this state will be bad for them or make them rethink how they work... if Champions wasn't a hit they won't even feel what SoTO causes.

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Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Champions caused them no issues with sales, neither did them throwing EoD's line away abruptly. I don't care about what the Japanese say. The Hungarian says that the community will largely forget the state SoTO released in because by the time the next preorder comes the issues will be solved, trash system fixed and the players will be fine with it, just like with EoD, just like with Champions. 

Oh yeah definitely just keep releasing worse expansions with poorer quality etc.  Definitely will have no problem with income or sales or word of mouth etc.   Keep burning through people's goodwill.  Great idea!

1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Poor expansions are not like being in an abusive relationship. You'd tell someone that their relationship is exactly like the devs of a game you play releasing awful expansions you'd be happy to walk away with only a spit to the face.

It is exactly the same as being in a bad relationship.  Eventually you walk away.  And usually it ends very abruptly as well.  Everyone has their limits, even gamers.

2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I'm still 100% confident that the state of Soto's release will mean nothing for their next expansion

We will put your theory to the test!  Looking forward to it!

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18 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

You are way too optimistic that an expansion being in this state will be bad for them or make them rethink how they work... if Champions wasn't a hit they won't even feel what SoTO causes.

I agree that many people are too quick to assume that [current bad thing] is going to negatively impact sales on the next xpac, but at the same time that doesn't mean you can assume it won't happen this time, either.

After Champions, we were promised an end to the "expansion-like" shenanigans and a return to the more familiar Big Ol 'Expansion format - in addition to returning to Cantha. There were a lot of reasons for people who didn't like Champions to look forward to EoD being different.

SotO, on the other hand, is supposedly the first in Anet's new "we're going to do mini-expansions like this from now on" model. Chances are, if you don't like the way SotO does things, you're probably not going to like what you hear about the next mini-xpac either.

So while

Champions     >>>       EoD                         =       [bad thing]       >>>     [hopefully better thing],

SotO                 >>>      next mini xpac      =       [same thing]    >>>     [same thing]


Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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